Self Esteem Spell

Self Esteem Spell
(Author Unknown)

Tools Needed:

A Bath
7 Green Oak Leaves (Or Bay leaves if these are out of season)
Lavender Oil
A Purple Candle
A Yellow Candle
Jasmine Oil
Purple Thread

Instructions :

Run the bath to a depth and temperature of your liking. Put the lavender oil and oak leaves into it, swish it around, then light the candles and climb into the bath. Close your eyes (but don’t fall asleep). Begin to breathe, breathe in a warming Orange light of confidence, and breathe out murky coloured self-doubts.

Imagine a yellow light above your head, which slides down your body, touching every bit of you from top to the tips of your toes. Continue to breathe in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth.

Say outloud:

“I am gorgeous,
I am beautiful,
I am Goddess”

Repeat this six times in total.

When you leave the bath, snuff out the candles and thread the oak leaves on the purple thread. Then, whenever your self-esteem fails you, heat jasmine oil in an oil burner, light the candles, hold up the oak leaves and repeat the chant.

When the leaves eventually run out, begin again with new oak leaves and new candles.

The oak leaves may be carried with you (in a small box or envelope) in your handbag / bag on (all sorts) of important dates. When touching up your make – up, or getting ready just get out the oak leaves and repeat the mantra to spur you to greater things.