Your Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, December 11th

There is excitement in the air today, yet we might not know what to do with our enthusiasm. The more we try to share our optimism, the less clear our messages become as interactive Mercury forms a stressful square with surreal Neptune. Meanwhile, the Moon enters adventurous Sagittarius at 5:22 pm EST and joins Mercury to add emotional intensity to our words as we dream about distant goals, instead of focusing on what is right in front of us.

Aries Horoscope

(Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Although you’re very motivated now to charge ahead, it’s challenging to know what’s really going on around you. Don’t become distracted by the sideshows; although intriguing, they might draw your attention away from the real work at hand. Your words may touch others deeply today, so share a spirit of openness by talking about your heart’s desires. Your message can be inspiring, even if it’s not what someone expects to hear.

Taurus Horoscope

(Apr 20 – May 20)

Your thinking can land you in a heap of trouble today, unless you are clear about what you want. You might enjoy the mental exercise as your thoughts run around in circles like a hamster on a wheel. Unfortunately, your compulsive thinking could slip into unproductive fantasies, which may not be so bad, except that you have more important things to do now. Set your goals early in the day and be singularly focused as you head for your current destination.

Gemini Horoscope

(May 21 – Jun 20)

It is tempting to focus on external circumstances today because there are so many important interactions taking place. However, if you live only in the outer realms, you may find yourself in endless conversations that lead nowhere. On the other hand, you could discover an important truth that sheds clarity on a current relationship issue if you have the courage to look within. Remember the dance you do with anyone else is actually a reflection of your own issues.

Cancer Horoscope

(Jun 21 – Jul 22)

It is one thing to experience your feelings as strongly as you do. However, it’s an entirely different matter if you expect others to become as invested in your process as you are now. No matter how hard you try to keep an emotional discussion on a single track today, it will probably meander all over the place anyhow. You don’t always need to control the outcome and others don’t have to mirror your moods just to make you feel better. Exercising your subtle sense of humor is one way to lighten the energy for everyone involved.

Leo Horoscope

(Jul 23 – Aug 22)

No matter how intense a situation grows today, staying calm helps you successfully get through it. Someone may be playing power games and you might be in on the action now without even knowing it. Although you just continue to run on an energetic high, pushing your own needs ahead of the pack, you might be barking up the wrong tree. Whatever you think you see isn’t real; the ultimate meaning is in your heart and not in your head.

Virgo Horoscope

(Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your key planet Mercury receives fuzzy signals from nebulous Neptune today, and your typically logical mind might lose track of your purpose. At worst, you may be distracted by unimportant events. At best, you’re eager to explore new meaning in your life that arises from your own personal mythic journey. Even if you are uncomfortable, keep in mind that the psychic nutrients being stirred now can nourish your soul.

Libra Horoscope

(Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You’re moving through a confusing intersection now as you’re driven by your own impractical desires. Although you may silently luxuriate in the sweet fruits of your fantasies, sharing them with others adds higher levels of enjoyment today. Don’t keep your thoughts secret since your enlightening dreams can also bring new awareness to your friends.

Scorpio Horoscope

(Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your confidence continues to grow now because you can see the value you bring to the table. Since you’re often motivated by non-material goals, it’s challenging to appraise your real worth. Nevertheless, it’s also time to reap rewards from the seeds that you have sown. Don’t worry about the significance of what’s happening today; just gratefully accept the dividends with a receptive spirit and a humble heart.

Sagittarius Horoscope

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You might feel pressure to say what is true versus what is effective today. You could find yourself in a situation where you’re better off keeping your opinion to yourself. However, your words reveal what you’re thinking as soon as you open your mouth. Talk softly because you can come on so strong now that others miss your point. If you let your thoughts wander without purpose, they will probably get you into trouble. Listen more than you speak for the best results.

Capricorn Horoscope

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You need to take a leap of faith today. Even if the odds don’t seem to be in your favor, you still might have to jump. Thankfully, your chances for success are better than they appear, for you may be basing a negative assessment on your fears of the unknown. Let go of your expectations and concentrate on what you can learn from this challenging situation. Breaking through the rational restraints that normally limit your progress could turn out to be an exhilarating process.

Aquarius Horoscope

(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

A host of strange events is coming your way, yet your attachment to the possibility of what may happen could have you secretly smiling. Although you’ve embarked on your own private magical mystery tour, you might not want your friends to perceive just how weird you are now. Don’t waste energy hiding your true self from others. They probably already know about your eccentricities and accept you for the wonderful person you are.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Although your imaginative thoughts could be too much to share with your boss today, your spiritual and emotional dimensions are opening wider than ever — and you’re enjoying the experience. Your intuitive radar is picking up faint signals from the cosmos, filling your world with vivid dreams. Even if someone misunderstands you, don’t waste time wondering what to do next. For now, just pay attention to the signs that appear and be receptive to the messages they bring.