What’s Your Seasonal Allergies IQ? (Quiz!)

What’s Your Seasonal Allergies IQ? (Quiz!)

  • Katie Waldeck

Ah, springtime. The flowers are blooming, the temperature’s rising, people are at long last beginning to enjoy the outdoors again. But there’s also a far less pleasant aspect of spring – seasonal allergies come to rear their ugly heads.

So how much do you know about your dreaded seasonal allergies? Take this quiz to test your knowledge!


Questions Part I

1. Which of these weather conditions are the most ideal for seasonal allergy sufferers?
A. Hot, dry and windy.
B. Cold and windy.
C. Cold, wet and wind-free.
D. None of the above — they’re all bad.

2. True or false: eating locally-sourced honey will help alleviate spring allergies.
A. True.
B. False.

3. The worst time of day for allergy suffers is:
A. The early morning, 5AM-10AM.
B. Overnight, 10PM-5AM.
C. Midday, 10AM-4PM.
D. They’re all equally as bad.


Questions Part II

4. True or False: your lifestyle affects your development of allergies.

A. True.
B. False.

5. Which of the following is least likely to trigger your seasonal allergies?
A. Grasses.
B. Weeds.
C. Flowers.
D. Trees.

6. Which of the following is an easy way to combat pollen?

A. Wash your hair before bed.
B. Close windows and doors.
C. Wear natural fabrics.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.


Answers Part I

1. Which of these weather conditions are the most ideal for seasonal allergy sufferers?
A. Hot, dry and windy.
B. Cold and windy.
C. Cold, wet and wind-free.
D. None of the above — they’re all bad.

Portland, Ore. and Seattle, Wash. are the best cities for allergy suffers. Why? Windless days make it much harder for pollen to travel around, and rain usually washes it away! Pack your bags and head to the great Pacific Northwest!

2. True or false: eating locally-sourced honey will help alleviate spring allergies.
A. True.
B. False.

A bit of a trick question. Consuming local honey has never been proven to reduce allergy symptoms, but it hasn’t explicitly been disproven either. Even if it did, it might not even contain the kinds of allergens you’re triggered by.

3. The worst time of day for allergy suffers is:
A. The early morning, 5AM-10AM.
B. Overnight, 10PM-5AM.
C. Midday, 10AM-4PM.
D. They’re all equally as bad.

Pollen counts are worst during the middle of the day — better hold off on that jog til after dinner!

Answers Part II

4. True or False: your lifestyle affects your development of allergies.

A. True.
B. False.

You’re off the hook on this one. Nope, there’s absolutely nothing you can do to yourself to develop allergies. Don’t let that be a free pass, though!

5. Which of the following is least likely to trigger your seasonal allergies?

A. Grasses.
B. Weeds.
C. Flowers.
D. Trees.

Though it has been seen among florists, common folk are very rarely allergic to flowers. What you’re likely allergic to is the pollen from grasses, trees and weeds. Buy yourself a bouquet (or pick one from your garden) to celebrate this fact!

6. Which of the following is an easy way to combat pollen?

A. Wash your hair before bed.
B. Close windows and doors.
C. Wear natural fabrics.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.

These are all easy techniques for reducing pollen levels inside of your home. You can also look to your air conditioning system for help — make sure the humidity level is below 50% and that you change your filters as often as recommended.