Goddess Comments & Graphics


Hail to Lilith, Lady of the night!
Your long hair flows outward,
Melding into the shadows
And your black eyes are ancient,
Deep with magic and secrets.

You are powerful and free,
No other being is your master.
You fly upon the wings of night,
And the owl carries your messages.
Since beginning times, you were there.

No man can tame you,
For why should you be tamed?
To be your own ruler is your nature.
The weak ones of mankind
Were afraid of you and called you Evil

Every inner demon
And dark shadow in the night
Has been ascribed to you, Goddess.
But your power and wild beauty
Have survived.

Teach me to be unafraid,
To feel power singing in my veins.
Help me to face and balance
The shadows in my nature,
And to be proud of my sexuality.

Protect me from the shadows
And the darkness that would harm me,
And help me to understand
The shadows that will not.
I thank you, Dark Lady.

Beth Clare Johnson
(Mystic Amazon)

Happy Tuesday, dear friends!

Days Of The Week Comments

Hee, hee, hee, that pic will either wake you up or scare that crap out of ya’! I am feeling a little devilish this morning. Our heater is not working and the house is on the cool side (I think it is comfortable). The cats are running like wild animals. Of course, at one time they were, lol! The smallest one can jump the love seat and not even touch the back of it. She is six months old and she stands as tall as my older cat. Her paws are bigger than his and her tail is twice the length. I think I adopted a cougar. I just hope I don’t never run out of food or else I will have to run like hell. When the older cat gets fed up with the baby, he runs and hops in my lap. I have him hopping off and on and the baby tapping me on the back. She does that when she wants to be held. During the day when she is ready to take her catnap, she comes over and hops in my arms and wants to be held like a baby. She stretches out, with her feet dangling, and I scratch her belly. Most of the time, this is during my daily postings when this happens. She hates the computer because I am suppose to only pay attention to her. She is a brat out of this world. Poor Kiki just stands on the bed and watches the free for alls. I love them all to pieces and I must say they are definitely entertainment. If you are bored, get you a pet. I can guarantee you, you will never have a dull moment again.