The Witches Spell-A-Day for Tuesday, January 10th – Happy and Prosperous

Magic Cat ::: Magie der Katze
The Witches Spell-A-Day for Tuesday, January 10th – Happy and Prosperous

Invoke Ebisu, the jolly Japanese god of commerce. Plan for a financially sound year by setting a simple budget. Make a spreadsheet to track the coming twelve months. Under “Expenses,” list all of your regular expenses, including utilities, housing, food, insurance, transportation, medical, dental, entertainment, and recreation. Under “Income,” list all sources of money that flows to you, such as wages, trust funds, child support, disability allowance, and government support payments.

Knowledge is power, and knowing exactly what you earn and spend will give you the power to manage your finances wisely. Place the budget on your altar with a coin, an offering to Evisu, and say:

Bless me, Ebisu, you happb, prosperous God.
May I have sufficient resources to cover my expenses.
May I be happy. May I earn more than I spend.

Review your budget monthly adding current data.

Dallas Jennifer Cobb
Llewellyn’s 2017 Witches Spell-A-Day Almanac
