Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Source: labyrinthos.co

Temperance – Major Arcana

Temperance Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
balance, peace, patience, moderation, calm, tranquillity, harmony, serenity imbalance, excess, extremes, discord, recklessness, hastiness
Skip to Upright Meaning Skip to Reversed Meaning

Temperance Tarot Card Description

On the Temperance card, there is an angel with wings, whose gender is not immediately obvious, which suggests that there is a balance between the sexes. One foot of the angel is in water, to represent the subconscious, while the other foot is on dry land, a representation of the material world. On her robe, there is a square, which has a triangle inscribed inside, another echo of the tangible earth in union with the holy trinity. She holds two cups in a manner where she can mix the waters, which represent the super and subconscious minds. The water flows between them, suggesting union and infinity.

Everything about this card represents balance, the perfect harmony that comes from the union of dualities. Her advice is to test any new waters, before jumping into the deep end.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Source: uniguide.com


Seal meaning and symbolism include care, protection, curiosity, efficiency, opportunity, psychic abilities, and other special qualities.

There are 33 species of seals around the world, and they can be found in every ocean, from the Arctic to the Antarctic, as well as places like the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas. So, many people around the world are familiar with these adorable, doe-eyed marine mammals. As a result, many cultures have myths and folklore about seals and they have important symbolic meanings to many people.

In this post, we’ll explore all aspects of seal symbolism and meanings, including seal spiritual meaning and the seal spirit animal, plus seal mythology and folklore.


Source: white-magic-help.net


Growth, Rebirth, Birch

Berkana, the rune of the life process, another cycle rune, which stands for fertility, which leads both symbolically and actually to growth. Berkana is about the power to influence development and the nature in which it flows into your body. Its action is gentle and penetrating. Scatter the resistance first, then accomplish your work. To make this possible, your wish must be clear and controlled. Conversely, events, or, more likely character aspects distract the growth of new life.

Witches Rune

Source: wizardforest.com


The fallen rune Flight means sudden changes, movement, travellings. It also carries information events, communication, important news in social nets and mass media, which can become significant for you. You may go on vacation. Maybe, you will have to leave to avoid some difficult situation. Or something will suddenly change in your life.

Key words: movement, trip, travellings, information, news, glory, mass media, run ahead, avoid situation, changes.

Sabbat: Imbolc

Element: Air

Chakra No.5: throat


Source: druidogham.wordpress.com


Gifts, doorways, standing on the shoulders of giants, luck

Tree: Oak (Quercus spp.)

Letter: D

There isn’t a bad side to Duir, even when ill-dignified. Maybe it is because the mighty Oak is king of all trees and therefore king of the Ogham. Drawing Duir means that you will receive, are receiving, or have received a gift. The gift can come in unexpected forms — it could be as simple as a thought or it may be, in rarest of cases, an actual physical gift. Understanding Duir does take the prerequisite ability to appreciate gifts. The modern world is cursed with entire classes of people who take luxuries for granted and for whom gratitude is an untenable concept. Those people cannot be helped by any force other than glacial procession of time and the unimaginable powers that shape it.

Duir’s influence is like a good father or wise old grandpa: generous, kind, wise, full of knowledge and happy to share it, protective, and nurturing. He is a living library. He acts as a guide, creator, and ruler.

I Ching

Source: psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Thirty – Two/32

Name: Heng.

Keyphrase: Constancy.

Formed By The Trigrams: Thunder over Wind.

General: True persistence is a process of constant renewal.

Love: To deepen your relationship you should adapt to changes around you.

Business: You will be rewarded for the effort you have put into your business ventures.

Personal: Focus on self-renewal and make sure you avoid inertia.

Overview: Heng is telling you that the only sure constant in life is change. When mistakes are made in a particular strategy the same mistake is often repeated. It does not show strength of character to formulate the same strategy (even if it has worked in the past). Rather it shows a weakness in your refusal to adapt and change. There will always be obstacles in life. Some may be often repeated. If a strategy that has worked several times in the past does not work now then change your strategy. It is also about inertia and complacency. You should always be focusing on self-renewal and not becoming complacent. Avoid stagnation.


Source: worldnumerology.com


The most vibrant, freedom-loving of all numbers in numerology

The Numerology Meaning of the Number 5: A DYNAMIC FORCE

The 5 is unpredictable, always in motion, and constantly in search of change.

Although it is molded from an almost equal mix of freedom-loving and loyal characteristics, the 5 is slightly more daring, and there is nothing submissive about it.

The 5 is extremely independent in mind and soul.

For an adventurer and risk-taker who has a hard time staying in one place, one job, or one relationship, the 5 is surprisingly loyal when the right partner comes along.

The 2 and the 6 are known as the most harmonious relationship numbers. Still, both will cheat on a partner when temptation is strong enough. The 5 will not. The 5 may break off a relationship due to their restless nature, but they will rarely deceive a partner. Although, when they are not in a committed relationship, they have no problem dating a different person every day of the week

The 5 generally doesn’t find a suitable career until they’ve tried several different jobs, some barely lasting long enough to warrant a full paycheck. This is especially true if there is monotonous routine involved; boredom sets in quickly for the 5 who simply cannot stand predictable, repetitive work.

But again, the 5 will surprise friends and family once they find their niche. This usually happens after age 30 when their focus, energy, and quick mind help them scramble up the ladder (faster, and with less apparent effort, than those around them).

Many 5s choose careers that require travel or otherwise offer a regular change of environment. People working in the travel industry, small business owners, independent consultants, lawyers, and those in sales often have the 5 in their core numbers.

The 5 can adjust quickly to pretty much anything coming their way.

The 5 is versatile, adaptable, intelligent, progressive, and tolerant. Convention bores them, and they are easily drawn to the eccentrics and misfits of society.

A social creature, the 5 is funny and uplifting, good at making others feel comfortable around them. They are generally well-liked and often surrounded by friends and acquaintances. However, they can also be polarizing, so people that are typically uptight, self-righteous, or judgmental are quickly aggravated by them.

Perhaps the most dominating trait of the 5 is the uncompromising demand for freedom in thought and action.

People with a prominent 5 in their core numbers make up their own mind, rebel against dogma and ideology, and recoil from clubs, cults, and religious sects. Their adventurous, daredevil nature may include riding motorcycles, but they will not typically ride with a large group. Chances are a 5 will be opinionated and passionate about political issues, but will remain independent of formal political parties.

A 5 may change their mind (regularly) but not without good reason. They won’t be controlled but are flexible and can be converted if the argument makes sense. The 5 has a healthy sense of humor and doesn’t sweat the small things. They carry their heart on their sleeve, and it’s not uncommon to give that heart to the wrong person – they are not always the best judge of character.

On the negative side, the 5 can be selfish, thoughtless, and irresponsible.

Rarely considering the future beyond next week, worrying is not in their nature. The 5 tends to procrastinate and can be unreliable. However, their most common downfall is a tendency to experiment with sex, drugs, alcohol, and other addictions. A desire for instant gratification, lack of restraint, and their feeling of invulnerability can be a recipe for disaster.

The shape of numbers reflect their nature, and just as the 4 is square and grounded, the 5 is a symbol of dynamic energy, elastic and constantly in motion.

Angel Number

Source: angelnumber.org

Three Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty-Three

It is the famous Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen who wins the prize for the best sentence which sums up the content of number 3223.

Ibsen says: “The community is a boat. Everyone must be ready to take control.”

Concretely, Grade 3223 will remind you that survival is our most primitive instinct, no matter how sophisticated we are.

When we feel threatened, we are able to make the most drastic arrangements with astounding strength.

Number 3223 – What Does It Mean?

There are three avenues open to you during this number that closes the second third of your 9-number cycle.

Left and right, you have what are called unstable bangs, opposite extremes. In the middle stands the central path of balance.

And it’s the latter that you’ll need to focus on. Number 3223 will be the number of awareness of your duties and responsibilities.

In the numerology of angel numbers, 3223 is the number of “adulthood”.

During the 3223 angel number, you will gradually feel a strong need for autonomy. You now want to establish your place in the world.

This number is likely to be the number in which you bond with another person, or at least the number in which you become aware that you are responsible for the well-being of another person.

So you’ll have to find a way to strike a balance between your situation and yours, even if it means making concessions.

In fact, the 3223 number is that of adjustments and sacrifices. This goes hand in hand with your new responsibilities.

You will need to show an unusual degree of patience, compassion, empathy and understanding.

Remember that love is harmless. It’s the lack of love that hurts. Some insecurities and complexes will no doubt rise to the surface.

You will have no particular difficulty in assuming them, or even in making them a force. You have evolved, you have grown.

As we have specified about the angel number 3223 this number closes a cycle of 4 numbers.

It is therefore a period during which the being who is in personal angel number 3223 must make a kind of assessment in his life.

Without turning around, because there is no point in living with the past, he has to look back 9 numbers and try to remember the projects he had developed, the initiatives he had taken, the choices he had made.

the actions he had taken, when he turned in number, to see if they had kept their promises and borne fruit and if, flow, showed up to his tasks, and finally to see what his successes and failures were.

This balance is mainly during the first three quarters of its angel number 3223 that he will have the opportunity to establish it.

Indeed, it will be time for him not only to learn from past events and his actions, but also to consider a probable renewal.

For of course the following number will be an angel number 3223, and a new beginning will be possible for him.

But he will be all the more apt to take this new start as he has stripped himself, got rid of it, detached himself from all that no longer has a reason to be in his life, which clutters or hinders him.

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