Card Reading: Hippogriff

The Hippogriff warns that somebody is not seeing you as you really are because you haven’t been grounded. Your spirits are down and they are only seeing the part of you that reveals down and out. Its time to step up, remove the negative thoughts, and fly.

I feel that this card will apply to some. Get those spirits up and start revealing your true self.

First Time for This, Your Monthly Reading Using The Animal Spirit Cards

Your Monthly Reading for May

This Reading is used to reveal key influences that will effect your life in the coming month of May. The reading is done by pulling one card for the deck which will determine what this month has in store for you.

The Rabbit has been drawn for May


Poor Rabbit! No other animal is so associated with fear than Rabbit—that nervous little bunny who hops and leaps at every little sound. Rabbit has come to you today to ask you to have the courage to face whatever difficulties you’re having instead of running away to a safe burrow. Face your fears, examine your old “fight or flight” patterns, and determine once and for all to stop hiding away. This is your challenge for the month of May.

Your Daily MahJong Tile for April 24th is Wan 8, Symbol: Knot

Your Daily Tile
April 24, 2015 

Wan 8
Symbol: Knot
The Knot tile represents both bonding and severing. If the Sword tile (2 Wan) is in your reading then the time to sever ties with someone or something is at hand. Conversely if the Duck tile (2 Bamboo) is in your reading then there is bond that will strengthen. If both or neither appear in your reading, then you have a relationship of some kind that is of undecided value.

Let’s Talk Witch – Getting Started On Your Spiritual Education Path

 Let’s Talk Witch – Getting Started On Your Spiritual Education Path

Any spiritual practice requires research and study. Witchcraft is no different than any other path. Here is some basic info, words of caution, and suggestions for reading and starting your research.

How Can I Learn More? If you are one of the many people looking for information on how to become a witch, there are a few things you should ask yourself first.

1. What is your reason for wanting to be a Witch? If your reason is simply so you can cast a spell, it’s the wrong reason and you might find more information if you look for Spellcraft, than Witchcraft. If your reasons are truly from an interest in the faith or you feel drawn to the Craft as a religion, then you maybe on the right path. But you should learn more and make an informed decision.

2. Are you willing to live by the spiritual laws as a way of life? If you are, or if you’re not sure, do a lot of research on your own and find out as much as you can about the path you’ve chosen.

3. How Do I Get Started? Read, learn and read a lot more. Do your own research, and not just from magikal books or reference manuals. Through studying history, other religions and how they all inter-relate and interact. I have a favorite saying for this type of education: “Books can give you knowledge. But only your own personal experiences give you wisdom to decide your own path.”

Words of Warning.

Don’t take one persons word or teachings as the only truth or as the only way on this or any spiritual path. No one person has all the answers for you. Only you know what rings true within your own heart and soul.

When it comes time for you to chose a mentor, be very cautious. There are a lot of novice people claiming to be a High Priest or Priestess. The best advice I could give is find someone who can prove they have practiced the path for several years (my standard is 10 years or more).

Don’t just take their word for it. Find someone who is willing to answer your questions without charging you money.

Taking a class and paying for an instructors time is NOT the same thing as finding a “spiritual teacher”. (Classes are wonderful for making new friends and learning in a group.)

What you should really be looking for is a mentor or guide, not a person who thinks they have the right to tell you what to do or believe.

Lastly, always question!

Question everything you are told and everything you read.

Research other material to validate what you are being told or what you read in a book.

Make sure that a book is supported by other books and by history itself.

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Your Animal Spirit for December 20 is The Armadillo

Your Animal Spirit for Today
December 20, 2013


You’ll never get too close to Armadillo as his hard shell will keep you at arm’s length! And, if this roly-poly fellow is in your reading, he’s asking YOU to examine the areas where you need a hard shell—boundaries!  Do you “do” for everyone but never “do” for yourself? Or, are you being TOO sensitive, protecting yourself even when danger isn’t present?

Let’s Talk Witch – The Written Spell

Witchy Cat Graphics & Comments
Let’s Talk Witch – The Written Spell

Spoken spells have a transitory force, affecting only the action to which they are directed. Written spells, on the other hand, are thought to last as long as the written spell is in existence. To maintain the long term effect of the written spell, many of the prayers of the Egyptians were written on coffins and placed in the Book of the Dead with the mummy.

As written spells combine the effect of symbols, these spells are thought to be far more potent than other kind. The Islamic Koran is, as the revealed word of God, a sort of written spell in itself. Anyone who has heard it read aloud in Arabic knows that it is also a spoken spell of great beauty, even to those who cannot understand the language. The Latin psalms have the same quality, but without the tonal beauty which is found in the Arabic language.

Older written spells on parchment, some of which have been in existence for hundreds of years are particularly revered. In many cases their real effect lies in the fact that so many people believe in them. Some older writings have taken on a magickal aura solely due to their age.

Because of their strangeness and the mystical power associated with strangeness, spells written in a foreign language or in a mystical or magickal alphabet are also thought to have great power. This is one reason why spells written in Hebrew characters are supposed to be superior in quality. In the Middle Ages, a talisman was a man who wore a tallis, the shirt or undershirt worn by orthodox Jews. As this was felt to be a source of power to them, the idea of talisman quickly transfered to a spell written to give power or protection. In the first thousand years of Christianity, Hebrew was the pre-eminent language for the writing of spells and Jews, who were the most literate members of any European community, were the pre-eminent “magicians of choice.”

This obviously lead to some silly situations. One old “authentic spell” in a European museum was removed from display when it was pointed out that the words of the spell said, “What is the meaning of this?” in Hebrew characters transliterating medieval French! It had been supposed to be a spell to call upon a demon to cure sick children.

Written spells form another branch of the spell-caster’s art. In the Hex practice of the Pennsylvania Dutch country, himmelbriefs, or heavenly letters, are designed to act to protect the one who carries them against ills and evils of all kinds. The older versions were written with painstaking care by the hexenmeister who copied them one letter at a time. The newer versions are usually mimeographed copies of a typed original which are sold for a dollar or two as curios.

Just as a spoken spell requires a certain ability to use one’s voice, a written spell requires a certain ability to concentrate upon what one is writing, and hold the image of the desired work for the spell throughout the entire operation. The spell should be written with absolute concentration on every letter of the spell. It should then be read aloud in the same manner when it is finished. If the spell is to be given to someone it should be enclosed in an envelope, but not sealed. Most of these spells are to be carried on the person when they are in use.

Your Animal Spirit for October 30th is Porcupine

Your Animal Spirit for Today
October 30, 2013


Porcupine has appeared in your reading today to bring a message of innocence and trust. Although Porcupine can throw quills when cornered, he is gentle, loving, and non-aggressive. Is there an area of your life that need Porcupine energy? Have you lost the ability to trust??

Your Daily MahJong Tile for October 18th is Wan 5

Your Daily MahJong Tile
October 18, 2013

Wan 5
Symbol: House
The House tile represents a building in which you spend much time. If your reading is positive it may well be that this building has the important function providing you with a stable environment in which you are comfortable. If the reading is negative it may represent a structure in which you are stressed and uncomfortable.

Your Animal Spirit for October 9th is Porcupine

Your Animal Spirit for Today
October 9, 2013


Porcupine has appeared in your reading today to bring a message of innocence and trust. Although Porcupine can throw quills when cornered, he is gentle, loving, and non-aggressive. Is there an area of your life that need Porcupine energy? Have you lost the ability to trust??

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for August 21 is 35: Easy Progress

35: Easy Progress

Hexagram 35

General Meaning: The general situation is one of easy, natural progress. That which had been weak is now steadily rising up, and by gaining a prominent position, becomes a stronger force. The image is the light of the rising sun, which at first appears dimly through the mists. But this relatively weak light later radiates with powerful clarity once the sun has reached a high position in the sky.

Progress is made when those in subordinate positions create harmony with those above, and in so doing create a natural means for their collective talents and abilities to blossom. It is by recognizing and riding with the natural course of events — by hitching our wagon to the rising sun, as it were — that we advance our position and earn respect.

Goodness in human nature is like the dim but beautiful early morning light. It can easily be obscured — by greed, hatred and other forms of self-absorption — just as the morning light can be swallowed by fog. Be reminded that progress is achieved most effortlessly when right action is taken without concern for immediate reward, and when the path of the weaker elements aligns with the strong.