Astronomy Picture of the Day – The Hill, The Moon, and Saturn 

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2018 November 20

The Hill, The Moon, and Saturn 
Image Credit & CopyrightTamas Ladanyi (TWAN)


Explanation: Last Sunday when the Moon was young its sunlit crescent hung low near the western horizon at sunset. With strong earthshine it was joined by Saturn shining in the early evening sky for a beautiful conjunction visible to skygazers around our fair planet. On that clear evening on a hill near Veszprem, Hungary mother, daughter, bright planet, and young Moon are framed in this quiet night skyscape taken with a telephoto lens. Of course the Moon ages too quickly for some, and by tonight the sunlit part has reached its first quarter phase. This weekend skygazers spending quality time under Moon and stars might expect to see the annual rain of comet dust otherwise known as the Leonid meteor shower.

Your Daily Planet Tracker for Nov. 20: Mars in Pisces

Sensitive, Creative, and Easygoing

Now Until December 31, 2018

Assertive Mars can seem out of place in watery Pisces, a sign of diffusion. It may be more difficult to focus our initiative during this transit, especially if we aren’t feeling inspired. That’s Pisces’ influence, because this is a sign that needs to have a cause or greater purpose to be motivated to take action.

The complexity of this transit lies in the fact that while Mars is in Pisces, he’ll need to adjust his Martian ways to accommodate a style that Pisces is comfortable wearing. This is not an easy task when you realize that Pisces is all about faith, compassion, healing those who suffer, and unconditional love. So, how does Mars put up his dukes to fight when he’s wearing a pair of angel wings? In a word: gingerly.

When Mars is in Pisces

While Mars moves through soft and ethereal Pisces, it doesn’t necessarily mean our drive will disappear into thin air. After all, Mars is still Mars. Although we may have more of an urge to dream and use our imagination during this transit, Mars in Pisces can move mountains in a subtle way when we realize we’ve been given a cosmic green light to direct our energy toward inspired (Pisces) action (Mars).

Mars in Pisces works wonderfully to combine dynamism and compassion. Mars is able to push gently, express itself creatively, and fight for a higher purpose when it’s in this Water sign. There’s no better time to move forward with a creative pursuit or become the leader of the pack when it comes to a charitable cause. We can save the whales, feed the homeless, fight for the rights of the abused, and so much more during this incredible transit.

However, we need to watch where our passions take us while Mars moves through Pisces. This pairing can manifest as blindly lashing out or indiscriminate anger. There are many noble causes we can funnel our energy into, which is why we need to make sure we have a clear target in sight so we don’t simply flail about.

Universal Pisces often touches the artist within us. This is because Pisces knows that creative forms of expression can be so much richer than ordinary communication. So when Mars transits through this sign, we’re reminded that we all need channels to take us beyond the boundaries of our mundane perspectives.

If you were born with Mars in Pisces

Having your Mars in Pisces is like living on two sides of the same coin. This is the ultimate combination of sensitivity and potency. Think of a gentle giant. Think of the peaceful warrior. That’s what it’s like having your Mars in Pisces.

“Just go with the flow” are probably words you live by as someone with their Mars in Pisces. You’re not one to try and control every outcome, or obsesses about things that are out of your control. Instead, you like to sit back and let the events of your life unfold naturally. Just like a fish, you ride the waves as they come.

Having Mars in this area of your chart gives you an affinity for the arts or similar outlets that allow you to express your creative side — and it’s important that you do. If don’t have somewhere to release the inspired thoughts and passion bubbling up inside of you, it can lead to passive-aggressive behavior. So break out those paintbrushes, get out your guitar, or snap a few photos. You’ll be better off for it.

Your Mars in Pisces makes you the ultimate romantic! You love the rush of butterflies in your stomach after a great first date, or getting lost in fantasies of “happily ever after.” Relationships are about much more than just physical passion to you — you also need an emotional and spiritual connection that helps you fully merge with another person. Your acute sensitivity means that you’re able to easily pick up on what your partner wants and needs, in and out of the bedroom.

You’re a lover, not a fighter! Those born with their Mars in Pisces don’t often display outbursts of anger, preferring a more non-confrontational approach to life. You’re a pacifist who looks at the world through a compassionate lens, trying to understand why people behave the way the way they do rather than getting upset. This is one of the reasons you’re often rooting for the underdog. is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018

Your Karmic Number for November 20 is 4


The number 4 means that you are building a strong foundation for your new ventures. Good job! Keep going – build the frame, put up the walls, roof, and seed the yard. It may not be an actual building you are working on, but the structure for your goals is becoming a reality. Taking the time, step by step, means that you have a foundation, protection, and beauty. Use strong people and resources so that you don’t have to rebuild from scratch. In time, you will have a sturdy place to call your own.

Your Ogham Reading for November 20th

Your Ogham Reading for November 20th



While it also may have thorns, Gorse is known for a vibrant yellow flower that can last almost year round. For this reason this plant has become a symbol of vitality. It may be hardy and have some thorns but it protects wildlife and shines bright for everyone to see. When you draw this letter keep in mind optimism, positivity, and vigor. With Onn you will prevail as long as you keep your flower in bloom!

Fortune – This Ogham tells you that you will prevail! Stay happy and optimistic and everything you seek will turn out great!





The beauty of heather flowers is one reason it is associated with the Irish Goddess of love, fertility, and new growth. Be happy when you draw this letter because it denotes love, companionship, and passion. Whether it will be a new love or an old love rekindled, Ura is a powerful symbol and one that may bring great luck in your love life.

Fortune – This Ogham deals in matters of Love. Whether it is new love or rekindling of old love, enjoy the peace and love that comes with Ura!





Aspens grow in large colonies, with the root system potentially up to 10,000’s of years old. This tree can survive fires and other harmful conditions. Often this letter can be associated with death and the fear that comes from it. However it is better to see it for what the aspen really is. When one dies another aspen grows from the same root system. Death is not always a negative aspect of life; sometimes it is a necessary transition. The letter Edhadh will force us to look inward for what we need to “let die,” so we can renew ourselves.

Fortune – A large part of your life will be gone, yet do not worry because another great part will stop. Edhadh never closes one door without opening another!




Trusted Tarot

Today’s Witches Rune for November 20 is Woman

Today’s Witches Rune


Meaning: The first meaning of this rune is quite obvious: it represents women. Any woman that is important in the question, whether you know her or not, will be represented by this rune. Mother, sister, aunt, grandma, a female boss, friend, lover or even enemy… all can be symbolized by the appearance of this rune.

In a more general sense, this rune is related to traditional female abilities and characteristics, such as giving birth, nurturing, comforting and healing. When this rune appears, you can count on the sympathy of others towards you or your situation. In its most negative aspects, the Woman rune can show over-protectiveness, a patronizing attitude or co-dependency. It often strives to maintain the status quo, refusing to change even if the situation is bad.

The Woman rune is connected to nurturing – nurturing a relationship, a person or a project. Like the Moon rune, it can be related to finding a safe place to rest and heal, but while the Moon implies a solitary retreat, the Woman often shows that you need to go back to the people you trust, the people you feel safe with.

Healing is another strong aspect of this symbol, as well as teaching. You can be both the patient/student or the healer/teacher when this rune appears. This rune is also connected to creativity, but in a way that is different from the Romance rune. While the latter is about the conception of a project – the initial stages of creation – the Woman is about the birth of this project. When your creation is brought out into the world, fully manifested.

In relationship readings, this rune isn’t bad, but rather weak. While it can indicate subtle ties between people, these are usually so, so subtle that the partners can easily drift away from each other. It can show that one of the partners sees the other as someone who needs to be protected and healed, rather than an equal. Usually, the romance is a bit stagnated when this rune appears, or very close to becoming a friendship.


Your Daily Rune for November 20 is Mannaz

Your Daily Rune for November 20


“Man-az” – Literally: “Mankind”

Esoteric: Humankind, awareness

Rune of the Divine structure of intelligence in the human soul or psyche. Rune of the horizons of human existence and collective potential.

Psi: mind & memory (Hugin & Munin), the difference between human and all other life, development of the intellect, rational mind, perfected intelligence

Energy: psychic order of the gods reflected in humankind, projection of Self into time

Mundane: thinking, planning, analysis, the human condition, people at large (contemporary: the masses)

Divinations: Divine structure, sustainability, intelligence, awareness, social order, divine influence in life; or depression, mortality, blindness, self-delusion, collective suicide, bigotry, elitism, intellectual arrogance.


Realization of the divine structure in humankind
Increase in intelligence, memory and mental powers (passing tests)
Unlocking the third-eye hvel, the “mind’s eye”
Activating the dynamics of your own inner Christus, or Higher Self
Awareness of our roles as co-creator with the gods and nature
Mental and spiritual potential

Your Daily Influences for November 20

Your Daily Influences for November 20


Tarot Influence

Ten of Swords Reversed

Evil will be defeated. Courage is needed to face challenges. Develop your spiritual self.











Astrological Influence


While Gemini always has its duality to keep under control, it does manage to bring both humor and intelligence into any situation.











Element Influence

Water Reversed

Water reversed denotes secrets to which you are not privy. Approach all ventures with caution.

Your Daily Tarot Power Card for November 20 is The Chariot

The Chariot









You can succeed in your efforts if you maintain that willpower, and most of all, self-confidence! Sometimes this card can represent a physical journey that can take you to new lands for work or to chase a lover. Sometimes, however, this journey is more metaphorical, and can indicate that you’ll have to keep up the good work for quite some time. Recognition of your triumph can then come with financial rewards or some much-needed attention and praise for your achievement.

Your Daily Tarot Love Card for November 20 is The Pope

The Pope









The word “experience” reminds us that some things, even involvement in faulty love, improve us through the practice. This card invites you to new, truthful relationships because you have been there and done that with deceptive people who dare to lie, even to the Pope. You are one step closer to the love you desire and deserve. Two people’s duet or symphony reaches a higher octave if in a relationship.

Your Daily Tarot Card for November 20th is The Tower

The Tower










Keywords: sudden change, pride, houses and buildings, liberation!

Astrological Correspondence: Mars

The Tower card first and foremost illustrates that neither physical nor emotional structures that we build are permanent and stable; instead, they can be destroyed suddenly, thereby initiating change that we have tried to avoid. The sudden change resembled by the crumbling tower reminds us of letting go of outgrown beliefs and values, of releasing an illusion, an unhealthy relationship, an old way of life. The sudden change frees us to face the unknown, frees us to move forward instead of stagnate, frees us from social conventions and enlightens us on our path so that we reach a new level of understanding about our purpose in life. Not embracing the inevitable change brings out the negative elements that the Tower also depicts: being struck down by one’s own doing, by vanity and the inability to change so that one remains stagnant.

Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, November 21


Get A Jump On Tomorrow…..

Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, November 21

Claire Petulengro, Astrologer

From The Astrology Room


ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)
You may have encountered many defeats, but you must not be defeated Aries. You may not realise it, but if you take a little glimpse back, then you will soon see that you have what it takes to stand up to those you bowed down to last month.

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)
I know you say you are not taking advantage of a loved one, but have you looked at the evidence lately Taurus. Try to play fair and to treat those you love as you would wish to be treated. Life is waiting to be lived.

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)
There are several reasons for you to celebrate in the days and weeks ahead. You feel so much more aware of who is good and who is bad for you. In the process you decide who you want to separate yourself from.

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)
You are really struggling with some really important decisions you need to make with your life. This in turn could lead you to say and do things which you don’t really mean. Step back and do what you know is the right thing.

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)
Even you have to admit that you have been acting out of character of late. I know you have dreams and ambitions, but I also see that you are not doing a very good job of sharing your visions. You are in fact keeping them very much under wraps.

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)
Many new interests open up to you and you begin to see who you have wasted your time and energy on and who you need to make more of a priority. Children bring good news and are the reason you feel your stress levels drop.

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)
I know you have felt neglected by the very people you respected, but what you have yet to learn (and will before this month is over), is that you have the power on your own to make your dreams come true. Who joins you to support you of their own choice follows soon after.

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)
Why are you wasting your emotions on those who would not do the same for you? Surely a sign such as yourself should have learnt by now that you are at your best when you give one hundred per cent honesty. Time then to say who you no longer have the time and effort for.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)
You are approaching a new and really interesting phase of your life where you no longer worry about what others think of you but you act from the heart and only the heart. You’re about to make one of the best decisions of your life.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)
I can see that you’ve had to take time out to look after everyone but yourself. What important lessons have you learnt in this process Capricorn? That if you don’t take care of yourself, others won’t follow.

AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)
Little problems can turn into big ones if you don’t deal with them as they occur. There’s a lot of hard work ahead, but I know you have the ability to achieve more this week than you have all year.

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)
Work and play cross paths and you start to feel more positive about your future. You now see with ease what is possible and what you need to leave to time to solve. Arguments can’t be won with family now so bide your time.


For Claire’s in-depth horoscope for this week, call 0905 072 0237
Calls cost 77p/min from a BT landline

To book a private tarot, horoscope or clairvoyant reading with Claire over the telephone, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£55, US$83 for 20mins, UK£90, US$135 for 40mins.

More details..

Where You Born on November 20?

happy birthday, passionpussycat ♥

Born on Tuesday, November 20th

Living it up with the strong and sultry Scorpion

Because you don’t divulge a lot of the things that go on in your life, people know they can always trust you with their secrets.

If you were born on November 20, you are bursting with brilliant ideas! The passion that sits below the surface of your mind and mouth somehow finds a way to break free on a daily basis. You’re not one to sit still. Whether it’s starting a new project at work, planning a family vacation, or writing a speech that will change the world, you can be found plotting and planning something big! You have the capacity and the intellectual power to do important things. Take advantage of your skills and use them to make a positive change in your life and others’!

At your best: Enthusiastic, scrappy, idealistic
At your worst: Overzealous, intense, crazy

More About Scorpio

Uh oh … did we let the cat out of the bag? Scorpio, we know that you treasure your privacy and enjoy being mysterious, but really — can you at least reveal that it’s your birthday? You’ve got so many incredible qualities to celebrate and the people who love you truly want to honor you on this special day.

The Calm Before The Storm

Let’s take, for example, your incredible sense of calm and razor sharp ability to take care of those crisis-filled moments without even breaking a sweat. No other sign is as good in a traumatic situation as you are. In fact, the other, more easily frazzled souls out there tend to count on you to get them through life’s most tricky terrain. You’ve also got a penetrating ability to see right into the heart of anyone and instantly understand what makes them tick. A natural born psychologist, people may lean on you for emotional support — especially in times of catastrophe. If there’s anything you’re not, it’s superficial.

These qualities might, however, get in the way of anyone who tries to plan your surprise birthday bash. Why? Because you’re more likely than others to intuitively pick up on the unspoken vibes around you. In fact, you are known as one of the most psychic signs of the zodiac! Since few people have an ability to pull the wool over your eyes, Scorpio, you may have a tendency towards suspicion. Remember that an offensive approach to relationships will only lead to you attracting control and manipulation your way. When you go deep and surrender to trusting others … well that’s when your most amazing, healing energy shines. is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018

Fall Dates Through the Zodiac

Fall into romance this season

As the leaves begin to turn and the weather gets colder, the impulse to stay in and hibernate gets stronger, which can spell boredom and relationship ruts. Fire up your romance with one of these fun fall activities for every zodiac sign, and you’ll have enough spark to keep your passion burning red hot all winter long!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The Ram isn’t a conventionally romantic sign — quiet nights in front of the fire and candlelit dinners bore Aries to tears. They need action and excitement, and when the adrenaline flows, so does the passion. This sign would dig the competitive, jubilant atmosphere of a football game. Just hope that their favorite team wins — the only thing an Aries hates worse than boredom is losing.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

When it comes to romance, the Bull likes to keep it traditional. A horseback ride through the country, with rolling hills and dazzling fall foliage, has enough old-fashioned romance to put them — and keep them — in the mood. Find a cozy country inn for dinner, and don’t skimp on the bill — this sign likes quality, and usually assumes that the more you pay, the more you get.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Brainy Gemini is always interested in what’s happening on the political landscape, so a rally would fit the bill. Not only would it gives them the chance to quench their thirst for knowledge on the issues, it would give the two of you hours of discussion and debate afterward. If you can keep up your end of the conversation, you can steal your Gemini’s heart. Are you up for the challenge?


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Crabs spend a lot of time taking care of everyone around them, so their favorite dates are ones where they get to kick back and relax. Make your Cancer some hot cocoa, grab some blankets and cuddle up in front of a fireplace or an old romantic movie like Breakfast at Tiffany’s or An Affair to Remember. And don’t forget the marshmallows and whipped cream — the more decadent, the better for this sign.


Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Lions like to be treated like the king (or queen) of the forest, so the more extravagant the plans, the more likely you’ll be to capture — and keep — this sign’s heart. Schedule a weekend getaway to a romantic bed and breakfast with all the amenities — breakfast in bed, Jacuzzi and a fireplace. You’ll need to eat at some point, so make sure you take them to the best, hippest restaurant in town for dinner.


Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Health-conscious and eco-friendly Virgos love farms, so a day of apple or pumpkin picking would give them the opportunity to get their hands dirty and become one with nature. Afterward, make an apple pie or pumpkin soup together, or let your Type-A personality date put their feet up and relax — something they rarely do normally — while you do all the work.


Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Sophisticated Libras like the finer things in life, so take this refined sign for a vineyard tour. If you’re not well-versed in wine, you might want to pick up a copy of ‘Wine-Tasting for Dummies’ first. The more “hint of pepper” and “floral notes” you can dish out, the better. And make sure you dress to impress, as Libras are a sign that embodies all things stylish.


Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

This sign loves mysteries and puzzles, so a trek through a corn maze would appeal to their inner investigator. Just make sure you have a post-maze activity lined up, as this sign will find their way out faster than any other. A drive to the area’s most notorious haunted houses would fit the bill — but make sure you establish some ground rules ahead of time, as Scorpios aren’t above breaking and entering to pursue a ghost.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Sagittarians are the adventurers of the zodiac, so a challenging hike to a peak they’ve never visited would put them in the mood for love. Just make sure you can keep up with the Archer — if you want to accompany them on their journeys, you have to prove you’re worthy. This sign has no qualms about traveling alone, so prove that you’re an able fellow wanderer.


Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Goats love to feel like they’re always accomplishing something, so to win this sign’s heart, plan a day of raking leaves. But beware going in that they won’t like the part where you jump in the pile at the end and ruin all your hard work. It’s your job to relax them with conversation — when they finally do ease up enough to make the leap, they’ll love the feeling of release. Just make sure to rake up the mess afterward.


Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

When planning a date with an Aquarius, the quirkier, the better. They like to travel in packs, so a group tour like a ghost walk would keep their attention and appeal to their interest in the supernatural. They also spend a lot of time on humanitarian causes, so cleaning up a local park for the winter would give them a sense of purpose. Plus, they’d be impressed that you even suggested it.


Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

The most romantic sign of the zodiac, the Fish likes to connect on a spiritual level as well as on the emotional and physical plane. Take them to a weekend camping retreat that includes yoga, meditation or reflection. You’ll get an opportunity to enjoy the dazzling fall landscape together, as well as the chance to relate to each other in a deeper, more meaningful way. is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018

The Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, November 20th




The Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, November 20th

Claire Petulengro, Astrologer

From The Astrology Room


ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)
There is so much more to a sign such as yourself than first meets the eye. You have to try for the things you want to achieve in life, or you will never know if they can be yours. Ring now to hear how younger faces come to the fore and make your life a more enjoyable place to be.

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)
Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving. I know the past keeps dragging you back, but I also see that it is a place you have outgrown and that you no longer need to focus on. Romantic surprises are in store.

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)
You are an achiever because you are a Gemini and you should know by now that what others can’t face as a challenge, you can and will. Knowing what you want from a new friendship can make all the difference as to whether it is a temporary or permanent fixture.

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)
There really is so much more to you than first meets the eye, which is why it is imperative that you give your close ones the ability to get up close and personal with you this week. I know you’re still analysing all that has happened in your personal life.

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)
Don’t hide behind close ones but stand up and accept that a certain situation has come to a head. It is how you will best decide what your next move in life should be. Mercury helps you get the changes in the home you wanted but could not get last week.

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)
Can you feel the air of excitement which is in your stars? I can and if you can smell even a whiff of it then you would be wise to get yourself ready both mentally and physically for all that is in store.

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)
There is a really positive feel to your chart which means you should be able to charm all sorts of faces into supporting you for the big tasks you are undertaking this month. Don’t be afraid to be stricter towards new faces in business.

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)
Lies you tell in love will come back on you, so beware. Try to stick to truths only, as it is how you will find out what is and is not possible in romantic affairs. Big plans are afoot and your life should start to look and feel better than ever before.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)
As soon as you trust yourself, then you will know how to live my friend. For too long you have been dancing to the beat of others. You want to see who is trying to see you as much as they do, so stop playing games.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)
Professional matters you had hoped to tie up to your advantage still seem no nearer to completion and you would be wise to call and chase up those who owe you money or work. Ring now to hear why this is such a lucky month for proposals of all sorts.

AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)
You are so much stronger than you believe. Don’t let your fear own you. Own yourself. You always had the rights, you just didn’t know it. Saturn the planet of structure hands you the words you wanted but could not find before.

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)
Worries you have been having about your current ‘situation’ really are unfounded, so try to keep an even balance to all that is going on. It really is the only way you are going to manage to keep control. Call now to hear why any effort on your part is well worth while today.


For Claire’s in-depth horoscope for this week, call 0905 072 0237
Calls cost 77p/min from a BT landline

To book a private tarot, horoscope or clairvoyant reading with Claire over the telephone, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£55, US$83 for 20mins, UK£90, US$135 for 40mins.

More details…