A Very Beautiful & Blessed Monday to all our Precious Brothers & Sisters of The Craft!

witch in practace


As the sun sets

The moon rises.

We are called.

Gathering deep in the forest

Our capes flap in the wind.

Hoods covering our head

As we form our circle

Hand in hand we take our places.

The elements are called forth:

Wind, rain, earth and fire.

We are filled with their energy.

In a low chant

We call for our Mother.

The Goddess answers our call,

She stands before us,

Center in our circle.

We lower our heads to her grace.

Our circle is filled with her love.

Energy flows from her to us.

Slowly we rise;

Our feet no longer touch the ground.

Wind rips through the trees.

Flames raise high from the fire.

Rain beats on the earth below

Yet, we remain dry.

Power transfers from Sister to Sister.

The Goddess’s influence is felt.

Sounds from the forest fill the air.

All is alive.

Energy fills all there,

We know who we are,

The Witches of the present.

Those long past have joined us.

We know our beginning.

We know our past.

We know our future,

Witches now and forever.


—A Witch’s Prayerbook

JoAnne Spiese