Daily Cosmic Calendar for December 11th

It’s always helpful to prepare for a New Moon a couple of days before it happens. The reason is that the so-called Balsamic Moon Phase or dark-of-the-moon vibration is prominent. This energy-field directs you to complete enterprises that you have been working on with finesse during the last four weeks.  Adding a note of confusion and chaos to the morning is a square from Mercury to Neptune (4:58AM PST). Accentuate mental clarity and logical thinking throughout the day as this Mercury-Neptune 90-degree sky pattern can hook you almost innocently into webs of deceit.  Meanwhile, just 11 minutes later, one of the best lunar alignments of the month arrives on the scene as the lunar orb unites with Venus in Scorpio (5:09AM PST). This is an overall boost for romance, creative artistry and feminine interests, but it also begins a void lunar cycle that lasts for over 9 hours until 2:23PM PST. Therefore, relying solely on this Moon-Venus conjunction to jump-start your love life or social activities is not recommended.  Once the Moon ends its uncertain stay in late Scorpio by entering fiery, enthusiastic Sagittarius (2:23PM PST), the universe may almost seem to perk up instantaneously. There is something profound, every month, when the lunar orb leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius. An essence of rebirth and rekindling of hope are in the air.  It is now time to focus your attention on realizing long-sought goals. Put literary and educational plans into action. Enjoy sports, games and athletic contests to your heart’s content. Propelling you forward is the monthly Moon-Mercury union (4:22PM PST). Communication channels are temporarily back at full strength. Tune into your higher intuition to see the future ahead of time as the Moon trines Uranus in fire signs (9:41PM PST).