The Full Moon of June: A Special Solstice Strawberry Moon!

The Full Strawberry Moon on June 21 is the lowest full Moon in many years. What does this mean? Expect a beautiful full Moon that looks extra-large and is reddish-orange colored. Learn more about this special solstice Moon from Bob Berman.

When to See the Full Moon in June 2024

This year, the Full Moon coincides with the summer solstice! On the evening of June 21 —just after sunset—look towards the southeast to watch the full Moon rise gently above the horizon. June’s full Moon will reach peak illumination at 9:08 P.M. Eastern Time. See the Full Moon Calculator for your local time.

Why the Solstice Moon is Special

This is an unusual full Moon, which I highlighted in my 2024 astronomical highlights.

The June Moon begins its Moon Phase cycle as the “New Moon” on June 6. Then, night after night, the hair-thin crescent will grow fatter until it waxes all the way to its first-quarter phase on the 14th.  That’s when it will hover due south on the meridian at sunset and offer binocular and telescope owners perfectly shadowed lunar terrain.

After that, meaning these next couple of weeks, the Moon enters its waxing gibbous phase, the odd football shape that still boasts ideal highlighting of lunar features since sunlight continues to strike the Moon’s surface at a sharp, shadow- Click here to read the rest of this article

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