WOTC Extra – Clearing Unwanted Energy


Clearing Unwanted Energy

Sage is the herb most people think of when it comes to smudging, but adding thyme to the mix really boosts the power to clear away even the most stubborn negativity from a space. This is a good ritual to use after a long winter, or to dispel a feeling of being in a “slump.” Be sure to give the space you’re smudging a good dusting and sweeping first— dust and dirt can interfere with the sage’s ability to completely clear away unwanted energy.

You will need:
1 sprig of dried sage
1 sprig of dried thyme


As you light the herbs, say the following (or similar) words:

“Spirit of sage, spirit of thyme,
thank you for your cleansing,
healing powers. With your
energies I transform this space
into a place of only love and
light. Blessed Be.”

Stand facing north, and move the smoldering herbs throughout the space, walking in a clockwise direction. Be sure to smudge the corners of the room as well as the more central area.

Visualize the space being saturated with white light.

When you’re finished, leave the room for a few moments and then return. Notice how much lighter and easier you feel in the space now that the energy has been cleared!

Lisa Chamberlain, Wicca Herbal Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to Practicing Wiccan Herbal Magic, with Simple Herb Spells