Until tomorrow….



We are off to get a gallon of “Tami-flu!”

Astronomy Picture of the Day – In the Center of Spiral Galaxy

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 November 30

In the Center of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3521
Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA and S. Smartt (Queen’s University Belfast); Acknowledgement: Robert Gendler

Explanation: This huge swirling mass of stars, gas, and dust occurs near the center of a nearby spiral galaxy. Gorgeous spiral NGC 3521 is a mere 35 million light-years distant, toward the constellation Leo. Spanning some 50,000 light-years, its central region is shown in this dramatic image, constructed from data from the Hubble Space Telescope. The close-up view highlights this galaxy’s characteristic multiple, patchy, irregular spiral arms laced with dust and clusters of young, blue stars. In contrast, many other spirals exhibit grand, sweeping arms. A relatively bright galaxy in planet Earth’s sky, NGC 3521 is easily visible in small telescopes, but often overlooked by amateur imagers in favor of other Leo spiral galaxies, like M65 and M66.


Earth Sky News for November 30: Try for Comet Catalina this Week

Try for Comet Catalina this week

It’s up before dawn, a small fuzzy patch of light in binoculars. It’s still just below the limit for viewing with the unaided eye, but may improve.

UPDATE NOVEMBER 30, 2015: Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina) will gradually become easier to spot this week, but still requires optical aid. Some observers are reporting that the comet is becoming visible in binoculars. If you have not seen Comet Catalina, the mornings ahead should provide a good opportunity to have a first glimpse at this celestial visitor. Current magnitude ranges between 6.5 and 6.1 (very close to the limit of viewing with the unaided eye), and may improve. Using binoculars, the comet will appear as a small fuzzy patch of light.

A small telescope may even show a hint of its tails. Yes, it’s showing two tails! Some recent pictures even show a faint third tail between the main two tails. Using a telescope, the tails may be seen very faint, and are a lot easier to see using a camera, as it captures more light and details than the human eye. During the next days Comet Catalina will ascend in the predawn sky and should become brighter and easier to see.

Most comets do show two tails, by the way: a dust tail and a plasma tail of ionized gas. These tails point away from the sun and are usually not related to the direction of travel. Instead, the tails are related to how the gases and dust react to solar heat.

Comet Catalina was closest to the sun on November 15, so it has been difficult to observe because of its nearness to the horizon just before sunrise. The hope is that the comet will brighten enough to become visible from the eye from a dark site, during the first days of December, as it moves higher in the eastern, predawn sky. Observations made recently show the comet’s brightness has remain steady, but a higher position in the sky will provide a better contrast. If it improves, Comet Catalina might be visible to the eye at a visual magnitude of 5 or 6, which means it would be within the limit for viewing with the unaided eye from dark sky sites. It’ll be in the predawn sky, near the planets and moon in early December. Comets have been shown to be unpredictable, so it may become brighter or fainter. Sometimes comets even disintegrate. But this comet is well worth following! Follow the links below to learn more – and check back to this post periodically. We’ll provide updates.

To read more on dates and times to see the comet, please visit EarthSkyNews.

Your Daily Influences for November 30th

Your Daily Influences
November 30, 2015


The Seven of Wands Reversed
Employ caution and courage in your ventures. Knowledge is your ally, arrogance your enemy.










There may be delays in reaching your goals. You may become disassociated from those around you. Try to keep your lines of communication open.





The Food Charm
Your health vibration is very high! You are energetic and feel you can accomplish anything. This aspect reflects positive vibrations due to diet. This will continue for a few weeks.




Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for November 30th is The Ancestors

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


Ancestors represents the ongoing influence and remarkable contributions those who came before us have made to our state of being. Ancestors also reminds us that sometimes old wisdom is the best wisdom–especially when events are moving in ways we do not understand. Ancestors can bring comfort to a shaken spirit. It is a card of warmth in the sense that it reminds us that the spirit of past generations remains with us and can be called upon for guidance at any time.

As a daily card, Ancestors suggests that you may be well served to by exploring your family tree to find solutions to current dilemmas. When searching for solutions to conflicts in your life, you might do well by asking yourself what a grandparent or great grandparent would do in your current situation.

Your Daily Witches Rune for November 30th is The Star


f5680-starToday’s Witches Rune

The Star

Meaning: In many cultures, the Star is a symbol of hope, dreams and destiny, and in the Witches Runes this symbol has a similar connotation. When the Star rune appears, it’s green light for you to go after what you want.

Note that the Star does not say you’ll get everything you want without any work. No. This symbol is a not about easy success, but about having faith in what you are doing – and doing it. In fact, the goals suggested by the Star are usually the highest and most significant ones – the ones that are hardest to get. It does not matter what the dream is, but its significance in your life. This symbol also represents ideals, and they can be both individual and collective ones.

In a more down-to-earth way, the Star is related to revolutions, changes, risks, speculation and all things motivated by faith and ideals. It can represent a sudden spark on inspiration, a windfall, a sudden rise to fame or a promotion. Though the sudden changes brought by the Star are usually positive, they are also fast: you can get back to point zero as quickly as you rose. So don’t be afraid to jump forward when the opportunity arises.

The Star urges you to take the risk, to have hope and to trust. After the staleness of Crossroads, the Universe finally begins to move again. If you believe in Higher Powers, this symbol shows that They are guiding you in this moment. The Star is a very positive rune, but in a more negative context it can represent revolution for revolution’s sake and the constant idealization of people and situations. It can also stand for excessive individualism when going after a dream.

In relationship readings, this rune represents hope and an idealistic kind of love. Usually the people involved in the relationship have high expectations about the other. They easily put their partner on a pedestal, only to feel frustrated when reality strikes. The Star can also represent unrequited love, or the love for someone who is unattainable. On the other hand, this rune tells you to not give up love entirely – keep looking, because someone is coming.


Additional Information About Today’s Witches Rune courtesy of Your Spiritual Journey Australia


Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for November 30 is Fortune

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today


Fortune represents that aspect of life that is directed by forces and events we may not understand or even be aware of. In short, Fortune deals with chance—those occurrences that manage to alter even the most structured of lives, usurp man’s “best laid plans.” While the effects of Fortune are unpredictable, the outcome is always change; sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Our path through life is never a ride down a perfectly straight highway. Sometimes we may even experience hairpin turns or complete reversals of direction. Fortune is strong reminder that despite our plans, the Universe has its own agenda from which we cannot escape participation.

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for November 30

Casting the Stones, Your Past, Present & Future Reading for Today


bw-wunjoThe Past

Wunjo denotes joy and shared bliss. It may also represent a job well done and the satisfaction one feels from completing such a task. Wunjo brings good fortune and harmony.


bw-mannazThe Present

Now is the time for you to explore your inner self and those of others. Your intelligence and creativity are very well honed at the moment. Cooperation from and with others should be very easy to attain.


The Future

Fehu reversed represents material stagnation, possibly poverty as well as infertility.


Your Daily Rune for November 30th is Raidho

Your Rune For Today

Raidho may mark the coming of a physical or spiritual journey. Whichever the case, changes in your life are soon to come. Spiritual or material goals may be attained.


Additional information about Today’s Rune, Raidho


raiðo : journey

Phonetic equivalent: r

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: journey, pilgrimage, change, destiny, quest, progress, life lessons

MAGICAL USES: protection for travellers, to ease or bring about change, to reconnect

ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES: the Norns, Sigurd’s journey

ANALYSIS: Raiðo represents the path of a person’s life and how it intersects and interacts with other paths. In Norse mythology, these paths are seen as threads of fate, and are regulated by the Norns. The Norns are three sisters who live near the first root of Yggdrasil, which they tend with the water from the well of Wyrd. They also spin the fates of Gods and men, which is important when understanding the mechanism of runic divination and magic.

The complex network of relationships formed by these threads of fate can be thought of as a web. Every chance encounter forms another connection in the web, and by tugging on one thread you affect everything else in the system. Most people do this completely unconsciously, but by becoming aware of the pattern of the threads surrounding you, it becomes possible to recognize and follow up on the kind of catalytic events that seemed to happen to us randomly back at fehu. In this way, we can find our way more easily along the path of our own journey, thus deriving the greatest benefit from its lessons. Otherwise we tend to get distracted and end up on detours and dead ends.

Raiðo reminds us that, although it may seem that we have accomplished our goals at ansuz, life and change continue and we must always go on. We will eventually end up where we began, but on a higher level and with a better perspective. The journey never really ends.


The Runic Journey
By Jennifer Smith

Your Lucky Tarot Cards for November 30th

Your Lucky Tarot Cards

This reading represent elements that favor you.

The Emperor

The Emperor is gifted with the skills to successfully lead others. He can turn chaos into order, provide structure to that which is unbound. He is quick of mind and confident in his power and right to rule, and does so in a just manner. Although stern by nature, he truly is the ultimate father figure. He will provide as needed, teach those with unanswered questions, protect the vulnerable, set and maintain boundaries. His perfect world runs on schedule and is free of any disturbances. What the Emperor must be wary of is setting boundaries and rules where none are needed. If he isn’t he may well become a tyrant.

When The Hierophant or Justice are among your personal cards, the influence of The Emperor may be increased. Having The Empress in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Emperor.

The Fool

This card represents the dreamer in you, the idealist, the mystic. The Fool desires to do great things, but is often unaware of just how difficult great things are to do. He must always be very careful of the choices he makes, and remember knowledge is his ally. The Fool often symbolizes a new beginning, unrestrained optimism, and curiosity that hasn’t been dulled by time. While The Fool may well indicate a lack of experience or grasp of the pitfalls along the path he is taking, it is equally true that his lack of experience leads him to believe all things are possible, which brings even impossible goals within his grasp.

When The Hanged Man or The Star are among your personal cards, the influence of The Fool may be increased. Having The Devil in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Fool.

Your Daily Tarot Card for November 30th is The Towers

Your Personal Daily Tarot Card

The Tower

The Tower is perfect card for the revolutionary or iconoclast or anyone who flourishes in rapidly changing environments. What The Tower brings to the mix is sudden, usually unexpected change. With that change there will be a period of disorder, and there may be loss. However, the loss is probably not yours, since you may well be the agent that created the change to begin with. Many positive things can occur from the change The Tower indicates: Truths will be laid bare, revelations and breakthroughs are not just possible but likely, and nothing spurs creativity like a good dose of chaos and confusion. In the end it is likely that what replaces what was lost in the fall of The Tower will be worth the loss.

Get A Jump On Tomorrow…Your Horoscopes for Tuesday, December 1





Get A Jump On Tomorrow…

Your Horoscopes for Tuesday, December 1



Aries Horoscope

Your vision is much broader than usual these days with Mercury in your sector of higher thinking, dear Aries. This can certainly bring a sense of more joy in your life. With Mercury in supportive aspect to Uranus in your sign, you’re in a great position to come up with exciting ideas and to communicate with extra panache. Today is strong for thinking outside the box, education, communications, travel, projects revolving around technology and new-thought topics, and for work and health matters. Surprise news can come and it’s likely to be pleasant or something that nudges you in a positive new direction. While you can have some great ideas today, you may need more time to finish a task, or you might need to draw upon more resources than you had first realized. Let your emotions and your need for action connect now, and feel the power.



Something that is communicated or news coming in today can help you let go of a past matter or move forward in a positive direction, dear Taurus. You are forward looking and can be inclined to want to share your feelings with someone you trust. It’s easier to see tricky or emotional topics a little more objectively today. Your intuition serves you quite well about financial matters, and to some degree about intimate relationships, but insecurities can be in the mix for the latter, so don’t form final conclusions about relationships for now. You could be feeling a little concerned about past actions and how they may be affecting your present, but aim to go forward with the faith that you can handle anything, and you’ll convince yourself and others that you’re moving forward.



You’re likely to see quite clearly what may have been tripping you up recently, dear Gemini, particularly in close relationships, and there can be real sense that you can move forward with an open conversation or with better communication. If you’re struggling with guilt and don’t quite know it, you may not be making the right the best decisions now. As such, listen to your ideas and intuition, but wait to act on it. Ideas that come to you now probably have quite a bit of merit. You may be sending out mixed signals now, however. Think about ways to unburden yourself in some significant way, as the freer you are, the more likely you’ll welcome positive new energy into your life.



You are bringing fresh ideas to your work and to your daily life today, dear Cancer. Decisions about work or health may not exactly be clear-cut now, but you’re seeing a way forward and have your eye on making improvements. You are especially interested in making progress now, and if you can find ways to keep things fresh and non-routine, you’ll enjoy a stronger feeling of freedom and optimism. You also have good intuition for money matters today, especially as you’re seeing finances as a means to feel freer. Open your mind to new ideas and methods for best results today.



This can be a strong day for advancing a project or coming up with progressive new ideas about your next step, dear Leo. You are anxious to move something forward, and you’re entertaining ideas or new methods to do so. To have fun or to take care of business – that is the question today, dear Leo! The Moon is in your sign all day, and it also harmonizes with Mercury, Uranus, and Venus, and this combination endears you to others and keeps you looking ahead. You have a stronger need to feel connected with others and for your emotions to be validated, and nice channels are available for you to express them again today.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

You can swing between feeling utterly indecisive to acting upon impulse today, dear Virgo, but the best route now is to aim for moderation. Avoid taking on too many new projects, especially around the home, as you’re likely to feel their weight later. It’s a fine day for letting go of petty matters and for focusing instead on more spiritual or emotional issues. Allow yourself extra time for rest and don’t fret too much over deadlines or schedules. You are feeling just enough emotional detachment to enjoy yourself without too much self-consciousness. There can be inventive solutions to home-related matters.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

This is a good day for finding inventive ways to advance your personal interests and projects, dear Libra, and you’re open to ideas from others. In fact, you can benefit from brainstorming. It’s easier than usual to breeze through topics and to socialize. You are in the mood for something different or unusual, finding it challenging doing the same old routine, and you may be pushing boundaries a little in your conversations as a result, perhaps in an effort to stir the pot in a small way and to keep things exciting. This can have interesting results if not taken to a point of discomfort.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

You can be motivated to learn more in order to earn more, dear Scorpio, and you’re open to new ideas and methods. Information you uncover today can be helpful or a pleasant surprise. You could find that finances or work matters move forward, or you feel more optimistic about the direction in which they’re heading. Unexpected developments at or with work can figure strongly now, but are likely to be of the pleasant variety. Your intuition about health matters can also be strong now. While you may want to watch what’s communicated today as it may be taken the wrong way, resolve not to personally worry about what others are saying, as the tendency is similar – to misinterpret things. Follow your inner guide now.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

You are likely to feel quite free and courageous about expressing yourself in unique and spirited ways today, dear Sagittarius, with Mercury in your sign in harmonious aspect to exciting Uranus in your creative sector. Your more unique qualities, particularly related to the mind, are emphasized and appreciated. Relations with a partner may be up and down today – you could feel you’re making progress and then there can be something that’s communicated that is taken the wrong way. Aim to face it rather than avoid sensitive issues.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

There is a lot going on under the hood in your life these days, dear Capricorn, with the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in your privacy sector. Today, Mercury harmonizes with Uranus, opening you up just a little and encouraging you to reach out, particularly to family or those you hold dear. It’s a generally good time to address problems or simply to work with people you love to make progress on a practical or psychological problem. Inner restlessness can sometimes lead us down the wrong path, but today, it may motivate you to make a positive change or to improve your life somehow. By the time the Sun connects in the same harmonious way with Uranus in one week’s time, the ideas you come up with now may be ready to put into motion.



You are magnetic today, particularly in your communications, dear Aquarius. Good ideas are flowing freely around you, and especially as you relate to and interact with friends and associates. There can be a wonderful feeling of being in sync with friends and/or a love interest. Even so, there can be part of you that’s holding back, perhaps having to do with trust, and this can stimulate some self-protectiveness even as you are friendly and reaching out. Give tricky issues time before taking anything to heart. Look for ways to move forward, open up the lines of communication, and to put dysfunctional elements behind you. Tune in to ideas or information that seems to embrace change and the future with optimism.



When it comes to business and money, dear Pisces, you’re finding it easier to identify the things that are working for you and the things that need to go or improve. Today, you’re in a good frame of mind to see where you can excel by taking a small risk or by entertaining the need to improve in order to progress. Information that comes in or ideas you generate pull you out of any thinking rut you may have been in. You are approaching money-making and general life path issues with a renewed spirit. One-on-one relations can be up and down today, as just when you feel forward movement, an insecurity or fear seems to set you back. Overall, however, you’re taking bigger steps forward than backwards, so you’re in a better position by the end of the day.

If You Were Born Today, November 30


If You Were Born Today, November 30

You have the ability to light up a room when you enter it. Others gravitate to you naturally because you are very easy to like. Your charm is multi-layered. One of its main ingredients is your versatility. You love people and can easily imitate others, and your many faces appeal to many! As multi-talented and multi-faceted as you are, you are also very shrewd and determined. While you may seem to have a finger in many pies, you are not scattered in focus. Bored easily, you need movement and activity in your life in order to keep stimulated. The good news is you are capable of creating it, and don’t rely on others to entertain you.

Famous people born today: Ben Stiller, Clay Aiken, Bo Jackson, Billy Idol, Dick Clark, Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain.

Courtesy of Cafe Astrology

Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, November 30th





Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, November 30th



Aries Horoscope

Confidence and vigor are restored today, dear Aries. Applying yourself to artistic or other creative pursuits and hobbies today can be especially emotionally satisfying, but if this isn’t possible, try to inject more play or creativity into what you’re doing. Anything that allows you to express yourself as the unique individual that you are appeals now. With Fire signs supported and represented today, there is more natural energy to your life. If you pay attention, you are likely to notice that you’re not fighting the waves. Others receive you well and see you in a positive light. You’re interested in seeing justice done or you could be drawn to conversations about ethics. A partner is likely cooperative.



The Moon is transiting your solar fourth house today and tomorrow, dear Taurus, and your heart is with your home or familiar people and settings. You are in need of comforting activities and routines. Cocooning is a natural instinct now, and it’s part of a process or cycle that ideally brings you back to your emotional center before you push forward, and it may very well be what you need most at the moment. Do what you can to find quiet moments, but enjoy a feeling of emotional reinvigoration. There can be easy energy for organizing and rearranging and eagerness to be involved with children or family, or with those you know well and trust.



With your social and communication sectors emphasized and positive today, dear Gemini, you’re at your best if you feel connected and included. You’re also inclined to need some variety. Your attention span may be a little short if you are chained to a routine or if company is lacking, but you are likely to find ways to vary your routine in order to combat restlessness. It’s a good day for making contact and light conversation. Your communications tend to have more of a flow to them at the moment and others quickly understand what you are saying.



Life tends to slow down in a comfortable way, or at least you do today, dear Cancer, and this helps you to regain a sense of your priorities. Earthy activities suit you best today and tomorrow. Emotionally speaking, you’re in a brief but important building stage, and you could be especially interested in buying something special for yourself or your home. You’re craving a steadier, more predictable pace just for the time being, but you’re certainly willing to work for it. Emotions are settling and balance is sought. Business, financial, home, or commercial matters can assume more importance now, and you’re taking special pride in what you do.



The Moon entered your sign last evening and will stay in Leo until early Wednesday, and you can feel quite refreshed or as if you are beginning anew on an emotional level, dear Leo. It’s an ideal time for leaving behind emotional issues that have been annoying you or undermining your personal comfort, and for starting fresh. It can be quite easy and natural to channel your energy creatively and you’re likely to find some nice outlets for expressing or simply validating your feelings. People are currently valuing the very qualities that come naturally to you, and this can subtly boost your confidence as well as popularity.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

With the Moon in your privacy sector until early Wednesday, dear Virgo, this is a time for quieter activities and perhaps some personal space or privacy. Even so, it’s a strong time for restoring a positive outlook and confidence or faith in others. The Moon is working in the background of your solar chart, but is working for you in a quiet way. This is a good time for tuning in to your feelings, as well as for reviewing the events of the last four weeks as a lunar cycle winds down. Rest, relax, and reflect as much as possible in order to regain your emotional center. Take the time to envision what it is you want, and wait until the Moon enters your sign on Wednesday to start actively pursuing your goals and making them happen.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

There is positive, energizing emphasis on your relationship sectors today, dear Libra, and you can feel especially supported or connected with others. Interactions tend to be light and uplifting. Sharing ideas with others jumpstarts your own thinking processes. Even so, with Mars in your sign, you tend to be independent-minded and enjoy activities that you initiate these days. You’re certainly willing to offer advice and to speak about personal plans and goals, even if you are not entirely clear on their details. You are less interested in professional goals as you are in long-term and happier goals right now. These can be humanitarian and/or personal; either way, they are plans aimed at making you feel positive about your future.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

After some ups and downs, you’re likely to be feeling more directed and goal-oriented today, dear Scorpio. The day’s steady, supportive energies benefit you most on practical levels, but you could also feel quite good personally and perhaps recognized and valued in some special way. Taking any new responsibilities in stride is part of this, and just one of the many ways that make you shine now. There is little to pressure you to perform, but you are motivated to do so anyhow. There can be the desire to go forward on a lofty project or goal, or a professional matter.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

With your sectors of spirit and creativity in harmony and prominent today, dear Sagittarius, your emotional energy runs high. You are seeking out non-routine, creative experiences, and finding ways to attach more meaning to situations, your endeavors, and your life. A higher purpose is something you’re seeking now. You’re in a friendly, curious mood, and others seem to either actively support you or part the way for you to allow you to get things done your way. Aim to relax the mind and adjust your vision to the big picture. Symbolically, you are beginning to move on, instead of nursing your feelings, suspicions, and worries. Life is a series of learning experiences, and you’re feeling that fully today.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

This is a good day for checking in with your inner world, dear Capricorn, as well as to pick up signals from your environment that you normally miss. Good energy is for introspective activities. Being around people you trust and know well is a desire now, and you might be seeking out a deeper connection with someone or with yourself. There may be some focus on sharing resources or borrowing money. The desire to get to the root of problems is with you, and you have much to discover. It’s a strong day for renewing yourself emotionally, aiming to quit a bad habit, or doing some kind of research or investigation with good results.



People are attracted to you and tend to seek your company today, dear Aquarius. There can be interesting people or news now that subtly enrich your life or boost your confidence. Relationship matters occupy your mind more than usual with your sectors of communication and connections strong and positive today. After some confusing days, there is much optimism and a feeling of freshness around you now. Keep your spirits high, and avoid the traps of over-thinking, however. There is a big difference between reflection, which is creative, and over-analyzing matters – the former energizes you and the latter drains you emotionally. You’re likely to find that others are particularly cooperative right now.



You are in a short cycle that supplies you with more energy for organization, health routines, fitness, and work projects, dear Pisces. You’ll do well today if you focus on harmonizing or even beautifying your personal environment, and you’re likely to find that others are cooperative and supportive, or, at the very least, not interfering! This can be a quietly winning time as you tackle pretty much anything that comes your way. Take advantage of the added energy you have for solving problems, which may have been lacking in recent days. You are deriving more satisfaction than usual from the practical things you do and the services you render.

Your Weekly Love Horoscopes for November 30th


Your Weekly Love Horoscopes for November 30th


  • This week, on Friday, Venus leaves harmony-loving Libra and moves into sultry, mysterious Scorpio. She’ll remain there until December 30, and during this time romance will become more intense for everyone! There might be a touch of jealousy or a control issue to deal with between you and your lover, but thankfully it shouldn’t be anything too overboard. On Sunday however, Mars will square off with Pluto, and tempers flare all too easily. Don’t get into an argument with your sweetheart this weekend. You might regret the tantrum later.

  • Aries Horoscope Mar 21 – Apr 19

    If you’re married or in a committed relationship, this week the emphasis on your relationship may turn toward joint finances. There’s a good possibility that the two of you will decide to make a major investment together such as purchase a home, take out a business loan, or even begin to tuck away money together for a rainy day. Keep power plays out of your relationship on Sunday. If not, anticipate an explosion.

  • Taurus Horoscope Apr 20 – May 20

    Expect an additional boost of harmony between you and your partner this week. On Friday your ruling planet, Venus, will move into your relationship sector, and will remain there until December 30. When Venus is in this part of your chart, a good relationship gets even sweeter. You’ll feel your love intensify in the most profound way as long as you’re open to sharing yourself completely. If you’re dating someone, this is a time you might make a firmer commitment.

  • Gemini Horoscope May 21 – Jun 20

    On Tuesday you and your partner will enjoy extraordinary communication potential. If you have a brilliant idea to share, be sure to do so. There’s a strong possibility that your light-bulb moment is even more genius than you’re giving yourself credit for. Your partner will see to it that you recognize how brainy and amazing you truly are. If single, after Friday an office romance might begin to develop. The chemistry you share with a colleague could be intense.

  • Cancer Horoscope Jun 21 – Jul 22

    Are you single? Looking for that special someone who’ll capture your heart, body, AND soul? Well then — you’re in luck! On Friday Venus will enter your true love sector for the first time in about a year. Until December 30, you’ll have dazzling support to meet someone with the power to sweep you off your feet. Be sure to socialize more and consider all of your dating options. The one who intrigues you most will likely win.

  • Leo Horoscope Jul 23 – Aug 22

    A stimulating conversation with a fellow student in one of your classes, or with someone from a foreign country, might lead to romance this week. You’ll instantly fall for this person’s mind — and if you’re single, pay attention to where it might lead. Before you know it, the two of you could be dating. If you’re already dating someone, this week you might decide it’s time to introduce each other to your families. Wait until after Friday for the most harmonious outcome.

  • Virgo Horoscope Aug 23 – Sep 22

    If you’re single, after Friday it’s possible that you’ll meet someone special right in your own backyard! A sexy new neighbor might move onto your block or into your apartment building. Introduce yourself and see where the conversation leads. Another possibility is that one of your siblings will offer to set you up with someone. Accept the offer — you have nothing to lose. If you’re already in a relationship, communication with your sweetie becomes extra harmonious. Lovely!

  • Libra Horoscope Sep 23 – Oct 22

    A snap decision between you and your partner on Monday might end up being the most exciting thing you’ve done together in ages. Be open to whatever zany idea your mate brings up — you’ll be glad you did! You’ll be on energetic overload this Sunday. While it might be fantastic for your sex life, you may also easily misdirect your anger about a situation. Don’t take it out on your partner; that wouldn’t be fair.

  • Scorpio Horoscope Oct 23 – Nov 21

    With Venus moving into Scorpio on Friday, until December 30 you’ll have a fantastic edge in matters of the heart. Since Venus will boost your confidence and physical allure, it’s likely that more than one person will show interest in you. If you’re already in a relationship, you can expect your partner to be extra appreciative of the love you share. Any investment you make in yourself and your physical appearance now will pay off. You’re worth it!


  • Sagittarius Horoscope Nov 22 – Dec 21

    If you’re pining away for someone you know you can’t be with, living in fantasyland might start to be a little too much after Friday. Until December 30 you’ll have an opportunity to free yourself of whatever insecurities lead you to fall for someone who is unattainable. Do you really believe that you deserve to be constantly disappointed in love? If so, this will be a great time to speak to a counselor and gain a new, more helpful perspective.

  • Capricorn Horoscope Dec 22 – Jan 19

    Your social life might be the key to your love life this week. If you’re looking to improve things with your sweetheart, consider ways to spice up your social life together. After Friday and until December 30, there’s a strong possibility that you’ll easily discover shared interests that put the spark back into the time you spend together. If single, consider accepting a pal’s invitation to set you up on a blind date. Or, join a new group or club. Someone special might be at a meeting.

  • Aquarius Horoscope Jan 20 – Feb 18

    Your partner’s reputation might be more important to you this week. If you’re in a relationship with someone, after Friday his or her status might become something you’re extra proud of. Perhaps your mate will receive an award or honor and you’ll get to be by his or her side during acceptance. The attention and validation your love receives will make your heart soar. Another possibility is that you’ll be the one receiving accolades. If so, expect complete adoration from your mate.

  • Pisces Horoscope Feb 19 – Mar 20

    You and your sweetheart will want something bigger this week. On Friday Venus will move into the part of your chart connected to the higher mind. As a result, until December 30 you’ll seek more than just a physical bond with your mate. You’ll want to expand your horizons together spiritually, intellectually, and culturally. Consider taking a trip together to a part of the world you’ve both wanted to explore. Or, sign up to learn a new language or philosophy together. You’ll be glad you did.


Tarot.com is a Daily Insight Group Site


Your Weekly Astrology Report: November 30 – December 6, 2015




Weekly Astrology: November 30 – December 6, 2015

Use your power for good!

Maria DeSimone

Tarot.com is a Daily Insight Group Site

The Balance of the Elements & the Signs for November 30th





The Balance of the Elements & the Signs for November 30th


Self-confident, generous, warm-hearted, powerful leader, dramatic. Can be overly proud, vain, extravagant, arrogant.
Even-handed, harmonious, artistic, diplomatic, balancing, strong sense of fairness. Can be over- compromising, appeasing, judgmental.
Inspiring, broad vision, enthusiastic, goal seeking, truthful, adventurous. Can be reckless, unrestrained, tactless.


Fire is enthusiastic, dynamic, and spontaneous, but lacks reflection. We are more courageous and adventurous now, with a tendency to act before thinking. There is little concern about what happened in the past. We are competitive and possibly impatient or bored easily.
There can be a lack of desire, interest, or skills regarding practical affairs. We may not be very much in touch with reality. Difficulties concentrating, grounding ourselves.
There may be some insensitivity or lack of empathy now. We may be out of touch with what we’re feeling or with our emotional needs. We may be tougher than usual now, and more inclined to follow mental or practical considerations than we are to listen to our intuition.


The modes are balanced.