I hate too but….

I didn’t realize it was getting this late or that there was so many pages to Crick’s lessons. At least, I have two up and there are just 54 more to go. The two that are up contains some information that will keep you busy for a while. I had forgotten I had to run to town today or I would have waited and posted these lessons tomorrow. When I get home tonight I will finish up the lessons then. I just want the people who asked for information about faeries to know I do keep my word. The lessons to come do continue names of the fae and information on each of them. I think you will find it interested. If you read through these two lessons and want more, I have posted a link to the lessons and will do so again here.

I am sorry. I do have to run but I will put up the rest of the lessons tonight. Till then, my sweets….

Love ya,

Lady A


Whispering Woods Faery Lore course