Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for Nov. 9th is 9: Small Savings

Daily I Ching Hexgram

November 9th, 2015

9: Small Savings





The time to act is near. Be prepared!

Line One of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Protect that which you already have. Do not be a bragger. Remain focused.

Line Two of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Give credit to those who deserve it. Do not be a spendthrift. Reward those who have helped you. Caring for those around you will take you to new heights.

Line Three of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Do not bicker or create discord. The only way to progress is agreement.

Line Four of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not fight battles without good reason.

Line Five of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Remain determined and enthusiastic. Others will rally around your cause.

Line Six of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Insure your allies understand your ideas. Prepare yourself to launch a new project.

Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for Sept. 1 is 33:Retiring

Your Daily I Ching Hexagram

September 1, 2015








Take personal time alone to assess your progress and goals. Evaluate your friends and cut off any deadwood that may exist.

Line One of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Abandon unsatisfying relationships.

Line Two of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Move down your path without looking back.

Line Three of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Do not let other’s need for counsel exhaust you.

Line Four of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Pull back from failing relationships. Act decisively. Doubt is your enemy.

Line Five of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Do not associate with persons with whom you dislike. This will bring you peace.

Line Six of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Leave bad relationships. Your courage to move on will be rewarded.

Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for July 28 is 27: Jaws

Your Daily Hexagram

July 28, 2015

27: Jaws




Speak plainly and sincerely. Feed your hopes and dreams. Nurture others. Do good deeds.
Line One of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Avoid envy and jealousy. Be proud of your achievements.
Line Two of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Make opportunities for those with talent. Seek roots that empower you.
Line Three of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not choose partners based on their financial status.
Line Four of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not do unjustified favors or let others influence your decisions.
Line Five of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Embrace your ideals. Move slowly toward new endeavors.
Line Six of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Put your ideas into action. It is time to realize your goals.

Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for July 13 is 27: Jaws

Your Daily Hexagram

July 13th, 2015





27: Jaws

Speak plainly and sincerely. Feed your hopes and dreams. Nurture others. Do good deeds.
Line One of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Avoid envy and jealousy. Be proud of your achievements.
Line Two of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Make opportunities for those with talent. Seek roots that empower you.
Line Three of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not choose partners based on their financial status.
Line Four of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not do unjustified favors or let others influence your decisions.
Line Five of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Embrace your ideals. Move slowly toward new endeavors.
Line Six of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Put your ideas into action. It is time to realize your goals.

Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for June 29th is 9: Small Savings

Daily I Ching Hexgram

June 29th, 2015

9: Small Savings



The time to act is near. Be prepared!

Line One of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Protect that which you already have. Do not be a bragger. Remain focused.

Line Two of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Give credit to those who deserve it. Do not be a spendthrift. Reward those who have helped you. Caring for those around you will take you to new heights.

Line Three of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Do not bicker or create discord. The only way to progress is agreement.

Line Four of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not fight battles without good reason.

Line Five of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Remain determined and enthusiastic. Others will rally around your cause.

Line Six of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Insure your allies understand your ideas. Prepare yourself to launch a new project.

Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for June 25th is 27: Jaws

Your Daily Hexagram

May 26th, 2015

27: Jaws



Speak plainly and sincerely. Feed your hopes and dreams. Nurture others. Do good deeds.
Line One of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Avoid envy and jealousy. Be proud of your achievements.
Line Two of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Make opportunities for those with talent. Seek roots that empower you.
Line Three of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not choose partners based on their financial status.
Line Four of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not do unjustified favors or let others influence your decisions.
Line Five of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Embrace your ideals. Move slowly toward new endeavors.
Line Six of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Put your ideas into action. It is time to realize your goals.

Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for May 26th is 27: Jaws

Your Daily Hexagram

May 26th, 2015


27: Jaws

Speak plainly and sincerely. Feed your hopes and dreams. Nurture others. Do good deeds.
Line One of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Avoid envy and jealousy. Be proud of your achievements.
Line Two of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Make opportunities for those with talent. Seek roots that empower you.
Line Three of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not choose partners based on their financial status.
Line Four of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Do not do unjustified favors or let others influence your decisions.
Line Five of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Embrace your ideals. Move slowly toward new endeavors.
Line Six of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Put your ideas into action. It is time to realize your goals.

Your Daily Hexagram for May 25th is 47:Confirming

Your Daily Hexagram

May 25th, 2015

47:  Confirming




Remain optimistic in the face of adversity.
Line One of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Mistakes in your approach may cause setbacks.
Line Two of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Do not make impulsive decisions concerning important matters. Remain calm and think things through.
Line Three of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Be discreet. Develop a plan for solving your problems alone.
Line Four of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Be patient. In time assistance will come.
Line Five of Your Hexagram is a 9:
You may lose ground. Do not act with malice. Accept your losses and move on to new things.
Line Six of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Evaluate your next move. Do not repeat old mistakes. Move carefully and with optimism and results will be positive.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Oct. 11 is 18: Repairing What is Spoiled

18: Repairing What is Spoiled

Friday, Oct 11th, 2013





Something is starting to rot and it is time to repair the damage. In the world of human affairs, indulgence and corruption grow like weeds in an untended garden; they must be faced squarely, and rooted out through bold action. Eliminating corruption — and the sloppiness that leads to it — is one of the most ennobling of all human enterprises. Correction of flaws in the system clears the way for fresh, new beginnings.

The time has come to become lean and efficient. The weeds must be rooted out now, before the garden is overwhelmed. Fighting decay, sloppiness and corrupt agendas is not a simple matter; all steps must be evaluated carefully. Planning must precede action. Resist the temptation to strike out prematurely. Gather strength behind you, and summon your inner resources, because arresting decay is no simple task. When you do act, make your strike as precise and clean as the path of the surgeon’s knife.

Today's I Ching Hexagram for August 17 is 7: Discipline

7: Discipline

Saturday, Aug 17th, 2013

hexagram09The most successful general is not the one that triumphs in battle, but the one who is able, through strength of a resolute discipline and the personal power that results from that, to achieve victory without spilling blood. This is why for the effective leadership of any organization the key virtues are clarity, decisiveness and conscientiousness. The most effective team or partnership marches with a single purpose — a dedication to a common goal that is held dear by all. Otherwise, even with an excess of external discipline, unpopular wars are seldom winnable.

Let power be held in check by the acceptance of a common discipline, and submission to a higher authority. Look to the common good. When life is in balance, evil impulses are checked by human decency; parents die before their children; leaders lead and followers follow. If you hold or aspire to a position of leadership, remember that the true leader speaks to and captures the hearts of the people and articulates a clear, simple vision that unites them as a team.

In the realm of government, the relationship between the army and state is critical. Only when the state is economically prosperous can the army be strong. Only when the army is disciplined can the state be protected from disruptive outside forces. For this balance to be preserved, government must be steady, and mild toward its own people. When balancing strong complementary forces, modesty and generosity at the center can be a magnetic force that keeps relationships intact. Coordination of all elements is essential for success at this time.

Today's I Ching Hexagram for Aug. 5th is 32: Endurance

32: Endurance

Monday, Aug 5th, 2013


Endurance is fostered when inner constancy is coupled with external flexibility. Long-distance runners must adapt readily to changing conditions, while maintaining an inner determination and strength of purpose. Two trees growing near each other adapt to enhance each other’s survival. A strong image of durability is a stable marriage of intimate partners striking a dynamic balance between involvement in the outside world and nourishment in the home.

True endurance is not based on rigidity, for endurance implies movement, not immobilization. Only by adapting to change can we stay in the race; but only by deepening our sense of purpose can we develop the fortitude to win it.

Continuity is achieved through movement, not by keeping still. That which has ceased to grow is close to death. Stay active, but allow yourself time to stay in touch with your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for July 29th is 42: Increase

42: Increase

Monday, Jul 29th, 2013





Substantial progress and increasing prosperity is pointed to. In whatever forms it takes, periods of increase are exhilarating, as long as you go with the flow while it lasts and keep the interests of others in mind. Like white water on a river, periods of increase are often of short duration; it furthers one, therefore, to shoot the rapids now, while the opportunity is there.

A good sense of direction in times of opportunity involves commitment to the needs of one’s cohorts and dependents. Only by realizing that to lead is really to serve, can an effective leader contribute to a lasting increase in prosperity for all. In times of general increase, those who contribute most directly to the common good will also receive the greatest rewards.

When opportunities for increase arise, supreme good fortune comes to those who act swiftly and boldly, while avoiding the trap of letting their actions be only self-serving. If you aspire to a position of prominence, the most enduring strategy is to work to raise the tide of your entire pond, rather than to try to swim upstream on your own.

When the times favor prosperity, and when leadership is in the hands of the broad-minded, supreme good fortune results.

Daily I Ching Hexagram for July 22 is 63: After Completion

63: After Completion

Monday, Jul 22nd, 2013



It is a fine irony that after completion of some project or great enterprise, there is still much left to do. Completion is merely a pause in the cycle of creation and decay, a momentary still point for the swinging pendulum of life. Though completion does imply a period of restful pause — one that usually has been well earned — it is not an actual end, but rather a uniquely harmonious flat spot in the constancy of change and movement.

The image of After Completion is that of a kettle of water boiling over a fire. When the forces are balanced, the water boils properly; but if the pot is too full, it may boil over and put out the fire; or, if the fire is too hot, it may evaporate all the water. In the equilibrium that follows the completion of something significant, the current dynamics must be watched carefully to assure that a proper balance is maintained.

After Completion is the time for fine-tuning, for refinements and embellishments of what has already been accomplished.

Even if we are enjoying a rewarding situation right now, the laws of the natural world dictate that influence and success will eventually decline. So, don’t let current good fortunes prompt careless or relaxed attitudes. A successful endeavor or partnership needs to be carefully tended and maintained. What is incomplete should be finished, and brought to fruition without delay.

Take satisfaction upon completion, but do not dwell on it. To do so could bring a halt to your influence and capability.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Oct. 10 is 58: Joy

58: Joy

A joy that is shared is symbolized by a group of friends playing, or a carefree young girl singing to herself while engaged in her work. Happiness is rising within, and spreading out into the world.

Joy arises through gentle means, but springs from a solid inner base. The power of pure joy should not be underestimated. The enjoyment of learning and discovery, for example, has let to great innovation and much material progress. Accordingly, that which brings the most joy into the world — love — is the source of life itself.

If happiness is supported by personal stability, it will eventually wear down the stiffest barrier and win over the hardest heart. True joy is a beacon in the world, and though it is indeed rare, its presence is an indication of great good fortune, both now and in the future. How could it be otherwise?

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Oct. 9 is 58: Joy

58: Joy

A joy that is shared is symbolized by a group of friends playing, or a carefree young girl singing to herself while engaged in her work. Happiness is rising within, and spreading out into the world.

Joy arises through gentle means, but springs from a solid inner base. The power of pure joy should not be underestimated. The enjoyment of learning and discovery, for example, has let to great innovation and much material progress. Accordingly, that which brings the most joy into the world — love — is the source of life itself.

If happiness is supported by personal stability, it will eventually wear down the stiffest barrier and win over the hardest heart. True joy is a beacon in the world, and though it is indeed rare, its presence is an indication of great good fortune, both now and in the future. How could it be otherwise?

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for October 3 is 19: Approach of Spring

19: Approach of Spring

Hexagram 19

General Meaning:  It is as if spring is approaching. Good times ahead feel inevitable; there is vitality in the air. This is a most auspicious time. Like a snake emerging from hibernation, negative forces are barely stirring and can be effectively controlled. This is a time of hopeful progress, and must be used to best advantage. When approaching good fortune, paying attention to what is happening now earns great dividends. All in all, a clear road lies ahead.

Take some action now, for at some point this ripe opportunity for advancement will be reversed. No spring lasts forever. It’s wise to stay alert and note the changing seasons and the energy they call for.

Spring is the season of new relationships. In the bounty of good times, new bonds form effortlessly. Relationships born in spring can serve well to warm the following autumn and winter.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for October 1 is 49: Revolutionary Change

49: Revolutionary Change

Hexagram 49

General Meaning:  According to Chinese symbolism, the juxtaposed elements of this hexagram are fire under water. Fire evaporates water, and water puts out fire. Change can cause conflict; conflict brings about change. This hexagram refers to that time in the cycle of human affairs when things need stirring up, and when the hint of dramatic change is in the air.

In order to succeed, revolutionary change must be in alignment with certain unchanging laws. The process must begin at the right moment, gather support from a broad base of people, be guided by sincere and capable leadership and — most important of all — must address a real need. The strength of the forces of change will always be in proportion to the urgency of the need being championed. This is true whether the revolution is in government, in business, in education or in one’s personal affairs.

Revolutionary change points to a time when chaos arises from order. It is important to realize that not all order is good, not all chaos bad. Chaos, in fact, is an integral part of the way of things — as any parent (and modern science) will confirm. Have the courage to radically change and renew the way you present yourself. In this way, you can summon chaos to your cause, and you will unleash a new power on your behalf. If engaging in a negotiation, change the rules; if composing a piece of music, add the unexpected; if courting a lover, dare to be unconventional.

In periods of drought, even wild storms are preferable to yet another sunny day.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Sept. 30 is 30:Clinging Like Fire

30: Clinging Like Fire

Hexagram 30

General Meaning:  Flames cling to their source of fuel in order to keep the fire burning. Likewise, in the human world, emotional attachment results from everything that radiates light or warmth is dependent upon something else. Through these dependencies we can see that all things are related, each thing to the other. Awareness of your own dependency on others is the key that unlocks the door to your true place in the world. No woman is an island.

Fire is also a symbol of liberation — sending out crackling molecules that fly away from home. Paradoxically, by clinging to what is balanced and true, we gain inner freedom.

Given perseverance on your part, this hexagram indicates success. In spite of challenges, cling to what is luminous in yourself, in others, and in life itself, never forsaking your belief in what is right. When events seem foreboding, or people seem oppressive, remember the good that has been and is yet to be. Holding to this idea is to cling to the power of the light and love within you.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Sept. 29 is 55:Great Abundance

55: Great Abundance

Hexagram 30

General Meaning:  A time of abundance comes into full flower when the powers of leadership and teamwork are at their peak. The situation is like that of the sun at midday — a high noon of clarity, insight and progress. Such peak periods can be brief. Whether this refers to a national cycle, a business boom or a period of abundance, it is important to bale your hay while the sun is shining.

During a period of abundance, it benefits one to show benevolence, to share the fruit of one’s good fortune. Think of good deeds now as a hedge against times of scarcity in the future. This reading bodes well for expansion in love, the raising of children and the nurturing of a healthy family or any close-knit group.


Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Sept. 28 is 37:Community

37: Community

Friday, September 28th, 2012

Hexagram 37

General Meaning:  A community or extended family that works is one where healthy interdependence is appreciated and supported. Good direction is essential, but strong kinship is dependent upon every member of the community. Trust, shared responsibilities and good communication are essential. Each member must be encouraged to find his or her appropriate expression, and contribution.

The functional family is a team that symbolizes the ideal of human interdependence, and has long provided a firm foundation for society. The healthy family is a microcosm of society and the native soil in which ethical values take root and grow. Fertilize this soil, and the whole of society benefits.

The power that bonds a tribe is the yin or feminine principle — gentleness and receptivity. Relationships are improved through cultivation of these. Learn to accept both advice and aid from others, and be willing to assume an appropriate role in any group that supports good relating. A good team player is always valuable to others. Increase your value!