A Way to Honor Your Mother and/or Father

Enchanted Circle of Witches®

I really do not know if every country sets aside one day a year to honor a person’s mother and/or father.

A tip to have candles burn longer and drop less– Out the candles in your freezer. Leave them in there until the morning of the day or night you will use it. Always let candle come to room temperature especially if they are in a glass container. I can tell you first hand if you light the candle, especially any size pillar or one in a glass container, they will explode. I had a few blisters on my face and eyelids from a regular, non-empowered ritual, candle exploding and the wax was very difficult to get out of my couch and rug. Please keep in mind safety first When using any size or shape candle for any reason.

Even though mine crossed the veil almost 4 years ago I…

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A Day of Seeing Gaia/Mother Earth Through a Child’sEyes Again

Enchanted Circle of Witches®

I woke to see Ra shinning down on us after being buried behind nasty storm clouds for the past week. The temperature is a balmy 70F with Air providing g a gentleb breeze. The only drawback is for those of us allergic to mold spores which are out in full force. I’ll still take this gift of this beautiful day andI just take some allergy medicine. I’m writing this while sitting outside watching my almost 4-year-old grandson play. Plus because of the Maple tree in their yard I was able to explain where big trees come from. The seed from any Maple tree has about a 1/2 inch seed incased in a thing that looks like a wing sort of. As kids wecan called them “whirly birds.” There was also a couple of small new birth twigs with 3 different size leaves on them, so we talked about how trees…

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