Astrology Insights for December 2012

Astrology Insights for December 2012

Maria DeSimone

Maria DeSimone on the topics of blogs, astrology

I don’t know about you, but my world ended on October 29. The Mayans were only a couple of months off. OK, so I’m obviously being sarcastic (and no, the world really isn’t going to end). But seriously, for so many of us on the East Coast, Hurricane Sandy might as well have been named Hurricane Mayan.

All I have to say about November 2012 is good riddance. I am so happy November is behind us, I feel like celebrating New Year’s Eve a month early. If your world turned upside down in November — with the difficult Solar Eclipse sandwiched in between an especially biting Mercury Retrograde — then take heart: December will be better.

December brings unexpected fulfillment — or loss

On November 28, a Lunar Eclipse in Gemini makes close contact to Jupiter. I’d like to ignore all the fancier aspects this Eclipse made in the sky (inconjunct, yod, blah, blah, blah) and just keep it simple. But I can’t. There’s just too much of a story here. The Eclipse is conjunct Jupiter and sextile Uranus. Unexpected emotional fulfillment … or perhaps ending.

Now, let’s get complicated and start talking about the famous yod around this eclipse. A “yod” is a rare astrological aspect that forms between three or more points where two planets are sextile, and both are quincunx to a third planet. In this case, the Moon makes an inconjunct aspect to Mars-Pluto in Capricorn and Venus-Saturn in Scorpio, while Mars-Pluto and Venus-Saturn are sextile. With a yod pattern, you can say there’s a strong fated quality to whatever happens emotionally around this eclipse promise.

For many of us, this eclipse has a fated, karmic suggestion of adjustments and completion when it comes to love. Especially powerful, fatal attraction love affairs or those extra complicated relationships. If you have planets around 7 degrees of just about any sign, you are somehow inextricably tied to this eclipse. You will feel its emotional pull.  I say this because of the incredible relationship that all of the love planets (Venus, Mars) have to this lunation.

But for others, like me, it might have more to do with family and safety issues.

A light at the end of the tunnel

Whatever the case, we’ll spend the first half of December adjusting to the emotional implications of late November’s eclipse. Then, on December 11, I see a light at the end of the tunnel that began for so many on October 29. This is because on December 11 we’ll have the final Mercury square Neptune aspect that occurred for the first time on October 29, right before Mercury went retrograde. The confusing communication and lack of cooperation you might have experienced post-Sandy, such as dealing with paperwork issues, FEMA, insurance problems and anything else, will now be resolved.

Life gets better by December 13, when we pass Mercury’s shadow phase and enjoy a gorgeous New Moon in Sagittarius to boot. This New Moon is when I know the fresh start will be in full swing for all of us, whether you’ve been dealing with hurricane fallout or other personal drama.

For two weeks after this we’ll feel energized, happy and one with the universe again.

On December 28, an emotionally charged Full Moon in Cancer might bring some tension with family, but remember to keep it all in perspective. After all, it’s not like the world is going to end. You’ve got this.