Celtic Tree Month of Elder November 24 – December 23


Source: LearnReligions.com

The winter solstice has passed, and the Elder moon is a time of endings. Although the Elder can be damaged easily, it recovers quickly and springs back to life, corresponding to the approaching New Year. Called Ruish by the Celts (pronounced roo-esh), the month of Elder is a good time for workings related to creativity and renewal. It is a time of beginnings and endings, births and deaths, and rejuvenation. Elder is also said to protect against demons and other negative entities. Use in magic connected to Faeries and other nature spirits.


Source: ireland-calling.com

Elder (Ruis Ogham): Symbolizes healing, transformation, and wisdom. The Elder tree is associated with the passage of time and the cycles of life, offering guidance and the potential for spiritual growth.


Source: tree2mydoor.com

Ogham Letter: Ruis (R)

Symbolic Meaning: Rebirth, regeneration, death, magic

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Ruling Element: Water

Season: Winter

Corresponding Star Sign: Sagittarius

The Elder Tree rules the thirteenth moon and makes up the final month in the Celtic tree calendar. It’s one of the most magical trees and is a symbol of both death, regeneration and magic.

It is thought to house the spirit of the Elder Mother who will both harm and protect those around her. Use the tree selfishly without permission and you will be greeted with bad omens. Plant a tree by your home or hang the branches by your door to grant good fortune and ward away evil spirits.

The deep link to regeneration comes from how broken branches can easily take root and regrow. The rebirth of a new tree. A symbol of the end that takes us back to the beginning in a cycle of life and death.

Many parts of the elder tree are prized for their medicinal properties and were used in herbal medicine to treat and cure many ailments. The high content of vitamin C in the berries for coughs and colds and the flowers used for skin cleansers and lotions.

The month of Elder is perfect for trying something new and challenging, something you may never have done before. It is the darkest time of the year but be ready for the new and be open to change that may come your way.

Elder Tree Zodiac

Those born under the elder tree are thoughtful and empathetic with a philosophical mind. They have a caring persona and are considerate of others but will be brutally honest if the situation calls for it. They have a wild and extroverted personality and tend to seek out thrills wherever they can, however, others sometimes view them as withdrawn and more of an outsider.

Elder signs are compatible with Alder and Holly signs.