A Thought for Today

Merry meet dear Sisters, Brothers, and Honored Guests, welcome to WOTC!

If you want to see some information on any tradition of witchcraft, please put it in the comment section. I will try to find some information to post about it.

May your and your family’s lives be filled with all things positive!

Finally, I am back to working on WOTC on a daily basis. I will try to keep up with the tomorrow posts but if I don’t I plan on at least getting the daily posts up on their correct dates. I cannot thank you enough for all your support, love, kind words, and healing you have so freely given to myself and family as we went through some very bad months. I hope this finds you and your families in good health in mind, body and spirit. Now, onto the northern hemispheres tomorrow’s posts. Love and hugs from my family to your and yours.

Blessed be!

Merry part until we merry meet again!

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