Final Thought……

Wishing all the Mothers of The WOTC,

A Very Happy, Loving & Blessed Mother’s Day,

Lady of the Abyss

The WOTC Staff





Grins and Groans from The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

Sometimes, it’s mothers who say the darnedest things. Try not to roll your eyes too hard at this edition of Humor Me!


Dear Stanley,

I write to let you know that I am still alive. I am writing as slowly as I can, as I know you don’t read fast.

You won’t know the house when you come home—we moved. We had trouble moving, especially the bed—the man wouldn’t let us take it in the taxi, and we were afraid that we might wake your father.

Your father has a nice new job, and very responsible. He has about 500 people under him—he cuts the grass at the cemetery.

Our neighbors, the Browns, started keeping pigs. We got wind of it yesterday.

I got my appendix out and a dishwasher put in. There is a washing machine in the new house here, but it don’t work too good. Last week, I put 14 shirts in it and pulled that chain. They whirled around real good, but then disappeared.

Your uncle Pat drowned last week in a whiskey vat at the distillery. Four of his workmates dived in to save him, but he fought them off bravely. We cremated the body the next day and just got the fire out this morning.

I went to the doctor with your father last week. The doctor put a small glass tube with a red line in it in my mouth and told me not to open it for 10 minutes. Your father wanted to buy it from him.

It rained only twice last week—once for 3 days and once for 4 days. Monday was so windy that our chicken laid the same egg four times.

Your loving mother,



Sunday school teacher: Tell me, Johnny. Do you say prayers before eating?
Johnny: No, ma’am, I don’t have to. My mom’s a good cook.

Dan: What did the mother bullet say to the daddy bullet?
Ryan: What?
Dan: We’re gonna have a BB!”

Jack: Why did the monster’s mother knit him three socks?
Bill:  I have no idea. Why?
Jack: She heard he grew another foot!

Elephant: Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days?
Hippo: I give up.
Elephant: Because their kids have to play inside!

Robbie: Larry’s mother had four children. Three were named North, South and West. What was her other child’s name?
Bobbie: East?
Robbie: No. Larry.

Mother to son: I’m warning you. If you fall out of that tree and break both your legs, don’t come running to me!


“Uncle John,” said little Emily, “did you hear that a baby that was fed on elephant’s milk gained 200 pounds in one week?”

“Nonsense! Impossible! Whose baby was it?”

“The elephant’s.”



The Old Farmer’s Almanac






Whether it’s a simple phone call or family time, spend Mother’s Day thinking about mom. In honor of Mother’s Day, we’ve thought about 10 ways to celebrate moms and motherhood—from sharing a meal to giving flowers with symbolic meaning to making a card with special quotes and memories.


Mother’s Day is always celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It’s not a federal holiday, but Mother’s Day is widely celebrated as a special day to honor all mothers and motherhood. Together, let’s honor the women who raised us—and all the mothers who sacrificed for their children.

Year Mother’s Day
2019 Sunday, May 12
2020 Sunday, May 10
2021 Sunday, May 9


The greatest love is a mother’s; Then comes a dog’s, then comes a sweetheart’s. 
–Polish proverb

Although the custom of setting aside a day to honor mothers has ancient roots, our observance of Mother’s Day mainly came about through the efforts of a devoted daughter, Anna M. Jarvis.

After the death of her own mother in 1905, Jarvis wanted to recognize the sacrifices mothers made for their children. She organized the first official Mother’s Day celebration in May 1908 at a Methodist church in Grafton, West Virginia.

On May 8, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating the second Sunday in May Mother’s Day, and within a few years, the idea gained worldwide prominence.


Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law. 
–Hubert Humphrey, American politician

1. Bring mom flowers! How about a bouquet with flowers that symbolize your relationship?

  • Mother’s Day founder, Anna Jarvis, envisioned all mothers wearing a white carnation on Mother’s Day.
  • Purple irises are also a special choice for mothers, symbolizing faith and hope.
  • Or, simply pick flowers that have meaning to your own mother!

2. Give your mother a live plant. If your mom is a green thumb, consider giving her a new plant for her collection.

  • Perhaps a new rose bush or a geranium?
  • Orchids symbolize “many children.”
  • Or, perhaps a dogwood or flowering shrub?

3. Design and plant a garden.

Give her the gift of a small garden. You can buy the plants and also plant them in the ground.

  • Perhaps your mother wished she had flowers in a shady border?
  • Or, maybe she’s admiring the spring blooms and would like some spring-blooming bulbs (plant in the fall) or summer-blooming bulbs (plant in the spring)?
  • Or, if your mother enjoys cooking, perhaps she’d love an herb garden outside her kitchen window.

4. Bring mom breakfast in bed! How about a chocolate croissant from your local bakery?

5. Cook mom a special dinner! Think about her favorite food. Here are some yummy recipes passed down through the generations—made by moms and grandmothers!

6. Bake a cake! Traditionally, children in England always baked a cake for their Mother’s Day—called Mothering Sunday.

7. Make a homemade gift. Mothers love gifts from the heart!

8. Give your mother a locket with your photos. Forget about a digital photo gift. Imagine your mother’s delight to have a beautiful locket with photos of her children. She’ll treasure it forever!

9. Give your mother jewelry with your birthstone. For example, if your birthday is in August, give your mother peridot stud earrings. She’ll always think of her dear child when she wears them.

10. Make your own card. In our home, it’s a tradition to make a homemade card every year.

Wondering what to write in the card? How about sharing a funny story or happy memory of you and your mom? It will make her smile.


Here at the Almanac, we shared some of the happiest or funniest memories of our own mothers. We welcome your happy memories and stories, too! (Please share in the comments below.)

My mom sang a lot around the house and I thought she made up all of the songs. When I got older, I started to hear those same songs on the radio and was like “Hey …”
–Sarah P., Almanac editor

When I was a teenager my mother went back to college to get her Master of Library Science—studies that required she learn how to program computers. This put me in the unique position of being able to help my mother with her homework.
–Peter R., Almanac programmer

When I was young and all of my older siblings were in school, my Mom and I would have breakfast by the kitchen window and watch the hummingbirds. We loved watching the hummingbirds!
–Colleen Q., Almanac art director

We went to Ocean City, Maryland, every summer for a week on the beach. My mom went out on the beach every sunny day and sat there, under a big umbrella. She never got a tan (she had very fair skin and burned easily). No one can remember her ever going into the water. Not once.
–Tim C., Almanac editor

Some of my happiest memories are singing songs with Mom as she played the piano. She also encouraged me to play. Even though it was a struggle at times, I am glad to have had lessons, not only because I discovered how to play an instrument but also because I learned how to read music and how the notes worked together to make a melody.
–Heidi S., Almanac editor

My Mom and I have what we’ve always kind of called “our psychic connection” because it always seems like she will call me when I’ve been thinking of her a lot that day, or I’ll call her and she’ll say she’d been thinking of me. It seems like my daughter and I also have the “psychic connection”!
—Stacey K., Almanac staff

Before I started school, Mom took me to the library every week to take out 5 books, and return the 5 books from the prior week. We’d read together almost every day. 
–Colleen Q., Almanac art director

Of course, if YOU are a mother, we wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day!






By Lucille J. Goodyear

While the Mother’s Day that we celebrate on the second Sunday in May is a fairly recent development, the basic idea goes back to ancient mythology—to the long ago civilizations of the Greeks and Romans.

The Greeks paid annual homage to Cybele, the mother figure of their gods, and the Romans dedicated an annual spring festival to the mother of their gods.


In 16th century England a celebration called “Mothering Sunday” was inaugurated—a Sunday set aside for visiting one’s mother. The eldest son or daughter would bring a “mothering cake,” which would be cut and shared by the entire family. Family reunions were the order of the day, with sons and daughters assuming all household duties and preparing a special dinner in honor of their mother. Sometime during the day the mother would attend special church services with her family.


Here in America, in 1872, Julia Ward Howe, a famous poet and pacifist who fought for abolition and women’s rights, suggested that June 2 be set aside to honor mothers in the name of world peace. This happened not long after the bloody Franco-Prussian War after which Howe began to think of a global appeal to women.

The idea died a quick death. Nothing new happened in this department until 1907, when a Miss Anna M. Jarvis, of Philadelphia, took up the banner.


After her mother died in 1905, Miss Anna Jarvis wished to memorialize her life and started campaigning for a national day to honor all mothers.

Her mother, known as “Mother Jarvis,” was a young Appalachian homemaker and lifelong activist who had organized “Mother’s Work Days” to save the lives of those dying from polluted water. During the Civil War, Mother Jarvis had also organized women’s brigades, encouraging women to help without regard for which side their men had chosen.  At the time, there were many special days for men, but none for women.

On May 10, 1908, a Mother’s Day service was held at a church in Grafton, West Virginia, where Anna’s mother had taught. Thus was born the idea that the second Sunday in May be set aside to honor all mothers, dead or alive.

Anna Jarvis, bombarded public figures and various civic organizations with telegrams, letters, and in-person discussions. She addressed groups large and small. At her own expense, she wrote, printed, and distributed booklets extolling her idea.

Her efforts came to the attention of the mayor of Philadelphia, who proclaimed a local Mother’s Day. From the local level she went on to Washington, D.C. The politicians there knew a good thing when they saw it and were quick to lend verbal support.

West Virginia was the first state to officially adopt the holiday, and others followed suit. Proclamation of the day by the various states led Representative J. Thomas Heflin of Alabama and Senator Morris Sheppard of Texas to present a joint resolution to Congress that Mother’s Day be observed nation-wide. The resolution was passed by both houses.



In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill designating the second Sunday in May as a legal holiday to be called “Mother’s Day”—dedicated “to the best mother in the world, your mother.”

For the first few years, the day was observed as a legal holiday, but in absolute simplicity and reverence—church services were held in honor of all mothers, living and dead.

In many ways family observance much resembled that of the British version of “Mothering Sunday.”




Now In Honor Of Our Mothers: How the Zodiac Signs Are as Mothers

How the Zodiac Signs Are as Mothers

Discover each mom’s unique parenting style

Content authored by Nancy Frederickson

Moms are people, too. To many, mothers are simply there, ready and more than willing to take care of the needs of other. But Astrology reveals that each zodiac sign has its own special traits, needs, and foibles.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

The cuddly, sweet, apron-clad mom probably doesn’t belong to this Astrology sign! She’s busy and active and may spend an equal amount of time changing the oil in her motorcycle as snuggling the kiddies. That’s a good thing for children who seek independence rather than a hands-on level of involvement. Eventually an Aries mom seems cool, once her tots are adults who can look at all the adventures their mom has enjoyed and think, “Wow!”

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Taurus moms’ kids look back on a childhood filled with shopping trips and yummy food. No other mom is as involved in gustatory pleasures as this little lady. Whether she cooks or not — and usually she will — Taurus mom knows where to get the good treats, and every life crises can usually be solved with a nibble. A Taurus mother is also the one who offers her children a sense of security and stability by showing up to every sporting event, play, or school concert.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Although a Gemini mom may seem too busy talking on the phone, reading a book, or watching television to pay a ton of attention to her kids, she is a super fun mother when it comes to play time. Board games bore this witty woman as it does most moms. She’ll happily play for hours. Need a Pictionary partner or someone to challenge at Scrabble? She’s your gal. And even as she gets on in years, a Gemini mother is willing to go on a bike ride with her adventurous adult children.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Cancer signs all want to be mothers — even the men. No other zodiac sign is as cuddly and nurturing and as willing to focus on their kids (almost to the point of worship). Nothing is more important to this mom than the security and comfort of her offspring. She’s the sort of steel magnolia who will work three jobs, get up at dawn to make waffles, and immediately vanquish any minor dark cloud crossing the horizon of a beloved child.

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)

Children of Leo moms are always proud to have the snazziest mother in the room — until their friends want to date her. This glamour queen has such an imperative to always look wonderful. She may spend just as much time using her gold card at the most upscale stores as she does tending to a case of the sniffles. She does know how to make life fun, and kids of a Leo mom always remember the amazing birthday parties she threw for them.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

A Virgo mom always wants her kids to strive for perfection — even more perfect than she is, and that’s really shooting for the Moon. Organized, efficient, and precise, she should be running a country instead of a mere household. Her kids grow up not even knowing what a microwave dinner is because everything is done to perfection by this driven dynamo. Any problem is soon solved, every science project is done early, and life looks easy in her capable hands.

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)

Social, outgoing, charming, and lovable to the max, Libra moms are like Mary Poppins, spreading cheer wherever they go. They live in velvet and silks and are happiest when planning a party or reading a romance novel. Children of these ladies adore them, even when Libras are occasionally too busy with their own social life to pay a ton of attention to the kiddos. Eventually those kids grow up and enjoy sharing a cocktail with their Libra mother.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

Most mysterious of all moms, this lady may be quite inscrutable. What you know of her is what she wishes you to see. Few people are privy to the secrets below the surface. Yet Scorpio moms are very passionately loving, and if anyone crosses one of this mom’s kids … forget it. She will fight to the death to protect her loved ones. This is not the woman to try to deceive. She knows everyone’s secrets, so it’s better to share your intimacies than aim for privacy.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

Everyone yearns for the mom who doesn’t care if the house is a mess, who will automatically say, “Yes!” when yet another stray animal comes looking for a home, and who is willing to pack up kids to trek across foreign lands. They should have had a Sag mom. Her values are as true as her sense of justice, and she raises her kids to have open minds and warm hearts.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

Traditional, stern, and only occasionally quirky, this mom has a clear sense of what’s important and spends ample time imparting to her offspring the need for discipline and success. This is the mom who will tirelessly coach a child until that Olympic gold medal is achieved. She doesn’t feel that childhood is solely for fun, because to her, you must start working immediately to get ahead in life.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

Nobody expects a mom to be a forward-thinking, techno-savvy iconoclast, but that’s what you get with Aquarius. She’s not shy, not dainty, and she can take apart a computer and put it back together. The Aquarius mother is all about her friendships and her causes, and a child can learn a lot from being dragged straight from a community meeting to a volunteer group. She’s not centered around emotions or personal attention, but she will help her kids face life from an interesting perspective.

Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)

Sensitive, sweet, tender-hearted, and artistic, Pisces moms seem to be asked for more mothering than they can give some days. There’s always such a long line of people waiting to talk to her and be snuggled that a child might get lost in the shuffle. The way to reach this dreamy doll of a mom is to crawl into her lap and connect subliminally. Those hours of doing creative projects together aren’t just silly — it’s how Pisces moms bond with their kids. is Part of Zappallas USA © 2019

Planet Tracker for May 12: Moon in Virgo

The Moon in Virgo: Practical, Organized, Patient

May 12, 2019 – May 14, 2019

Virgo is an Earth sign so it’s practical, but it’s also related to Mercury which means it has an active mind. If you were born with the Moon in Virgo, you are known for your intellect, curious mind, and intuition. Virgo likes to cut through the noise and get to the good stuff — constantly sorting out thoughts, feelings, and everything around them. Leave it to Virgo to figure out what’s useful or useless, what’s true or not true, what’s right or wrong. It’s not surprising that this sign’s motto is “I analyze.”

Before we talk specifically about the Moon in Virgo, let’s talk about the Moon for a moment. In astrology, the Moon in considered a planet — it’s the fastest moving of them all. Because it moves so quickly, the Moon passes through each of the 12 zodiac signs every month.

When the Moon is in Virgo

No matter which Sun sign you were born under, for a few days each month, we all feel like a Virgo. Because Virgo loves order and cleanliness, you’ll feel a stronger urge to organize your living spaces during the Virgo Moon transit. This is also an excellent time to work on any projects as this diligent sign has an uncanny ability to analyze the critical details most of us would miss!

Virgos loves to lend a helping hand, so don’t be surprised if you are the first person to volunteer when a friend asks for a favor. Don’t be mistaken — you won’t feel obligated in the least bit. Because Virgos love to pitch in, you’ll not only want to come to someone’s aid, but you’ll also get extreme satisfaction from it. What can we say? This sign truly enjoys being of service to others.

When the Moon is in Virgo, you may feel more motivated to take your health more seriously. You might find yourself re-evaluating your diet and nutrition, or possibly taking up a new fitness regimen. Don’t be afraid to get out and flex those muscles!

New Moon in Virgo

In the late summer, when the Sun is in the sign of Virgo, we have what is called a Virgo New Moon. This is always a time of new beginnings, and a time of a new emotional cycle. This New Moon is different in that we don’t plant new seeds; instead, we try to figure out what to do with what we’ve harvested. You’ll find yourself asking, “Where do I go from here?” The key is figuring out how to use what you’ve been working on to create a different kind of new beginning. Now that you’ve plucked that wheat the Virgo is known for holding, how are you going to use it?

Full Moon in Virgo

Six months later, at the end of winter, we have what is known as a Virgo Full Moon. Because the Sun is in the sign of Pisces, this is a time when you’ll get lost in your thoughts, and find yourself dreaming about the future. The energy of this Full Moon helps us balance this out by bringing us back to reality, and showing us how we can make these fantasies a reality.

If you were born with the Moon in Virgo

Virgo is an Earth sign so it’s practical, but it’s also related to Mercury which means it has an active mind. If you were born with the Moon in Virgo, you are known for your intellect, curious mind, and intuition. Virgo likes to cut through the noise and get to the good stuff — constantly sorting out thoughts, feelings, and everything around them. Leave it to Virgo to figure out what’s useful or useless, what’s true or not true, what’s right or wrong. It’s not surprising that this sign’s motto is “I analyze.”

Anyone who knows a Virgo knows that they need to feel useful, and somehow contributing to a project, a relationship, or whatever it is that needs their assistance. This is why someone with a Virgo Moon is seen as a hardworking team member in the workplace, or a loyal friend who rushes to their friends’ sides in difficult times. Virgo has been accused of being critical, but they don’t do it because they dislike something — Virgo is just trying to help!

Those born with the Moon in Virgo are some of the most loyal people you’ll meet. Yes, Virgo has high standards and loves to examine every aspect of a relationship before jumping. This doesn’t mean Virgo is cold — they can be just as passionate and loving as other signs — it’s simply that they want to know what they’re getting into. Rest assured, once a Virgo is on your side, they are in it for the long haul. is Part of Zappallas USA © 2019

Your Daily Ogham Reading for May 12 is Ura-Heather

Your Daily Ogham Reading for May 12


The beauty of heather flowers is one reason it is associated with the Irish Goddess of love, fertility, and new growth. Be happy when you draw this letter because it denotes love, companionship, and passion. Whether it will be a new love or an old love rekindled, Ura is a powerful symbol and one that may bring great luck in your love life.

Fortune – This Ogham deals in matters of Love. Whether it is new love or rekindling of old love, enjoy the peace and love that comes with Ura!


Your Daily Witches Rune for May 12 is The Crossed Spears

The Daily Witches Rune

The Crossed Spears

Meaning: The presence of the spear signifies arguments, negative events, and all manner of strife of an upsetting nature. However similar to the ‘Tower’ tarot card if next to a positive rune it could mean the end of an argument or quarrel. If with the rings it means the healing or renewal of a relationship. If there are military connections it could mean promotion. If illness is within the equation it means a speedy and successful recovery.

Your Daily Rune for May 12 is Tiwaz


What is higher than the self is the Self become Higher.”

Tiwaz – “Tea-waz” – Literally: “The god, Tyr” – Esoteric: Justice, Sacrifice

Rune of the balance and justice ruled from a higher rationality. The rune of sacrifice of the individual (self) for well-being of the whole (society).

Psi: spiritual warrior, honour, righteousness

Energy: sovereign order, sacrifice, right decision making

Mundane: the rule of law, fairness, peace keeping

Divinations: faith, loyalty, justice, rationality, self-sacrifice, analysis, victory, honesty, even-handedness; or mental paralysis, over analysis, over-sacrifice, injustice, imbalance, defeat, tyranny.

Obtaining just victory and success in battle, litigation or legal matters
Building spiritual will and development of sound judgement
Develops the power of positive self-sacrifice
Develops the “force of faith” in magic and religion

Get a jump on tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Monday, May 13th

Moon Alert

We have the “all clear” today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Virgo.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Pluto is energizing the Sun in your sign, which makes this a powerful day for you, in many, many ways. However, I think the most important way that you are empowered today is that you can improve yourself. You can improve your image, your appearance, your style and your relationships. (Not too shabby.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Those of you who are doing any kind of research or trying to find answers or solutions to old questions will be successful today because the Force is with you. You will be able to delve deeply into what you are seeking or what you want to learn. Nothing will hold you back.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You might attract someone today who is very powerful. (“Hi Darth.”) This person might even convince you to change your goals. Possibly, you are the powerful person who will influence others – friends or members of groups. If so, you want to influence them to improve their lives.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You make a big impression on bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs today. They might even be in awe of you. You will be forceful and want to get things done, which is why you will exert your influence to make things happen. “Move that mountain!” “Build that bridge!”

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

If you feel passionately about something today, you will be convincing and persuasive when talking to others about politics, religion, racial issues, metaphysics, history, astronomy, astrology or any ideology to which you adhere. Obviously, this is a powerful day for teachers!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today you might learn information that you want to know regarding your partner’s wealth or the wealth or earnings of someone else. You might also delve into secrets regarding insurance issues, wills, inheritances or anything to do with shared property. “I have x-ray vision.”

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your encounters with partners and close friends will be powerful and memorable today. In fact, you might attract someone to you who is impressive if not daunting. Nevertheless, your Libra charm will see you through because you value justice.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Look for ways to introduce reforms or make improvements to your job today because this is entirely possible. In fact, by extension, you might see ways to improve your health. You might even see ways to improve the health of your pet. Woof!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Romance will be sizzling and sexy today – the stuff of movies! Likewise, sports events will be intense, aggressive and passionate in a competitive way. Whatever you do today will be edgy, and ideally, you will see ways to make things perform or run better.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You can make improvements at home today especially in areas related to laundry, plumbing, garbage, recycling and bathrooms. Meanwhile, a family discussion will be intense. Family members will agree that improvements are necessary. Look around you to see what really needs to be done. Tackle that first, especially if it involves tearing something down.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You are convincing and persuasive today – no question. However, you can also use your channeled mental focus to learn something new or discover hidden answers or new ways of doing something. Suddenly, you might see your daily environment with new eyes.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Because you are in a resourceful frame of mind today, you might see new uses for something that you already own. Could that lawnmower be a floor lamp? You might also see new ways to earn money or perhaps you will find a better paying job? Ka-ching!

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Iwan Rheon (1985) shares your birthday today. You are easy-going and patient. You are also determined, responsible and focused about getting whatever you want. This is a fun-loving year. Enjoy increased popularity and warm friendships. This year you will be more grateful for your life and will appreciate the happiness and beauty around you in a daily way. You will make an important choice — choose wisely.



Born on May 12, Happy Birthday Taurus!

Happy Birthday Taurus!

MAY 12 birthday horoscope predicts that this Taurus person typically has the potential for success or failure. Seemingly, you may go through life vicariously, but that does not mean you are reckless. You always think before you leap.

You are loaded with energy, and you appreciate the ability to enjoy the good life. The May 12 birthday personality may take the approach of “work hard, play harder.” This is fine, but some of you may have trouble dealing with the consequences of the said actions.

Having to deal with hindrances does not problematic well with your personality. The May 12 birthday meanings predict that if your goals are set just under your capabilities, you are not sufficiently challenged. Your biggest fear is a failure.

The May 12 birthday horoscope predicts that you take pride in having a close family unit in which typically, you are the topic of discussions. Flattery comes in many forms, but imitation is the most excellent compliment.

The younger ones often find themselves copying your behavior and style. You are humbled to find this kind of admiration brewing among loved ones. May 12 birthday natives believe that lasting relationships are founded on more than just physical attraction.

The May 12th birthday astrology analysis predicts that you are a naturally good company, but you can be an impulsive flirt. You keep your circle of friends to a minimum but definitely, define levels of intimacy. These zodiac individuals want a special kind of relationship.

You feel as though there should be some attraction out of the bedroom. You are attracted to someone who has a great sense of humor, who is easy to talk to and someone who will give you a stable partnership. If today is your birthday, you love pillow talk. It is here that you will unveil your secret fantasies.

The May 12 horoscope analysis predicts that those born today will get a late start in a profession. You would perhaps make a good business manager as a career choice. After all, running a household effectively takes business sense. In taking care of the home, you are likely to have creative talents, and you would bring them to the professional roundtable. You have the right combination of creativity and practical common sense.

This birthday characteristic is most suitable for interior business design and themes. This would combine both business and creative talents. Pay is not necessarily the deciding factor when it comes to choosing a career, but if given an option, naturally you would choose the job with the best pay.

As the May 12 zodiac sign is Taurus, you take excellent care of yourselves. You are optimistic individuals who consume small meals during the day. You exercise regularly to achieve the body you want. The May 12 born, have a sound temperament and work to keep peace and harmony. You try to make sure your mind is clear of all negative thoughts and feelings.

The May 12 birthday personality are overflowing with energy. Your biggest fear is not winning but losing. When it comes to love, this flirtatious Taurus birthday person would be attracted to someone who is funny and can carry on a decent conversation. If you had to choose, you would choose the job with the best options. Salary, like sex, is secondary to the happiness of this Bull.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On May 12

Emilio Estevez, Kim Fields, Tony Hawk, Katharine Hepburn, Pepper Jay, Florence Nightingale, Emily Vancamp

This Day That Year – May 12th In History

1551 – Lima, Peru opens San Marcos University.
1890 – Prizefighting legal in Louisiana.
1908 – NYC holds its second NAACP conference.
1921 – National Hospital Day in observance.

May 12 Vrishabha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

May 12 Chinese Zodiac SNAKE

May 12 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Venus that symbolizes the different relationships in your life and what you gain from them.

May 12 Birthday Symbols

The Bull Is The Symbol For The Taurus Zodiac Sign

May 12 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Hanged Man. This card symbolizes that you need to let go of specific issues in your life. The Minor Arcana cards are Seven of Pentaclesand King of Swords.

May 12 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Virgo: This love match will be steady and enjoyable.

You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Gemini: This relationship will be a difficult combination.

May 12 Lucky Numbers

Number 8 – This number is a symbol of authority, Karma universal spiritual consciousness, and ambition.
Number 3 – This is some creative expression, imagination, and happiness.

Lucky Colors For May 12 Birthday

Lilac: This is a color that is symbolic of Chakra cleansing and spiritual meditation.
Green: This is a color of balance, stability, growth, jealousy and positive energy.

Lucky Days For May 12 Birthday

Friday – This day ruled by Venus, the God of love and money shows that you look for pleasure and happiness in everything you do.
Thursday – This day ruled by Jupiter is a day of learning, spreading knowledge and attracting good luck.

May 12 Birthstone Emerald

Emerald is a gemstone said to bring security in love relationships and develop a strong bond of friendship.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On May 12th

A gift certificate from his favorite shop for the man and an expensive leather purse for the woman. The May 12 birthday personality will not take no for an answer when they fall in love with someone or something.


The Daily Horoscopes for Sunday, May 12

Moon Alert

Avoid shopping or big decisions from 8 AM to 1 PM EDT today (5 AM to 10 AM PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Leo into Virgo.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Because the Moon changes signs today (and the Moon always affects our emotions), there will be a shift today. After the Moon goes into Virgo, you will see new ways of doing a job or dealing with your health. You will have a chance to do some out-of-the-box thinking.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

After the Moon changes signs today (see above) likewise, your social life will get a jolt. You might get an unexpected invitation somewhere? Possibly, you will have to cancel social plans? Perhaps something unexpected will rev your engines and create some fun! Note: parents should be extra vigilant about their kids.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This morning begins with a busy pace but it soon settles down to a domestic focus on home and family. Nevertheless, something unusual will be going on at home, which will keep you on your toes! Count on it. Be alert. (The word needs more lerts.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Pay attention to everything you say and do today because something unusual will impact your routine. In fact, this is a mildly accident-prone day for you so do keep your eyes open. However, enjoy the stimulation of meeting new faces and seeing new places!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Keep an eye on your possessions and your money today because something unexpected could impact these areas. In other words, you might find money or you might lose money. Likewise, something you own might be lost, stolen or damaged. (Yikes!)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is quite an exciting day for you, especially after the Moon moves into your sign because then it will be dancing with wild, wacky Uranus. This will tune up your psychic abilities and make you feel original, inventive and spontaneous! Count on meeting new, interesting people.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

In some ways, this will be a mildly hectic or restless day for you. However, this will not be due to external phenomena (although anything might be happening externally). Instead, it will be due to your own inner state of mind. Keep calm and carry on. Focus.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Quite likely, you will meet new and interesting people today. As a prominent Canadian said, “Assume that the person you’re talking to might know something that you don’t.” Smart idea. Give yourself a chance to learn something or make a fresh observation.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Be on your toes today because something to do with bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will catch you off guard because they might explode or overreact to something. Whatever happens, try to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Be caring.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Something unexpected might affect something to do with property that you share with someone else or something that you might have borrowed from someone else? Things are a bit unpredictable so be careful. You don’t want to offend anyone.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

No matter what happens today, someone close to you – a partner or close friend – might throw you curveball or do something you least expect. On the upside, they might introduce you to someone interesting and very different. Either way, keep your eyes open!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a mildly accident-prone day for you so pay attention to everything you say and do. On the upside, however, you will have some interesting experiences. New places, new faces and new ideas will make today different and more exciting for you.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Rami Malek (1981) shares your birthday today. You enjoy life’s pleasures. You also have the necessary patience and perseverance to go after what you want. This year will be more laid back. Nevertheless, your relations with others will be important. Focus on how to cooperate with others. Look for ways to be kinds and helpful. Business and personal relationships will benefit you so be open to engaging with others.



Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of May 12

Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of May 12

by Sarah Bartlett.

From The Astrology Room


With Venus moving into sensual Taurus and Mars into caring Cancer, we can all expect to be more understanding towards others, and likewise they will respect our integrity too.

This is a time to show how much you love being with someone, and be honest about your desires. Frank discussions will clear the air, and the bonus is that both heads and hearts can at last work in tandem.



You wonder if what you have is what you really want and what you want is really what you need. To cap it all, the planetary activity is demanding you make a few decisions, but you feel as if you’re no longer in control of your destiny. Can you now take the odd risk in love and still get the change you seek? Give it a try.



At long last, dreams can come true if you listen your heart and remain true to your own desires. Then love will start to be what you truly want it to be, not just in your head, but in the physical, three-dimensional world. There may still be unexpected encounters or strange twists and turns, but things are looking up.



Where love is concerned, all you have to do is follow your heart, listen to your instinct and trust your integrity. Even though Jupiter is still retrograde in your love angle, there’s also a fresh chance to make a great decision for the better, and relinquish the past.



With Mars moving into your own sign, the energy is exciting, people are more fascinating and you want to join in a few romantic games. In fact, a stranger’s alternative lifestyle appears very appealing. They may be fool-hardy, enviable, larger than life, but you know that whether they’re just another new friend or a possible lover, you must get to know them better. Enjoy the intrigue, you know it amuses you.



Even though Jupiter’s retrograde influence may still be filling you with fears about a long-term commitment, or lack of it, the cosmos is smarter. Thanks to the realistic effects of Venus and Mercury, whether it’s a new lover in your life or just an emotional change to your current one, at last someone will respect and admire your need for independence. It’s time to run a little wild too.



If you want to be ‘in love,’ you now have the chance to make a personal decision. Take responsibility for your actions and choices, and give up that feeling of never getting to the top of some metaphorical staircase. Now you can replace it all by arriving where you want to be.



You’re a romantic and that’s the truth. Which is why the planetary activity this week will bring you a renewed sense of being in love. Either with someone new if single, or if attached, a revitalisation of your passion together. Enjoy the romance, linger in love, and realise that being human isn’t so bad after all.



This week you can say to yourself, ‘how could I have not known what my true feelings are?’ And your current partner or admirer may agree, ’that’s true.’ By the end of the week, it will be time to shout to the wind, ‘It was just a phase of self-doubt I went through. Now it’s time to follow my heart.’



You’ve been wondering whether to leap in at the deep end where one relationship is concerned, thanks to your ruler Jupiter’s influence, but this week is a bit of breakthrough. In fact, it’s now or never to make that serious commitment to your future, either alone, or with someone else. There’s never been a more exciting and seductive beginning to your life, to right wrongs, ditch the blame game, or order deep and long-lasting love from the cosmos.



With this week’s cosmic line-up, suddenly you’re up for living life to the full again. Limbo becomes a dance again, not an in-between zone, and you know what truly makes you feel good to be alive. Venus meanwhile asks, what are your values in love? and you know you have no choice but to answer truthfully.



You are blessed with the drive, energy and knowledge to make sure that you follow up on your wants and desires. At last you know that love is in your hands, not in the lap of the gods. Your choices are your own, so take responsibilty for your own happiness and lead the dance.



Why is it you’re feeling so moody and erratic? One day happy with life as it is, another wondering whether it’s time you followed up a niggling desire for a complete change of lifestyle? Thankfully, you’re not about to cause chaos. Merely release your desires, expose your dreams and tell the world what you’re really about.



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Your Horoscopes for the Week of May 12

 Your Weekly Horoscopes for May 12

by Celebrity Astrologer Claire Petulengro

From The Astrology Room



ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)

You seem to be spending a lot of your time thinking about what should be done, rather than what you want to do. If you continue to live your life according to others rules, then you will never be truly happy. Use the confidence which Jupiter can offer this week to grow as YOU desire. Ring now, so I can help you to get to know you again.


TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)

You seem to be missing someone, who is no longer a part of your day to day life. Just try to remember, Taurus, that you were a person before they came into your life, and you still have hold of your strong identity now. You just have to learn to listen to BOTH your head and your heart. Ring now to hear how this week can be life changing.


GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)

Home affairs are highlighted and with the events which are forecast to transpire, you finally admit what you need to feel settled and secure for the future. This will of course, mean admitting what and who you need to distance yourself from. Ring now to hear why I’m so sure you hold the power to do so with class and dignity.


CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)

I’m afraid that news you hear this week, may well leave you with a sour taste in your mouth. What you are about to find out, to your advantage, is that a door you never wanted to remain open, (but did), can finally now be closed. You start to focus on you and your needs for the first time in two years. Ring now so we can celebrate.


LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)

You know you are good at your job, and you should not let anyone convince you otherwise. In fact, Leo, it is only by standing up for yourself in the days ahead, that you will start to get the respect and admiration you crave from your superiors. Names that link to a chain are lucky for your finances. Ring now for your week in full.


VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)

What do you want out of this month Virgo? Your stars tell me that you have been going wrong in circles and have found it hard to concentrate on even the simplest of instructions. Try to take some time out for you this week, before you go bang. Time alone is what will lead to the realisation of what you must do next. Ring now for answers.


LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)

Things you learn at this time change the way you view your options for the future professionally. You realise, you can afford to ask for more and that you do deserve to be paid better. This may lead to a decision which will take your finances down for a while, but is sure to raise them up than better before long term. Ring now for insight.


SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)

The past cannot be undone, a lesson, which can take many of your sign a lifetime to learn. Don’t be that Scorpio. Draw on your signs many positive points. Focus only on the present. It’s what can make your life a better place to be. Letters and e mails you receive, shed light on what’s expected from you professionally. Ring now to hear more.


SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)

An upset in the family has upset you more than you’re willing to admit. Try to go back to basics this week and think about what is really important to get you feeling, as if you are in the driving seat in life again. You still need to make up for that broken promise last weekend. Do it before Friday. Ring now to focus on what’s real.


CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)

There’s a rather theatrical feel to your chart, which could see your close ones accusing you of acting like a child throwing it’s toys out the pram. Try to know how far is too far to go, as you and I know you’ve only just got back on track after last months misunderstanding. Respect you show leads to better relationships.


AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)

Careful when doing sums and research this week. How things may appear is not how they may be once you’ve done a little more digging. If you can find some time to go back to basics and to remember what your original game plan was, then you’d stand a better chance of making decisions which are in your best interests. Ring now for help.


PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)

Family matters come to the fore. You have to put your own plans to one side in order to do what needs to be done for those struggling. This is more about you wanting to do the right thing, than it is those involved insisting, but they’re sure to show their gratitude when the smoke clears. Ring now so I can tell you how proud I am of you.



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Hour By Hour Look At The Astrological Events for the Week of May 13

Hour By Hour Look At The Astrological Events for the Week of May 13

Monday May 13

  • 11:07 pm – Sun trine Pluto from last Saturday to this Thursday brings intense and deep experiences. You will have greater power and influence over your own life, allowing for positive transformations. You can also exert this greater power and influence over the events in your life and over the people around you.

Tuesday May 14

  • 09:58 am – Venus sextile Mars from last Friday to this Friday makes this about the best weekly horoscope of the year for romance and socializing. The perfect blend of sexuality and affection make you look and feel sexy. You can be confident and assertive in chasing your desires without being at all threatening.
  • 02:50 pm – Moon enters Libra

Wednesday May 15

  • 05:45 am – Venus enters Taurus
  • 09:20 pm – Mercury sextile Neptune from Tuesday to Thursday is good for relaxation, creativity, communication and spiritual pursuits. You words become soothing and can actually be healing to others. All of your senses become acute, enabling you to pick up a lot of extra information through your intuition.
  • 11:09 pm – Mars enters Cancer

Thursday May 16

  • 05:25 pm – Moon enters Scorpio
  • 07:08 pm – Mercury trine Saturn from Wednesday to Friday is good for studying and catching up on your paperwork and bills. Sustained mental work will not seem so boring at usual. Good concentration and attention to detail means you will not make mistakes. You will get things done neatly and on time.

Saturday May 18

  • 01:48 am – Mercury trine Pluto from Friday to Sunday is ideal for asking for favors and talking people into things. Your brain is very powerful under this influence and it gives the power of penetration at the mental level. Socializing for the sake of it may not be appealing as serious discussion.
  • 12:16 pm – Venus conjunct Uranus at 03 ♉ 58 from Thursday to next Monday brings change and excitement with love or money, or both. Your increased need for stimulation can lead to sudden changes, or you may be subject to unexpected changes around you.
  • 05:11 pm – Full Moon at 27 ♏ 38 opposite Mercury means self-centered and overly rational thinking could lead to disagreements and prejudice. But helpful aspects to Pluto allow for greater understanding and positive transformations through sacrifice and offering.
  • 09:20 pm – Moon enters Sagittarius


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