Astronomy Picture of the Day – Approaching the Bubble Nebula

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2017 May 31

Approaching the Bubble Nebula
Visualization Credit: NASA, ESA, and F. Summers, G. Bacon, Z. Levay, and L. Frattare (Viz 3D Team, STScI);
Acknowledgment: T. Rector/University of Alaska Anchorage, H. Schweiker/WIYN and NOAO/AURA/NSF, NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)


Explanation: What would it look like to approach the Bubble Nebula? Blown by the wind and radiation from a massive star, this bubble now spans seven light-years in diameter. The hot star inside is thousands of times more luminous than our Sun, and is now offset from the nebula’s center. The visualization starts with a direct approach toward the Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) and then moves around the nebula while continuing the approach. The featured time-lapse visualization is extrapolated from images with the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope and the WIYN telescope on Kitt Peak in Arizona, USA. The 3D-computer model on which this visualization is based includes artistic interpretations, and distances aresignificantly compressed.

Earth Sky News for May 31st: Where’s the moon? 1st quarter

Where’s the moon? 1st quarter

It officially comes on June 1, but, if you live in the Americas, watch for a nearly 1st quarter moon on the night of May 31. It’ll appear almost half-illuminated from Earth.

A first quarter moon shows half of its lighted hemisphere – half of its day side – to Earth.

The moon reaches its first quarter phase on June 1, 2017 at 12:42 UTC; translate UTC to your time zone.

We call this moon a quarter and not a half because it is one quarter of the way around in its orbit of Earth, as measured from one new moon to the next. Also, although a first quarter moon appears half-lit to us, the illuminated portion we see of a first quarter moon truly is just a quarter. We’re now seeing half the moon’s day side, that is. Another lighted quarter of the moon shines just as brightly in the direction opposite Earth!

And what about the term half moon? That’s a beloved term, but not an official one.

A first quarter moon rises at noon and is highest in the sky at sunset. It sets around midnight. First quarter moon comes a week after new moon. Now, as seen from above, the moon in its orbit around Earth is at right angles to a line between the Earth and sun.

On June 1, 2017, as evening falls in the western hemisphere, the moon will be slightly past the first quarter phase, but it’ll be near some bright planets and stars. The charts below explain more:

As the moon orbits Earth, it changes phase in an orderly way. Follow these links to understand the various phases of the moon.

Four keys to understanding moon phases

Where’s the moon? Waxing crescent
Where’s the moon? First quarter
Where’s the moon? Waxing gibbous
What’s special about a full moon?
Where’s the moon? Waning gibbous
Where’s the moon? Last quarter
Where’s the moon? Waning crescent
Where’s the moon? New phase


Article originally published on EarthSky

The Wisdom of Buddha

The Wisdom of Buddha

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for May 31 is Wisdom

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


A very very few of us are fortunate to be born wise. For most of us our Wisdom evolves, grows as we move through life gathering experience and knowledge. Wisdom denotes your thoughts and feelings derived from the melding of your life experiences with all that you have learned. Our Wisdom can get us through the difficult moments in our lives as well as provide the mental and spiritual tools we need to succeed.

As a daily card, Wisdom indicates a time when you should rely heavily on past experiences and knowledge attained to make important decisions in your life. This is a time where reflection and planning should guide your actions. To act rashly, on impulse at this time may well cost you in the future. Go slow, think things out, weigh all of your options carefully and then proceed.

Your Daily Influences for May 31

Your Daily Influences for Today


Tarot Influence

The Six of Wands Reversed

Success may be delayed. Be wary of accomplished enemies











Astrological Influence


Pisces brings intelligence and perception to the forefront. This may be a time to rely more on serendipity than cold, hard facts.










Element Influence

Fire Reversed

Fire reversed denotes calamity that may be on a catastrophic level. Prepare to deal with changes you do not want.

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for May 31 is The Chariot

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today

The Chariot

The Chariot is the representation of Victory and the personality traits required to attain victory. The Chariot indicates self-awareness and control. Courage—the ability to overcome fear and confront the unknown head on–is a primary ingredient of any victorious campaign and is denoted by the Chariot. So too is force of will. Often success is as much the product of will power and a refusal to surrender as it is anything else. The Chariot also represents the healthy personality of someone who believes in themselves; someone who can take control of the situation and bring events to a positive end. His successes come in competition with others.

Your Erotic Tarot Card for May 31st is The Chariot

Your Erotic Tarot Card

The Chariot

The Chariot is a symbol of sexual determination, so it isn’t likely that you’ll be distracted from your passionate goals today. As the Chariot charges ahead on its journey, you seek to reach your final sexual destination as well. Your enthusiasm is contagious, which should make it relatively easy to convince someone to come along with you on your erotic journey. The Chariot predicts a lot of adventure along the way, and at the end of the day you’ll feel sexually triumphant.

Your Daily Love Tarot for May 31st is Strength

Daily Love Tarot

May 31, 2017











Nothing should end a romance more swiftly than the need to walk over hot coals to please someone who demands complete devotion and obedience. The person who requires that from another is selfish and childish. The Strength card selected you today because you need to know that a condition must turn around. It is time to correct the situation. You have the strength to do so.

Tarot 101: The Temperance Card


The time is now for self-healing.











General Meaning

The Temperance card is a reference to the soul. Classically female, the woman or angel on the Temperance card is mixing up a blend of subtle energies for the evolution of the personality. One key to interpreting this card can be found in its title — a play on the process of tempering metals in a forge.

Metals must undergo extremes of temperature, folding, and pounding, but the end product is infinitely superior to impure ore mined from the earth. In this image, the soul volunteers the ego for a cleansing and healing experience, which may turn the personality inside-out, but which brings out the gold hidden within the heart.

In the Advice Position

Identify and acquire the ingredients that will most help you complete your mission and leave the rest behind.

The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.

The Temperance card advises you to identify and seek the missing ingredients in your life. Marshal your known skills and abilities and do what needs to be done to complete your mission.

Prepare to use spiritual practices, studies, or lifestyle changes that can assist you in your quest. A tremendous amount of benefit is available if you can organize yourself and be disciplined at this time.


Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2017

Tarot Card of the Day for May 31st is The Emperor

Tarot Card of the Day

The Emperor

May 31st, 2017










In the most practical terms, The Emperor Tarot card represents the highest leadership, a head of state, or the most exemplary and powerful person in the realm. This archetypal ruler is responsible for the affairs of a society or community, which are directly proportional to his well being and happiness.

The more enlightenment and cosmic perspective this energy brings, the better life is for all. The Emperor archetype masters the world of matter and physical manifestation. When you apply this card to your situation, acknowledge your potentials for mastery. Reinforce a sense of sovereignty within yourself, despite any self-limiting beliefs, habits, or appearances to the contrary.


Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2017

Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, June 1st

Get A Jump On Tomorrow…..

Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, June 1st

by Rick Levine



General Horoscope

We take life more seriously today as sweet Venus is subdued by responsible Saturn. We’re not as quick to succumb to our emotional whims. Fortunately, the stabilizing Venus-Saturn trine keeps our feelings in line and helps to ensure our integrity in love. Meanwhile, the practical Virgo Moon reflects our need to analyze all the available data before making any decisions. The more we focus on the details now, the easier it will be over the days ahead.

Aries Horoscope MAR 21 – APR 19

You’re willing to go along with someone else’s idea now because you can see the wisdom in adopting a more methodical approach. Without the involvement of others, you might just rush ahead — thinking you can make decisions on the fly. You are thankful that a coworker actually created a step-by-step plan. Although your creativity lights the spark, sometimes it really does take a village to keep the fire going. Malcolm X said, “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

Taurus Horoscope APR 20 – MAY 20

You could fall in love with something as ethereal as a rainbow today. Its beauty is not in question, but the practicality of this love is non-existent. It’s not wise to make any impulsive commitments now, since you’re all too willing to overlook faults you might consider a deal-breaker on another day. Your key planet Venus is receiving strong support from karmic Saturn, empowering your common sense. Keep in mind that long-term satisfaction always wins over transient pleasure.

Gemini Horoscope MAY 21 – JUN 20

You might have thought you were close to escape velocity, only to discover reality is going to restrain you for a while longer. Only you know how much work you’ve already completed, but you’re probably closer to your goal than you realize. Like it or not, today is all about hard work. Luckily, you can find mental satisfaction participating in mundane activities now. There’s no reason to complicate your efforts by leaving tasks incomplete. Katharine Hepburn quipped, “It’s not what you start in life, it’s what you finish.”

Cancer Horoscope JUN 21 – JUL 22

You’re so hopeful that your hard work and dedication will be rewarded with a promotion or a raise that you go the extra mile in all that you do today. Although the ambitious Venus-Saturn trine grounds your 6th House of Efficiency and your 10th House of Career, this practical aspect influences more than your current work habits. Whatever you seek in life is worth your time now. But don’t get discouraged if success seems far off. When you master patience, you master everything else, too.

Leo Horoscope JUL 23 – AUG 22

Your heart is set on taking a long-awaited vacation. You may have chosen an exotic location that now seems out of reach. However, changing your mind is a bad idea; it’s not time to admit defeat and give up on your dream. In fact, the cosmos is inviting you to improve your current plans instead of throwing them away. You are one of the lucky people that gets to attend a magical event of your own creation. A work of art was once a work in progress.

Virgo Horoscope AUG 23 – SEP 22

You intuitively know just what to do, but you’re not adhering to any kind of schedule today. Preparation is currently a state of mind. It’s not about winning now; simply remain open and show up. Others are busy figuring out their next steps, leaving you to your own devices. Demonstrate your courage, throw down your crutches, and follow your internal GPS. It’s never too late to meet your destiny halfway and then change it.

Libra Horoscope SEP 23 – OCT 22

The tables are pleasantly turned today and it seems as if everyone is being extra nice to you. In fact, there’s a hint of love in the air and there may be more going on now than what you see. If you’re interested in romancing a special person, be certain to ascertain their feelings before you move too fast with your own. Nevertheless, it’s really not complicated; just don’t waste energy lost in self-analysis when you can share your thoughts with someone else. Rumi wrote, “Reason is powerless in the expression of Love.”

Scorpio Horoscope OCT 23 – NOV 21

You might worry about something you did in the past that possibly alienated someone. Now, you have a rare chance to readdress the issue so you can heal the rift and let it go. But it’s not helpful to simply stab in the dark as you tell your personal story, hoping it will straighten out any misunderstandings. Instead, take the most pragmatic path possible; people aren’t interested in idealistic thinking unless it produces tangible results. A sensitive soul sees the world through the lens of love.

Sagittarius Horoscope NOV 22 – DEC 21

You appear as if you’re emotionally reserved today, but you’re actually calculating your chances for success. Your mind is focused on one particular person and you quickly brush everyone else off. You can’t wait to reveal your heart because you think there is a special connection between the two of you. But deepening an involvement is a tricky process. Sprinting for the finish line prematurely signals your intentions and could even scare the other person away. Swami Vivekananda said, “Nothing else is necessary but these: love, sincerity and patience.”

Capricorn Horoscope DEC 22 – JAN 19

You are among the calmest people in the world, but your appearance doesn’t speak your whole truth today. Actually, your desires are powerful and you intuitively know they are still strengthening under the surface. Put your feelings on hold for three or four days until the high-strung energy has rippled on through. Although waiting for a good idea to mature makes sense in theory, it might be impossible in real life. You are free to make your choices but you are not free to choose the consequences.

Aquarius Horoscope JAN 20 – FEB 18

Your network of friends and coworkers might demand more from you today, and you don’t like the idea of being held in check. Fortunately, you understand that their advice comes from a place of love and that it’s probably good for you in the long run. Although you’re still tempted to resist, change your attitude from defensive to collaborative since the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Working in harmony with your peers leads to personal success.

Pisces Horoscope FEB 19 – MAR 20

You want to get ahead in your profession, regardless of how much actual work is on your plate today. The good news is you can put yourself in line for a raise or a promotion, but the bad news is you can’t ask for either just yet. You must dance the dance of self-discipline now, for every one of your actions carries extra weight. Buddhist teacher Sakyong Mipham wrote, “Like gravity, karma is so basic we don’t even notice it.”


Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2017

If You Were Born on Wednesday, May 31…..


If You Were Born Today, May 31

Your clever mind and strength of character are traits that others tend to notice first, and that earn you respect. You are an engaging conversationalist, offering a unique perspective on whatever topic is on the table. You are very capable and determined, and you have a distinct traditional side to your personality. Famous people born today: Walt Whitman, Clint Eastwood, Joe Namath, Lea Thompson, Brooke Shields, Colin Farrell.

Your Birthday Year Forecast:

Your birthday occurs around a First Quarter Moon this year, and you are reaching an important turning point in terms of personal growth. You may be more emotional this year, and should watch for unnecessary conflicts and making hasty decisions as a result. Otherwise, this is a year of great energy, motivation, and growth. You are more ambitious and desirous of action in the year ahead. This should be a busy, dynamic period in your life.

You are especially creative and expressive this year, and you might often act on impulse. Your love life may be especially animated. You succeed best in fields or areas that allow you to make something beautiful, attractive, and/or entertaining. You are particularly dynamic at this point in your life, sometimes impatient, and you often experience bursts of energy. You are courageous, but be careful to not go to such extremes that you are foolhardy, as this inclines you to mishaps.

This can also be a time for securing a long-term friendship or love relationship. Circumstances may be such that you need to handle money more carefully this year, or this may simply come naturally to you now. Support from older people or authority figures may come by way of solid advice or more tangible help. Renewed ties to old friends are possible, or a new sense of responsibility in existing friendships, are also highly likely.

You have a stronger focus on, and dedication to, work in the period ahead, sometimes taking it a little too far! Taking the time to pull yourself away from your pet projects or work will help bring more balance to your life, and will ensure that you don’t neglect other important areas of life. However, you can make significant headway in specific areas this year, and you are likely to feel a strong sense of direction and purpose.

You seek out nourishment and naturally nurture and support others this year. Needs and cravings are in strong focus, and you are drawn to those things you see as wholesome, healthy, and natural.

Connecting with like-minded people is likely but also with people who have new perspectives to share. It’s a particularly powerful year for communications, friendships that are often sudden or exciting, social affairs, and artistic work.

There may be a project, idea, or person that demands much of your attention or occupies much of your thoughts. It’s a strong year for any project or studies that require concentrated effort. You are especially resourceful. You are in a great position to find someone with whom you enjoy deep and valuable conversations as well as mental rapport.

Mars in challenging aspect to Saturn suggests some ups and downs in the year ahead due to your plans and efforts meeting with resistance. At times, circumstances seem to block your efforts to assert yourself, and you might feel like more effort than usual is required to complete tasks, which could lead to some frustration. Patience is necessary because progress may not always be steady, and energy can be stop-and-go.

Even so, bursts of creativity and energy emerge at seemingly perfect times and help you to further your goals. Healthy risk-taking is likely this year, as you are more able to spot an opportunity when you see one. It is easier than usual to break free from habits that have previously held you back from going after what you want in life.

This is a powerful period for persuasion, meeting with people who can help you advance your goals and intensive study or work on pet projects. Your words and ideas hold more weight and influence others more than usual. Publicity can figure strongly. Ideas are excellent.

Significant attractions, meetings, or relationships can figure strongly this year. Personal magnetism is powerful.

This is a year in which you can attract or enhance a significant relationship. Energy is fresh, although personal energy levels can be up and down. The year ahead is one of both practical application and a resourceful, confident approach. You can make serious progress on work that’s important to you, but be emotionally prepared for peaks and valleys. Connections made this year tend to motivate you to learn more and gain more confidence in your ideas. Your social life is likely to be busy and animated, yet certain relationships and friendships are stabilized. It’s an excellent year for business and money management.


2017 is a Number One year for you. Ruled by the Sun. This is a year of action. The seeds you plant now, you will reap later. Others might find you less sociable, as you are busier than ever and you focus on your activities and your needs. Still, you are outgoing and your initiative is stronger than ever. Advice – Stand alone, take action, start fresh, express independence.

2018 will be a Number Two year for you. Ruled by the Moon. This is a year of potential companionship. It is a quiet, gentle, and mostly harmonious year that is less active than other years. Instead, you are more responsive to the needs of others. If you are patient and open yourself up in a gentle manner, you will attract both things and people. This is an excellent year in which to build and develop for the future. Advice – be patient, be receptive, enjoy the peace, collect.


Cafe Astrology

Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, May 31st

Your Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, May 31st



Aries Horoscope

You may be getting a helping hand or receiving the news you were waiting for that moves you forward today, dear Aries. You’re in a good position to click with or enjoy good chemistry with someone now. A person you meet now may be pointing you in the direction of growth. You are inclined to analyze and strategize today, and a lot can come from it, so be sure to dig a little deeper, particularly related to work, health, money, and business. This is generally a good time to research or make a big purchase. You can also communicate about tricky or typically taboo topics with aplomb right now — if there’s something complicated you want to address, now would be a good time to give it a try.


Taurus HoroscopeMercury in your sign connects harmoniously with Pluto today, dear Taurus, and you stand to gain an advantage, edge, or valuable insight into your life today. You are communicating with more confidence or authority now, and others are taking you seriously. Your perspective on life and beliefs are going through deep changes, and today, this is especially evident. You might come to a resolution to a problem, or you might bond with someone on a romantic or platonic level, particularly through ideas and viewpoints. Relationships can strengthen, and mutually beneficial agreements are possible. You may find it particularly challenging dealing with people who are not taking certain ideas seriously or whose beliefs differ significantly from yours – you’re likely to have stronger reactions to differences in opinion than usual.



This is a potentially excellent day for taking a thought or conversation to a new level, dear Gemini. You are looking at the world around you on different levels right now, and with this alternate perspective, you’re drawing valuable conclusions and gaining important insights, particularly about your past, inner desires, image, and personal life. Bonding with someone is likely to take place on a mental level now with Mercury and Pluto connecting in hidden sectors fo your chart. You also benefit from Mars in your sign harmonizing with the North Node in your communications sector, and chemistry or physical attraction may also be in play – it’s a good time to meet people. You might research a topic more deeply now or come into exactly the information you need to move forward.


CancerThis can be an active day for connecting with people and information that advances your goals, dear Cancer. You find it easier than usual to communicate creatively and romantically today. You might enjoy strategizing and planning related to your friendships and studies. Networking efforts can have profound results. New visions of your future motivate and inspire you. Gunning for a cherished goal, dream, or cause may be in focus now, and it can be intensely rewarding. This is also a strong day for sorting out problems, but the process of getting to conclusions can be just almost as satisfying as you are especially invested in investigating and researching. Advice is likely excellent today.


Leo Glyph Symbol Horoscope

Today is particularly excellent for meeting people and making connections that advance your personal goals, dear Leo. You can be vibing well with people now, and this good chemistry can be exciting and motivating. You’re also in a motivated and inspired position to nurture pet projects and causes or studies. Communications with family can be in focus, and you stand to gain valuable insight into your career, life path, reputation, and finances. Strategy, research, and planning has its payoffs. Besides, you thoroughly enjoy digging a little more deeply into ideas and topics — planning is a great mental exercise for you right now! You might gain an advantage over a competitor or news can come in that boosts your ability to make decisions about long-term ventures.


Virgo Symbol HoroscopeYou are in exceptionally good shape on a mental level today, dear Virgo, when you share ideas and bond with others over artistic tastes and interests as well as personal philosophy. You might thoroughly enjoy a work or money-making project, and you get the chance to employ and perhaps showcase your talents fully. Positive educational, promotional, publishing, work, or travel news may be forthcoming. Your voice is stronger than usual, and others may recognize you as an authority on a subject. Planning and strategy are especially useful for making changes to your image, appearance, reputation, education, or career. Bonding or vibing with people on intellectual levels can motivate you on so many different levels and in numerous life departments as it lifts your mood up high and energy improves as a result.



This can be an excellent day for nurturing an interest, studying, or promotional efforts, dear Libra. Good energy is with you for conversations and deep thinking revolving around money and business, and for considering how to best use your resources. Strategizing about education, publishing, promotion, or mapping out courses and planning a trip, can be in focus and fruitful. You may enjoy exploring philosophical questions or deeper beliefs and opinions. You can gain valuable insight into support, debt, and borrowing or intimate and family relationships. There can be a lot of talks and thought about family, long-term ventures, and security now, and you might strike up conversations about a private or personal matter. Although you thoroughly enjoy mental exercises today, in the second half of the day, you naturally retreat a little as you sense the need to recoup your energies.


Scorpio HoroscopeThis is an excellent time for expressing your ideas, needs, and intentions, dear Scorpio, as you’re taken seriously today. You’re in especially good form with collaborating, negotiating, and joining forces to learn or progress a project. Talking about your plans with a partner can be rewarding. Getting to a conclusion through a one-on-one scenario, including counseling or consultation, can be in focus. Increased clarity can come to or about a partnership. Great ideas tend to come as the result of your interactions with a partner or trusted friend. You might draw up effective strategies related to debt, finance plans, intimate relationships, and friendships. On an emotional level, you can get to important places today as you’re particularly compassionate with others and yourself!


Sagittarius Horoscope

This can be a great time for developing plans and strategies related to partnerships, career, life path, and reputation, dear Sagittarius. You can gain valuable insights into these things, primarily because you are looking at them more deeply and with an eye for the long term. You may be communicating about problems from the past, and your memories can be particularly vivid and notable. Sharing a secret or a private matter with a confidante can be satisfying now. This can be a fine time for nurturing a partnership or friendship with a generous show of your care and sharing your time. Niggly problems can unravel now with your determination to get on top of things. Your head for practical affairs is strong.


Capricorn Horoscope

This is a good time for making plans or strategies related to work, services, and health, dear Capricorn. You’re thinking in terms of what’s best for you in the long term, and this puts you in a special position for gaining new insight. There can be conversations revolving around long-term plans, friendships, and networking, or a lot of thought given to these things. Sharing ideas with others can be particularly fruitful. You are attracting people through your ideas, intelligence, and perceptions. Creatively speaking, you’re in great form today. This is a strong day for friendships and dating, personal attraction, communications, and social life in general, especially when it comes to cultivating and enhancing connections through conversation. You may be excited about advancing a hobby or creative project.



There can be conversations and much thought given to your future, career, reputation, or goals related to status or life path today, dear Aquarius. Plans and strategies made about creative projects, romance, dating, or recreation and leisure time can be fruitful. You can enjoy activities with people with whom you share real and vibrant chemistry now. There can be vivid memories and important discoveries made about your childhood, the past, or family and private life. This is a good time for giving deeper thought to domestic matters and gaining a sense of empowerment on mental levels as your perspective changes. You don’t settle for superficial answers right now, and this is the main reason for new insight.



You’re unlikely to accept too-easy answers today, dear Pisces, and you’re inclined to dig a little deeper as a result. You’re willing to let go of old habits if they’re getting the same old results in your communications, with friends or partners, and with learning in general today. News coming in today can be particularly useful, and what you make of it can put you in an advantageous position. New insight into loved ones is possible now. Good energy is with you for communicating your ideas and feelings and for connecting with friends on important issues. This is also a powerful day for connecting with loved ones through coming to someone’s aid or for being generous with your time and energy.





Cafe Astrology

Your Monthly Horoscope Summaries for June 2017

Your Monthly Horoscope Summaries for June 2017



Aries Horoscope


Your personal life takes top billing this month, dear Aries, but you’re unlikely to be doing much lazing around. It’s shaping up to be a busy and active month! June is not particularly ideal for concentration and focus, but it’s potentially excellent for getting a lot of odds and ends done.

Collaborating with a partner, good friend, or sibling can be valuable around the 2-3 and 4-5. This can be a time for making plans to travel, take a course, or learn a new skill. You’re feeling eager and enthusiastic about picking up useful information, boosting your knowledge, and sharpening your skills this month.

From the 4th, Mars pushes its way through your home and family sector, demanding that you get organized and active with loved ones or around the home. You’re motivated to improve home life and set the record straight with family, if necessary. Home-related projects can be satisfying. With more passion, vigor, and perhaps impatience brought on by Mars in this area of your solar chart, there can be the occasional conflict or clash, but clearing the air can be satisfying, too.

On the 9th, the Sagittarius Full Moon awakens a need to get away from the routine if you’ve been super busy (which you have) and not always attending to your need to feed your spirit and sense of adventure. This can also bring a revelation related to travel or the law, publishing, or education, and point you in a new direction along these lines. Jupiter turns direct on the very same day, and because Jupiter rules Sagittarius and by nature is big and bold, there can be a significant turning point moment experienced related to publishing, learning, partnerships, and relationships. There can be increasing clarity in or about your relationships and relationship needs. A Venus-Mars aspect on the same day enlivens things further – you can feel quite supported and motivated or excited about a relationship or business prospect now.

The 14-16 brings tricky energy as the Sun and Saturn form their yearly opposition, reminding us of a particular responsibility or reality to face. Look for holes in your plans, if they don’t reveal themselves on their own! This is a time for fixing and strengthening things before moving forward. Delays related to transportation, communications, or education can surface. Criticism may come in, but while it can irritate, it might also prompt you to tighten up your work or plans which ultimately serves you well. Neptune’s retrograde also begins during these dates, and you may work on putting a regret or disappointment behind you.

The Sun and Mercury both enter your home and family sector on the same day — the 21st — and merge, bringing a storm of activity into your personal life. You may want to reach out to someone you love, clear the air, push a domestic project forward, or relay news now. The New Moon on the 23rd extends the theme, and a Mercury-Mars alignment on the 28th brings it even further. The last nine days of the month can be particularly busy with family and home life, working from or on the home, moves, reorganization, or a personal or emotional breakthrough. The thing to watch for the most during this time, besides impatience, is a tendency to jump ahead with decisions made from the head before your heart has had the chance to engage.

From the 6th forward, Venus in your solar second house is quite wonderful for enjoying financial or emotional increase, abundance, and comfort.



The month ahead is excellent for moving into your comfort zone in most areas of your life, dear Taurus, but frequently stepping out of it on a mental level. You’re bound to learn a lot and pick up new information and interests this month. In fact, you’re eager to take on new projects and come up with new and original ideas. You want to be the first to know.

Helping you out much of the month is Venus, your ruling planet, moving through your sign from the 6th forward. This helps put you at the top of your personal game. People are drawn to your natural charm and appreciate the qualities you display most naturally.

Work, money, and business matters can get a nice little boost on the 2-3, and from the 9th, your confidence in your job or services increases.

Jupiter moves direct on the 9th at the same time as a Full Moon occurring in your Jupiter-ruled intimacy sector. These influences can point to a dramatic or big revelation about your feelings, a relationship, or a money matter. Jupiter is currently a guest in your work and health sector, and these areas of life can show some forward motion. Delays lift, confidence grows, and your sense of wellness and well-being increases. It’s time to pursue your health and work goals with more enthusiasm and to improve your daily life, routines, and habits.

A Sun-Saturn opposition on the 14-15 can slow things down and present an obstacle, possibly in the form of a bank or partner, that apparently sets you back. However, your attempts to get around this or to improve and strengthen your situation can truly benefit you in the long-term, so you come out a winner anyhow. Possessiveness can be a problem to watch for in intimate relationships. Aim to be mature and conservative with money and resources now. Neptune’s retrograde turn the following day may cast a fog over a friendship for the time being.

From the 6-21, Mercury in your resources sector is valuable for logical thinking applied to money, income, and valuables.

Mars is motivating you to learn, feed your curiosity, connect with others, get out and about, and get active in your neighborhood or with acquaintances from June 4th forward. On the 21st, both the Sun and Mercury move into your communications sector and then join forces, and there can be a further surge of activity and attention to these things. The New Moon on the 23rd adds fuel to the fire, and a Mercury-Mars alignment on the 28th extends this further. You’re involved, mentally sharp and alert, and ready to talk things out in the final week-plus of June. You might have an overdue talk now, or something is said that helps to clear the air. News can come in that opens doors. Relations with siblings, family, classmates, and acquaintances can improve with new energy and enthusiasm invested into these relationships. You have a can-do mindset that takes you places. Be careful that you don’t make all of your decisions from the head or your ego and ignore your heart in the process, but mindful decisions made now can be empowering.



Your personal presence is large until the 21st, dear Gemini, and your voice is particularly strong from the 6-21. You’re in a fabulous position for decisiveness and believability. This is a month for making a mark and leaving an impression! Even though in many ways the month is about you and your personal needs, it’s quite strong for relationships, particularly with family or partners, despite some hiccups. You are taking pride in your ability to support others, and you’re seen and acknowledged for this trait as well.

You’re in a good position to present your creative works all month, and you’re also feeling considerably more creative, motivating you to pursue hobbies and artistic expression heartily.

The 3rd is perfect for personal appeal, magnetism, and optimism with the Sun in your sign harmonizing with Jupiter in your creative sector. You’re seeing and seizing opportunities. As well, Jupiter turns direct shortly after that – you’re feeling it again! You’re putting creative slumps behind you. Neptune’s retrograde is a little different, however. You may need to slow down when it comes to a career matter.

Jupiter’s direct move on the 9th supports forward movement in a romantic or creative pursuit and a sense of fun and playfulness. Creative blocks lift and you regain enthusiasm for your passions, dating, and hobbies. The Full Moon on the same day illuminates a partnership matter – you can see the light, so to speak, when it comes to a relationship’s status or someone’s feelings for you. Venus hiding away in your privacy sector from the 4th forward, however, points to some form of sacrifice or letting go of expectations so that you can begin fresh in love in July. So while you’re moving forward in many ways, you need a little more time to process things and understand your needs better before throwing yourself into a relationship.

You may be redefining certain friendships or seeing friends in a radically different light now. This is not necessarily negative, but surprising, and can keep your mind turning around quite a bit in June. You can be particularly committed to learning new skills, studies, and personal interests this month — putting in more effort than usual and reaping the rewards.

Mars in your sign since April 21st has not been very conciliatory. In fact, relationships may have been a little rocky. It’s fine to get mad if it keeps you pushing for yourself and your individuality. From the 4th, this changes — ego matters fall away as Mars moves out of your sign. Some of you will be actively pursuing more ways to make money or augment your income. Others may be more actively fighting for or defending your value and calling out those who don’t treat you with the respect you deserve.

Mercury into your income house from the 21st forward is good for a sharp mind as well as for thinking related to business. You have good money sense now. Negotiations are favored. The 28th is great for selling an idea or putting it into motion. There may be an argument about money or property for some of you, however.

The Cancer New Moon on the 23rd is good for taking charge of your income, personal possessions, valuables, and practical affairs. You have a lot rallying for you in the last week of the month along these lines.



Even though you’re keeping a low profile for the first three weeks of June, dear Cancer, you’re not shy about pursuing your desires this month. Mars has been in the background of your chart, and you’ve felt a little lacking, either in willpower, courage, or decisiveness. From the 4th, however, all of this changes. You know what and who you want, and you’re ready to pursue your desires confidently!

You’re not at your most conciliatory this month, and that’s just fine at the moment. In fact, it’s a superb time to assert yourself, although you might want to do so when Mars is in favorable aspect this month, not so much when it’s arguing with other cosmic bodies, such as on the 24th when you’re inclined to push too hard. Mars in your sign from the 4th is particularly useful for asserting your independence and individuality, especially since you might feel that others (partners especially) have often had the upper hand in recent months.

You’re in excellent shape this month for boosting your income and managing your money. This is set to increase even further in July, so lay the groundwork now for new beginnings and gaining your financial footing.

Venus in Taurus this month from the 6th forward is a subtle but harmonious and helpful influence. People enjoy your company. Friendly people come into your life and acquaintances bring positive experiences. Around the 9th and 24th, particularly warm connections may be made.

Around the Full Moon on the 9th, look for answers to problems in your life through your work, health, habits, and routines. Do something to improve these things so that you don’t get totally called out whenever the Moon arrives in this sector of your chart each month. It’s a great time for seeing what needs to change. With Jupiter turning direct on the same day, there can be a turning point or significant forward motion in a family relationship or home or work project. A real estate or living arrangement matter can now move forward.

The 14-15 is a little trickier. There can be slowdowns or delays related to travel, educational, or legal matters. There can be moments when you feel tied down, bored, or overworked.

Mercury in your sign from the 21st is excellent for mental renewal and decisiveness as well. The Sun and Mercury come together then, and later Mercury and Mars merge, all happening in your sign. This is a favorable time to present, share, and decide. Your ideas come across well, with confidence and a spirit of freshness and innovation. You’ll want to make all the decisions – executive decisions, if you will – and this can raise an eyebrow or two and perhaps upset someone, but you’re raring to go now.

The Cancer New Moon on the 23rd is a high point for you, and you can ride on its waves for several weeks. It’s a time for personal reinvention. Set your intentions on the New Moon but give it a bit of time before you launch a new project, enterprise, or look. Renewal, coming out of the background, getting attention, making decisions, things moving forward – these are all strong themes now. A start-up is possible with Mars here, too. This is a time for seizing the moment and making an impression.



Two big themes for you in June seem to clash, dear Leo, but surprisingly don’t conflict often: you’re increasingly seeking out some personal time but you’re also in an excellent position to shine on professional and public levels. Somehow, your professional and personal ambitions cooperate for most of June, and you can both secure a strong position in your work and get quality time as you work on your projects independently.

On the 2-3, people are attracted to your ideas, maverick side, uniqueness, and entirely original perspective. Actually, this is frequently the case these days – it’s simply in a stronger focus on these days.

Mercury in Gemini from the 6-21 is valuable for networking. Mercury performs well in this area of your chart and your connections to others strengthen. You’re picking up good ideas like a sponge at this time. It’s also a great period for financial or business ventures.

Time to yourself is increasingly valued this month, what with Mars moving into your privacy sector on the 4th and then both the Sun and Mercury following suit on the 21st. Mars in this house most of June suggests a more subdued “you,” which is particularly excellent for artistic Leos and those needing a little break.

Even so, your public or professional image can grow in leaps and bounds with Venus at the top of your solar chart from the 6th forward. The 9th and 24th are especially strong for pleasant recognition or a boost of popularity.

The Full Moon on 9th in fellow Fire sign, Sagittarius, is a wake-up call — a pleasant one — to take care of your personal life after special attention to outside connections and networking. You may need to finish up a creative project and pull yourself away from a busy social life, or romance heats up and draws your attention to it.

With Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, turning direct at the same time, this can be a dramatic Full Moon. There can be a turning point related to romance, hobbies, creative projects, writings, studies, and personal interests. News can come in that settles a matter. This is an opportune time for gradually moving projects, especially related to learning and connecting, forward. As well, love matters can blossom or show signs of clearing, liberation, and forward motion if there has been a slowdown. Love and studies can be connected now for many Leos.A trickier time for relationships is the 14-15 when responsibilities seem to block your progress. This can also be a time when issues of support and financing emerge and affect your output.

The North Node now in your sign encourages you to embrace your independence. All month, Vesta in Leo points to success working alone and putting extra effort into your pursuits. You are noticed for your dedication. It’s an excellent time for creating goodwill. There is a lot going on behind the scenes in June from the 21st forward. There can be a strong urge or need to talk about the past. Minor health issues or low energy levels may emerge now and slowing down makes sense. It’s an excellent time to actively and confidently seek out time to yourself or for healing and renewal.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph


The month ahead is one of increased opportunities to connect, learn, and succeed, dear Virgo. Although the Full Moon on the 9th is an important reminder to take care of home and family, the month tends to favor outside obligations and enjoyments for the most part. It’s appropriate to pour much of your energy into long-term goals, career, networking, and education this month. There is a lot of activity in the upper hemisphere of your solar chart, suggesting the need to get things straight with your career, reputation, friendships, and education or publishing worlds. You have plenty of support for this, by the way!

Around the 5th is excellent for money or business related to the home, such as work from or on the home, real estate, and domestic-related services. Take note of your ideas now! They may need more work but they have long-term potential.

From the 4th, you may be working with others, but doing your own thing at the same time — somehow, you are making this work. Teamwork or collaboration is working for you right now but you may find yourself one step ahead regardless. You’re getting loads of ideas about manifesting your dreams. It’s a great time for pursuing a cherished cause. You instinctively know that persistent problems in your life require new responses and you’re ready to take action. This is a month of inspiration, hard work, and new or renewed connections.

From the 6th, Venus is moving in harmony with your sign, inspiring you to seek out new interests and experiences. This transit supplies a gentle nudge to explore rather than pressure or intense restlessness. You have a stronger attraction to cultural events at this time. For the most part in June, you are drawn to–or drawing in–new friendships and interests. New classes or group experiences and extra-curricular activities can figure strongly now as you’re ready and willing to step a little out of your comfort zone.

Wonderful energy is with you for nurturing and advancing your professional goals all month, even if your personal life needs some extra attention from time to time. You may be thinking of side businesses or boosts to income now. Keep your ear to the ground. Certainly with Mars in your eleventh most of the month, you’re far more open than usual to experiment and innovate.

Financial ambitions, whether these are to earn or save more and spend less, are reawakened from the 9th forward. Home-related projects reach a turning point as well. Your confidence in business, financial, and practical affairs is increasing. You are more inclined to make important purchases and say yes to new developments on the job or with business.

The 14-15 is a trickier time when you need to deal with the realities of limited time and energy and possible blocks to progress related to home and family obligations. Now that both rulers of your romantic relationship sectors are retrograde, some de-emphasis of your love life is appropriate.

The 21st forward is decidedly more social and interactive. It’s a great time for cultivating contacts, getting involved, networking, sharing ideas and time/energy. Valuable new connections are highly likely. Mercury, the Sun, and Mars are animating your solar eleventh house, making this a high powered time outside of your work when you’re making things happen and your social life soars. Progress is made through groups, like-minded people, friends, networking, associates, and new, experimental, and innovative ideas and approaches.

The New Moon on the 23rd gives a further boost to your efforts. New visions and ideas are inspiring and light a fire under you. Conversations with friends or groups and meetings, in general, tend to be animated and valuable.


Libra Glyph-Symbol


The month ahead supports learning, traveling, extracurricular activities, career, reputation, and intimate relationships, dear Libra. You’re in particularly good shape when it comes to gaining new knowledge and pushing ahead work or life path goals. You have a boost of clarity and courage on your side in June!

The 2-3 is strong for relationship activity and social, cultural, or educational opportunities. The 5th is a particularly opportune time for communications: learning, studies, connecting, commuting, and sharing your ideas.

From the 9th, your confidence lifts and your optimism gets a boost. Plans that have stalled or that you temporarily put to the side or lost interest in begin to move forward now. A turning point in a learning endeavor or personal interest may be reached around the 9th as well. This Sagittarius Full Moon can bring big news or ideas into your world that are capable of changing your direction. It can be the start of something new and exciting. You’re gaining more clarity about what you want to improve and change, and you feel more equipped and motivated to take on opportunities as they emerge.

The 14-15 requires some back-stepping, self-discipline, and maturity as a reality check is likely. If you’ve been pushing a little too hard with personal interests and projects, then you’re reminded of the limits of time and energy now. Responsibilities need attention before you can feel free enough to explore and expand your experiences. Neptune retrograde on the 16th can have the effect of putting some smaller jobs or health initiatives or goals on the back burner for the time being to make room for your bigger ambitions.

Generally speaking, as the month advances, you’re more and more invested in your professional life, responsibilities, and image. You are ready to make things happen, and you bring more muscle as well as intelligence to your work. You are getting noticed, particularly from the 21st forward, for your efforts, skills, and voice. You’re ready to fight for what you want, although this is more likely to take the form of working hard to surpass competitors or your own personal best rather than out-and-out conflict. Benefit from the motivation and courage to go after what you want and deserve, but watch for impatience and undesired clashes with others.

As well, your voice is strong at this time, particularly around the 21st and 28th, so use it well! Too-quick conclusions, criticisms, and observations, particularly when shared, may be cause for later regret. However, you can use your stronger presence creatively and for causes you truly want to get behind.

You’re in particularly good shape with shared resources, such as money and property, loans, and support from the 6th forward and especially around the 9th and 23rd. It’s a favorable time to ask for help if you need it.

Nurture your ambitions and go hard with your studies this month for good results. Ideas for new career or life directions can be wonderful around the 21st and the New Moon on the 23rd supplies a supportive boost towards achieving your goals.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph


June is a potentially beautiful month for devoting more time and energy to passion projects, learning, and extra-curricular activities, dear Scorpio. Although there is some trial and error involved, it’s also a healthy month for relationships, particularly after the 6th. You’re attracting people into your life who want to make your life easier. Surface harmony is not something you typically seek, but you’re also in a good position to harmonize on deeper levels, too, with some effort.

The month is, in fact, robust for self-development, feeling more powerful and in charge, and making positive lifestyle changes. There is the right balance between introspection and external focus. You’re more interested in developing skills than producing right now, although the desire for results is building. In fact, focusing on professional goals and responsibilities in the coming months can bring great rewards.

The Full Moon on the 9th happens just when Jupiter turns direct and in a sign Jupiter rules–Sagittarius. Optimism flows more naturally and is on the increase. Getting control of spending and saving, money management, and practical affairs is part of this – the more you feel in charge, the more confident you feel about the future. This can be a great time for working on your talents and developing your resources. A lot of what you do is in the background, and this suits you just fine for the time being. Jupiter’s direct motion now helps you to let go of resentment and challenging problems of the past. Much of June, you’re likely to feel that you’re in a preparation phase.

The 14-16 brings trickier energy to our lives, and for you, it’s liable to revolve around money and/or respect! Boundaries are important to you right now, and if people keep trying to cross them, you’re ready to dig in your heels. Fears of rejection or of giving too much of yourself can emerge now. There can also be a reality check to deal with. Take a step back, but avoid alienating others in the process. Neptune’s retrograde on the 16th can have the effect of slowing down or back-burnering a creative pursuit, hobby, or dating. This is about de-emphasis, not dropping these things. It’s a natural process, and, in fact, it has its distinct benefits. Right now, you’re seeking out more depth and experience in your projects and relationships. Ambitions are building, and it’s time to nurture them.

Relationships, support, teamwork, and partnering are in particularly good shape around the 9th, 20th, and 23rd, when shared activities, a bit of romance or leisure time, and communication can enhance a bond. These dates are also good for first moves or attracting friendships or love relationships.

There is an extra dose of sharpness in your mental capacities from the 21-28. You can be quick to debate or defend an opinion or cause. Excitement and motivation to soak in information and learn new things figures strongly now. Debate can be thrilling but disruptive if you take it too personally. You want to go out of your comfort zone when it comes to learning, thinking, and doing, and the New Moon on the 23rd can help open up opportunities to do so.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol


There is a strong focus on relationships for you in June, dear Sagittarius, with your partnership and intimacy sectors highly activated. Even so, there are some wonderful personal revelations this month, and plans begin some forward movement. You’re also regaining confidence in your effectiveness, social life, and cherished dreams and goals.

The Full Moon on the 9th is in your sign – your yearly emotional peak when you recognize your true feelings on a matter or reach an epiphany and important realization. It comes at a very interesting time — on the very same day that Jupiter, your ruler, turns direct, and this adds to its significance. It can mark a major turning point, likely of a personal or inward nature – a moment that defines before and after. You awaken to a feeling or need that turns you in a new direction or motivates you to pursue a new goal or path.

This is also a period for reshaping and picking up your social life as Jupiter turns direct in your social sector. From now until October, you’re in fabulous shape for meeting people. It’s also a great time for both inspiring others and becoming inspired. Optimism is on the increase.

The 14-16 brings trickier energy and apparent setbacks. I use the term “apparent” deliberately because these are the types of delays that are blessings in disguise and that allow us to fix something critical before moving forward. Relationships can be complex now — there can be some reservations about going forward with a deal or a person. This is also a time of corrective balancing if you’ve been particularly solicitous with others and need some personal space or time to get your bearings. Watch for an attitude of refusing to play the game so that you won’t have to deal with the possibility of losing it. Slow down, draw on patience, and give people time, even if they seem to be oblivious to your problems at the moment. Neptune’s retrograde on the 16th can have the effect of de-emphasizing or slowing down domestic projects and initiatives.

The 21st brings both the Sun and Mercury together and into your intimacy sector. This is a powerful push towards looking within for answers as well as for the seeking out of deeper involvement in or commitment to a project, venture, or relationship. You’re not interested in the fluff at the moment – it’s “go hard or go home” time, and you may very well find that some endeavors fall by the wayside as a result.

The last week of the month is powerful for identifying your priorities and for connecting to people and projects you love. While you’re excited to communicate your truth, be mindful as you do so. Also, watch for an over-stimulated intellect charging ahead and forgetting about how you might feel about all that you learn and uncover in your investigations at this time. The heart seems to be left behind right now, so tread lightly!

Most of the month (from the 6th) is excellent for beautifying the work environment or harmonizing working relationships. It’s also excellent for truly enjoying and finding pleasure in your job, daily duties, or routines, or in any services you provide for others. You’re appreciated for what you do now, as well.



June features a mostly balanced focus between work and play, dear Capricorn, and any imbalances in the mix stand for quick correction. You continue to put a lot of thought and energy into dealing with your daily affairs, improving your work, and attending to your health and wellness this month. Even so, relationships are in high focus and become increasingly more relevant as the month advances.

From the 6th, you have lovely Venus in arguably the best position of your solar chart, second only to Venus gracing your sign. This transit enhances and supports your popularity and likeability while working on smoothing over your relationships and attracting mutually beneficial friendships. Artists and lovers get extra attention and positive feedback at this time. You are abuzz with fun, playful, and flirty energy. The 9th, 20th, and 23rd are particularly good days for attracting who and what you want into your life. Opportunities to enjoy pleasurable pastimes and entertainment emerge now. It’s a good time for spending time with children, writing, decorating, creating, vacationing, and enjoying hobbies.

The Full Moon on the 9th draws out your need to rest and go under the radar for a little while. Even so, Jupiter’s direct motion on the same day brings a turning point as you begin revving your engines, intent on reaching your goals and ambitions. Fortunately, this is a gradual process as the Full Moon is pushing for you to correct imbalances related to overwork!

Jupiter has been at the top of your chart encouraging you to embrace your ambitions and achieve your goals or improve your image since September. While it was retrograde from February until now, these things may have been on the back burner. Motivation returns, however, and you’ll become increasingly more interested in putting yourself out there to succeed and advance. For some of you in the coming months (until October), you can get a promotion, land a major account or project, and earn recognition or awards.

The 14-16 is a hump or slump time of the month when you’re likely to see the error of your ways or face a criticism, delay, or another form of slowdown or letdown. The Sun opposes your ruler, Saturn, and Neptune reverses direction. These influences affect us all in some way, and for you, it’s most likely about work, health, energy, and daily affairs. Some loss of interest in what you’re doing is possible now, but as you reorient yourself, you’ll be able to make adjustments that get you back on track, this time with a more solid foundation under you or more realistic expectations.

The 21st brings Mercury and the Sun together and into your partnership sector. This can come as a surprise or a rush and can point to quickly changing circumstances. In the last week or so of June, there can be an accelerated, energized pace to a relationship or negotiations. There can be a lot of activity related to your social life or partnerships now, and while this can be quite positive overall, Venus is out of the loop, and you may not be taking your feelings into consideration when making plans or expressing yourself. Check in with your feelings before rushing ahead. The New Moon on the 23rd can clear the way for new beginnings related to partnering.




You enjoy excellent drive for getting your daily life, routines, and work in order this month, dear Aquarius. Even though there is still quite a bit of focus on recreation and your personal life in June, the eagerness and enterprise to organize, sort out problems, get healthy, and get working are with you. Take advantage of any opportunity to advance your health and work goals. As the month progresses, you’ll get even more support and enjoy increased motivation for these endeavors.

The 2-3 is perfect for personal appeal, partnership, and creative expression. Events of the 4-5 can help you feel more established with a friend or friends, group, or educational path.

The Full Moon on the 9th can bring a social matter to light, feelings for someone or a project to the surface, or a creative project to fruition. This event coincides with Jupiter turning direct after several months of retrograde motion, and this can serve as a turning point related to education, friendship, travel, or publishing. News you’ve been waiting for arrives, and you can finally make more informed decisions. The chance to enjoy an adventure, trip, cultural event, or brand-new, mind-opening experience can emerge now.

The 14-16 can bring a reminder of responsibility or perhaps a bubble-bursting moment that feels harsh at the moment, but that leads to bigger and better things down the road. There may be apparent criticism or a veto to your plans that requires an adjustment now. There can be the reason for a project to stall or for frustration due to delayed compensation. Get over this hump, and you’re a better judge of your situation. You may need to hunker down before moving forward or enjoying a reward.

The 21st brings both the Sun and Mercury into your sector of work and health (Mars is already here). They join forces on the same day, and there can be a sense of excitement or a big rush to get things done. From the 21st, you’ll get some clear opportunities to improve or move forward on a work or health-related endeavor. Seek out new or alternative health programs and work methods. Problems in these areas of your life can come to quick resolutions. There can be a quickened pace to your routines and work, and you can be filled with a sudden desire to get busy, to make a real difference, and to sort out problem areas. Focus can be on clearing away clutter or otherwise cleaning up your life in little yet significant ways. While you can get a lot done now, watch closely for a business-like insensitivity or impatience with co-workers and others with whom you share your day. Your mind might say yes to things that your heart has yet to process.

The New Moon on the 23rd heralds a new beginning or fresh approach to managing your work, health, and routines. If you need to make lifestyle change and improvements, the last week of June is excellent for doing so.

Most of the month (from the 6th forward), you’re in a good position to make nice with family, improve your living conditions and home life, and make peace with yourself. A greater love of home life, even with all of your activities this month, figures strongly.



June is strong for your personal life, dear Pisces, and while there are opportunities to learn more about your ambitions and goals, you’re in particularly good shape for attending to your home, family, and personal needs this month. Improvements in your relationships with family, relatives, children, and love interests figure strongly.

The first week of the month is especially fortunate for gaining support or backing for your plans. On the 9th, the Full Moon occurs at the top of your chart, pulling your attention to worldly matters, professional dealings, and responsibilities. (There will be another such call, perhaps a less pleasant one, around the 14-15.) There can be new light shed on a career matter, promotion, or culmination of a project. You can be excited to get in touch with your true feelings on a goal or ambition. You benefit from an “aha!” moment when everything seems to come together, and you see the light.

This Full Moon happens just as Jupiter reaches its station and turns direct, and there can be quite a bit of excitement now. You enjoy increased faith in your effectiveness, particularly related to your finances and intimate relationships. A turning point may be reached, or blocks in your path are removed related to financial or emotional support, career, life path, education, and long-term goals. A Venus-Mars aspect occurs now as well, and there can be increased motivation or opportunity to pursue a personal interest, hobby, or creative activity.

The 14-16 can bring on clashes or letdowns, however, when what you want to do or your personal initiatives grate with parents, higher-ups, or responsibilities that you just can’t avoid. The consequences of those things you’ve neglected roll in. People may seem unduly critical or unsympathetic. Plans are delayed. Ideally, events occurring now simply increase your maturity and humility. Attempts to strengthen your plans made now bring rewards down the road.

While Jupiter turns direct this month, Neptune turns retrograde, and since both planets rule your sign, you can see some forward movement and apparent slowdowns as well. While you gain confidence and strength for making deep, lasting changes and improvements, there can be the need to put a dream or plan on hold as you focus on more doable ventures.

The 21st brings a rush of energy to your romance and creativity sector. Since the 4th, Mars has been awakening your desires and encouraging you to pursue your passions. Now the Sun and Mercury rush in and join forces, stirring up strong motivations to get creative or romantic, to share your ideas, to seek out more fun and channels for self-expression, to date, and to pursue a hobby, recreational activity, or creative project more ardently. You can feel exceptionally romantic and/or confident and may be itching to express your feelings.

In the last week of June, what with the New Moon also occurring in this same sector of your chart and Mercury and Mars meeting up here as well, there can be an overdue conversation or incoming news that opens up doors and opportunities. The thing to watch for is that you can feel pressured to say yes or to throw yourself into something before your heart is ready. Be sure to check in with your feelings, which are not as quick as your mind and will this month.

Do also watch for power-tripping in the last couple days of June and a tendency for impatient communications that come across as insensitive or cheeky. Look for chances to restart or begin fresh in a friendship, romance, or creative project.

However, you do have the added protection of Venus in your communications sector, smoothing out your interactions, virtually all month (from the 6th forward). You seem to know what to say, when. You can frame things very well now, so take advantage and write up promotional matter, creative works, overtures, and applications. Relationships with siblings, classmates, acquaintances, and neighbors can improve significantly with gentle and thoughtful attention now.



Cafe Astrology



May 25, 2017,     3:44 PM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Jun  1, 2017,     8:42 AM Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Jun  9, 2017,     9:10 AM Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Jun 17, 2017,     7:33 AM Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Jun 23, 2017,    10:31 PM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)