Your Magickal Charm for December 11th is The Utchat

Your Charm for Today


The Utchat

Today’s Meaning:

You must take steps to make this aspect safe. There are issues you may not be aware of that may cause harm or injury.

General Description:

Much importance was attached to this lucky talisman in Egypt, the Utchat, or Eye. The word Utchat means primarily strength, and was, at the summer solstice (about June 22nd), applied to the Sun at that time when at its greatest strength and power on earth. The Eye of Horus was supposed to bring strength, vigor, safety, good health, and protection to the wearer. Many of these charms were engraved by the Egyptians with the 140th chapter of their Book of the Dead. This was considered to endow the Utchat with particularly strong and effective magical powers.