Get A Jump on Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Tuesday, January 5th






Get A Jump on Tomorrow…

Your Horoscopes for Tuesday, January 5th



Aries Horoscope

Mercury turns retrograde today, dear Aries, and will be retrograde until the 25th. Now and until the 8th, some review of old friendships or connections may be in order. From the 8-25 is good for editing or reworking business plans and projects. This morning has the potential of being both tense and confusing. Try not to act or overreact to what you hear or perceive now. Chances run high that you’re not seeing things especially clearly, and neither are other people you’re dealing with. Later today, an annual Sun-Pluto alignment suggests rather serious focus on your achievements and ambitions. There can be frustration about the image you are currently projecting, which prompts you to want to take more control of your reputation or professional image. This is a time for making important resolutions regarding changes that help you to feel you’re acknowledging your deepest ambitions and goals.



Mercury turns retrograde this morning, dear Taurus, just when it’s being challenged by Mars. This morning can be hectic and possibly confusing as well, particularly regarding money and love matters. Mercury’s retrograde affects you mostly in terms of career and responsibilities until the 8th, and then from the 8-25, in terms of general outlook, travel, publishing, and education. This can be a time for looking back, fixing errors, editing, and possible slowdowns or delays. This morning, watch for lending out money or for confusing intimate situations. Know your boundaries and enforce them. Later today, a Sun-Pluto alignment occurs, and this annual event reminds you of your deeper ambitions, and possibly shines some light on your fears as well, largely regarding the road ahead, long-term plans, skills, knowledge, and faith in your future. Your stronger need to reinvent yourself through new ideas, knowledge, and life experience comes to the fore. There can be tension and fear experienced in this respect, but also a growing determination to live a more powerful, engaging life and to honor your commitments and beliefs.



Mercury is challenged by Mars this morning, dear Gemini, increasing the possibility of errors due to impatience. Compounding this is Mercury’s station at about the same time, as Mercury turns retrograde. Try to avoid speaking and acting hastily now, as there is a real chance that what we’re seeing now is incomplete or misleading. Mercury’s retrograde itself will last until 25th, and influences your general outlook, belief system, faith and optimism, travel, publishing, and education until the 8th, after which it’s affecting your sector of shared finances and intimate relationships. There could be some delays or slowdowns with any of these things, but this can also be a good time for reviewing, reworking, and renewing old projects that are still viable. This morning, watch for self-deceptions in relationships, and avoid banking on iffy situations. Later today, the Sun’s annual conjunction to Pluto occurs, illuminating some of your deeper desires and fears. Questions of trust may be brought to the surface. Self-honesty is especially important now.



Mercury turns retrograde this morning, dear Cancer, and will remain retrograde until January 25th. Until the 8th, this retrograde affects you largely in the areas of intimate relationships and shared finances or debts; then, from the 8-25, your close partnerships and negotiations are strongly influenced. With retrograde Mercury, attention can be turned to the past, old problems and projects that were left unfinished, and there can be a new look at old issues. There can also be some delays, distancing, and timeouts experienced in a relationship for some of you. While the cycle itself is helpful, the shift itself can be disorienting even on regular days. The morning’s Mercury-Mars and Venus-Neptune challenges can lead to cloudy thinking, but can also aggravate ego issues – many of us will really feel we are right, and perhaps communicate too quickly. Aim to observe rather than act impulsively now. Later today, the Sun aligns with Pluto in your partnership sector. Through someone else, you may be seeing sides of your own nature that may not be especially flattering, but if you are brave and honest with yourself, you’re likely to learn a lot about yourself, your ambitions, your fears, and your desires now. Make a plan to be more self-aware and to iron out complicated problems in your closest relationships.



Mercury turns retrograde this morning, dear Leo, and will continue to move in retrograde motion until the 25th. This will especially affect your partnerships and negotiations until the 8th, and then your work, health, and self-care efforts from the 8-25. There can be the need for review, going over recent work and decisions, editing, redoing, recycling, and revisiting in these areas of life. As the shift occurs today, other influences add to its disorienting energy. Avoid, as much as possible, hasty communications and actions, as they may be premature, based on information that is incomplete, or on wishful or fearful thinking. This is not an objective time. Later today, the Sun aligns with Pluto as it does once a year, and a light is shone on your deeper ambitions and fears, particularly regarding your work and health. You might solve a complex problem or reorganize something from top to bottom – perhaps even find a new way to approach an old health problem. Even so, some of you could become quite riled up and tense over problem areas in your life. Aim for self-honesty.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

Mercury turns retrograde this morning, dear Virgo, and will be retrograde until the 25th. This affects your own personal outlook, as well as specific areas: until the 8th, your work, health, and habits; from the 8-25, your romantic relationships, children, recreational pursuits, hobbies, and creative projects. This is a good time for taking a second look at any of these things, doing editing work, research, and review. You may be renewing old projects or putting the finishing touches on a project. An old date or friend may resurface for some of you. This morning, as the shift occurs, it can be quite challenging to see things clearly, yet you could feel provoked or up in arms about a situation. Watch for hasty actions and reactions, particularly verbal ones, but also quick moves and decisions. Later today, there can be a heightened awareness of your deeper fears and desires, particularly regarding a love relationship or a creative project. Whether it’s about recognition for your uniqueness or attention from a love interest, the desire can be hard to deny, as much as you’d like to believe otherwise. Face your feelings, embrace them, and then decide how you can better manage them going forward.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

Mercury begins its retrograde today, dear Libra, lasting until the 25th. Until the 8th, areas most affected can be romance, children, creative projects, and the pursuit of pleasure. From the 8-25, your home and family life are under retrograde Mercury’s influence. There can be the need to review and edit plans already in place, or you could be going over the past in order to better understand the present. Delays and slowdowns are possible now, and these can be blessings in disguise, as they afford you the opportunity to improve and edit things before moving forward. There can be a second chance available now. This morning, however, it can be very easy to get completely worked up over something that may not truly matter in the long run. Try not to rush into making a statement or taking action. Some insecurities can be brought to the surface today. Chances are in fact high that the information circulating around you is false or incomplete, and it’s important that you don’t feed into others’ misconceptions of you. Later today, a Sun-Pluto alignment brings you into new awareness of deeply buried desires and resentments, and possibly fears, regarding family and home matters. The goal should be: don’t fixate, fix.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

Mercury turns retrograde this morning, dear Scorpio, and will continue to move in retrograde until the 25th. Until the 8th, this retrograde largely affects your home and family life, and there may be the need to go over recent home-related projects or to put something on hold. Focus can be on past problems that now return for a second look. From the 8-25, Mercury retrograde backs up into your communications sector, and you could be dealing with editing work on old projects, delays or transportation and communication equipment improvements/breakdowns, and so forth. Take this chance to look at old problems in new ways and to improve plans, studies, and projects. This morning’s energies are chaotic and confusing. Watch for impatience, which can lead to frustrating situations. Others may seem to be withholding information or can be hard to pin down. Later today, the Sun aligns with Pluto, and while you should certainly watch that you don’t become too fixated on a particular line of thought, or too pushy with others for answers, it’s a good time to tap into your ambitions and desires. Come up with a plan to improve your studies and communications.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

Mercury is retrograde from today until the 25th, dear Sagittarius. The shift itself occurs this morning, when other problematic astro events occur as well. As a result, the chances of tripping up run high now. It’s better to keep an open mind and avoid anger triggers. Speaking too soon about a matter is not advised now. Until the 8th, retrograde Mercury affects your communications systems. While you may not be able to rely on your usual ways of connecting and getting around, you can find new ways to improve your mobility. From the 8-25, retrograde Mercury affects your income and valuables, and a review of your financial situation is in order. You may find a lost item or discover a new resource altogether – on that you previously overlooked. Avoid pushing conversations in close relationships now. Venus in your sign is challenged by Neptune to top things off, and this can point to up and down feelings based on an inability to see things clearly, particularly relationships. Later today, a Sun-Pluto alignment can heighten your awareness of your deeper ambitions and fears regarding your earning power, money matters, and security. This is a good time to think up strategies to spend and save more effectively.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

Mercury is retrograde from today until the 25th, dear Capricorn. This is a period of review and renewal on a mental level. While it occurs in your sector of finances and resources until January 8th, retrograde Mercury will back up into your sign and spend the rest of its retrograde cycle in Capricorn. This is a time for looking back and considering what you want to bring forward with you, and what should be left behind. Some delays and slowdowns are possible now, but they are likely to be blessings in disguise. This morning can be temperamental. It’s especially important to avoid impulsive purchases, decisions, and communications. What we’re perceiving now may not be accurate, or rather, it may be based on incomplete information. We may not be seeing relationships and the value of items clearly. Later today, the Sun aligns with Pluto in your sign. This shines a light on personal ambitions and fears, which can be slightly uncomfortable if you haven’t been in touch with them, but also wonderfully revealing. Acknowledge your deeper needs, wants, and desires, but then come up with a plan to achieve those that are healthy and empowering.



Mercury has just recently entered your sign, dear Aquarius, and today, it turns retrograde. By the 8th, it will back up into the sign just behind yours (Capricorn) and will spend the rest of its retrograde period, until the 25th, in Capricorn. This is a period for looking to past decisions and projects, especially those in your recent past, in a new way, perhaps reconsidering, giving something a second chance, or renewing and editing something important to you. The shift occurring this morning, however, can be a little problematic, as it occurs when Mercury is challenged and a Venus-Neptune square casts a veil over our perceptions as well. While you could feel pressured to make a decision or a statement, try to hold off doing so until you are in a more objective frame of mind. The Sun passes over Pluto in your privacy sector today, as it does once a year, reminding you of your more deeply buried feelings, fears, and ambitions. Those things that leave you feeling insecure or guilt-ridden need to go, but first, their source needs to be uncovered. You have a good chance today for learning about the attitudes that have been driving self-destructive behavior.



Mercury turns retrograde today, dear Pisces, and will continue in its retrograde motion until the 25th. The shift this morning comes at a difficult time, astrologically, and there can be quite a bit of confusion. Avoid quick decisions and drawing hasty conclusions now. You may not be seeing the value of things clearly at this time. Objectivity can be difficult to achieve today. The retrograde period itself, however, presents you with the chance to go over old projects and ideas, seeing them in a new light. There may be some delays or slowdowns, and possibly some lack of clear communication with a friend during this cycle, but generally a chance to better understand your life, connections, and goals. Later today, the Sun aligns with Pluto in your friendships and ideals sector, shining a light on ambitions as well as fears in these areas. This can motivate you to make amends, make connections, or start anew. You are given a very honest glimpse into problem areas, and it’s up to you whether you use this energy to fixate or to fix.