Spell for Sunday

Peaceful Dreams Spell

If your need for a nightmare spell is more about stopping them than causing them, then this water elemental spell can bring a calmer sleep.

You’ll need to have these supplies:

A few big pinches of coarse salt

1/2 oz dried rosemary

1 oz dried rose petals

1 oz dried valerian

3 pieces of polished moonstone

A clear glass bowl

Fill your bowl with pure water, then add the other ingredients. Give it a stir with your fingers before going to bed. Repeat the lines of the spell:

Bring me quiet
Bring me peace
Ease my dreams
Nightmares cease

Keep the bowl near your bed while you sleep. It will absorb any negative energies in the room that could be effecting your sleep and dreams. I do have a sleep spells page too that has a few other rituals that can help at bedtime if nightmares aren’t your only problem.