Wednesday Is Ruled By Mercury

Wednesday Is Ruled By Mercury

Wednesdays are wild and wacky days. They are for communication, change, cunning, and the arts. This is a Mercury day, and just its patron god this day is full of contradictions, change, and excitement. Some suggestions for Wednesday enchantments would include:

Pulling a little Wednesday color magic into your life by wearing purples or orange

Carrying a multipurpose agate with you and tapping into its various charms

Working with magical plants such as the fern for protection. This plant will also boost the power of any other magical plants with which it is arranged.

Incorporating lavender into charms and spells for transformation

Using the charming scent of lily of the valley to improve your memory, or working with the aspen tree for communication

Calling on Athena, patron of arts and crafts, for inspiration for a new project

Fanning out a Tarot spell to increase you creativity

Calling on Hermes on a Wednesday night to bring movement and good luck into your life

Wednesday Is Ruled By Mercury

Moon Goddess
Wednesday Is Ruled By Mercury

Wednesdays are wild and wacky days. They are for communication, change, cunning, and the arts. This is a Mercury day, and just its patron god this day is full of contradictions, change, and excitement. Some suggestions for Wednesday enchantments would include:

Pulling a little Wednesday color magic into your life by wearing purples or orange

Carrying a multipurpose agate with you and tapping into its various charms

Working with magical plants such as the fern for protection. This plant will also boost the power of any other magical plants with which it is arranged.

Incorporating lavender into charms and spells for transformation

Using the charming scent of lily of the valley to improve your memory, or working with the aspen tree for communication

Calling on Athena, patron of arts and crafts, for inspiration for a new project

Fanning out a Tarot spell to increase you creativity

Calling on Hermes on a Wednesday night to bring movement and good luck into your life

Wednesday Is Ruled By Mercury

Winter Animals-1
Wednesday Is Ruled By Mercury

Wednesdays are wild and wacky days. They are for communication, change, cunning, and the arts. This is a Mercury day, and just its patron god this day is full of contradictions, change, and excitement. Some suggestions for Wednesday enchantments would include:

Pulling a little Wednesday color magic into your life by wearing purples or orange

Carrying a multipurpose agate with you and tapping into its various charms

Working with magical plants such as the fern for protection. This plant will also boost the power of any other magical plants with which it is arranged.

Incorporating lavender into charms and spells for transformation

Using the charming scent of lily of the valley to improve your memory, or working with the aspen tree for communication

Calling on Athena, patron of arts and crafts, for inspiration for a new project

Fanning out a Tarot spell to increase you creativity

Calling on Hermes on a Wednesday night to bring movement and good luck into your life

Sunday is Ruled By the Sun

wolves in autumn

Sunday is Ruled By the Sun

Sunday corresponds to the sun, our closest star. This day is full of wonder and all sorts of magical potential for success, wealth, and fame. Sundays are for personal achievements of any kind such as working towards a promotion at your job, seeking fame and wealth, or being acknowledged for a job well done. All of these goals fall under the golden influence of the sun.
Some suggestions for Sunday enchantments would include:

Sitting outside at sunrise and calling on the goddess Brigid for illumination and inspiration

Wearing gold jewelry or clothing that is gold or sunshine yellow to pull some color magic into your life

Arranging a few sunflowers in a vase and empowering these “flowers of the sun” for fame and ambition

Gathering up the common marigold flower and scattering it’s petals about to encourage prosperity

Baking up a batch of cinnamon rolls for the family and enchanting them for health and success

Snacking on a solar fruit, the orange, and enjoying the magical boost it brings to your life

Sunday is Ruled By the Sun

Magical Cat
Sunday is Ruled By the Sun

Sunday corresponds to the sun, our closest star. This day is full of wonder and all sorts of magical potential for success, wealth, and fame. Sundays are for personal achievements of any kind such as working towards a promotion at your job, seeking fame and wealth, or being acknowledged for a job well done. All of these goals fall under the golden influence of the sun.

Some suggestions for Sunday enchantments would include:

Sitting outside at sunrise and calling on the goddess Brigid for illumination and inspiration

Wearing gold jewelry or clothing that is gold or sunshine yellow to pull some color magic into your life

Arranging a few sunflowers in a vase and empowering these “flowers of the sun” for fame and ambition

Gathering up the common marigold flower and scattering it’s petals about to encourage prosperity

Baking up a batch of cinnamon rolls for the family and enchanting them for health and success

Snacking on a solar fruit, the orange, and enjoying the magical boost it brings to your life





Monday is named after the moon. The Latin term for Monday is Dies Lunae (“moon’s day”); in the Old English language, this day was Monandaeg; in Greek, it was Hermera Selenes. All of these different names and languages translate to the same thing: the “day of the moon.”

Working with the different phases of the moon is an important skill that takes a bit of time for Witches to learn. So why not cut to the chase and experiment with the day of the week that is dedicated to the moon in all of its magickal energies and aspects?

Magickally, Monday encourages the lunar energies of inspiration, illusion, prophetic dreams, emotions, psychic abilities, travel, women’s mysteries, and fertility.

Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week

Ellen Dugan


Daily Magickal Applications for Monday, November 9th

Celtic night



Monday is named after the moon. The Latin term for Monday is Dies Lunae (“moon’s day”); in the Old English language, this day was Monandaeg; in Greek, it was Hermera Selenes. All of these different names and languages translate to the same thing: the “day of the moon.”

Working with the different phases of the moon is an important skill that takes a bit of time for Witches to learn. So why not cut to the chase and experiment with the day of the week that is dedicated to the moon in all of its magickal energies and aspects?

Magickally, Monday encourages the lunar energies of inspiration, illusion, prophetic dreams, emotions, psychic abilities, travel, women’s mysteries, and fertility.


Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week

Ellen Dugan


Daily Magickal Applications for Monday, October 26

Autumn Fantasy



Monday is named after the moon. The Latin term for Monday is Dies Lunae (“moon’s day”); in the Old English language, this day was Monandaeg; in Greek, it was Hermera Selenes. All of these different names and languages translate to the same thing: the “day of the moon.”

Working with the different phases of the moon is an important skill that takes a bit of time for Witches to learn. So why not cut to the chase and experiment with the day of the week that is dedicated to the moon in all of its magickal energies and aspects?

Magickally, Monday encourages the lunar energies of inspiration, illusion, prophetic dreams, emotions, psychic abilities, travel, women’s mysteries, and fertility.



Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week

Ellen Dugan


Your Daily Rune for September 12th is Kenaz


bw-kenazYour Rune For Today

Kenaz foretells the coming of clarity and knowledge. It is time for you to grow by exchanging knowledge with others. Opportunities are upon you.

Additional information about Today’s Rune, Kenaz

kenaz : torch


Phonetic equivalent: k (can also be used as a hard ‘c’)


wisdom, insight, solution to a problem, creativity, inspiration, enlightenment


for creative inspiration, aid in study, fertility, dispelling anxiety and fear


Mimir, the Dwarfs, Muspellheim


In modern usage, the Scottish ‘ken’ means to know or understand, and this is the sense in which the rune should interpreted. Today, light, inspiration and knowledge are often associated, as in ‘gaining enlightenment’ and ‘shedding light on the problem’, and even in the image of a lightbulb going on over someone’s head when they get an idea. To bring light is to make the invisible visible.Unlike the wisdom gained at þurisaz, kenaz only allows us to take bits and pieces of this knowledge away with us as we need it, usually at the discretion of the Gods. This knowledge will generally come in the form of a sudden inspiration, and we will be able to see clearly the answer that was once hidden from us. This form of wisdom is more closely associated with the right half of the brain than the left, since it does not come through conscious effort but rather through passively opening one’s self to it. Thus, a more feminine element is added to our journeyer’s experience.

The act of bringing light into the darkness is also a creative one. Again consider the image of the person carrying a torch , representing the masculine elements of fire and air, entering the cave and penetrating the feminine realm of earth and water. This joining of masculine and feminine elements results in the creation of new ideas. In physical terms, this can be correlated to the application of fire to mold and shape matter – the art of the smith.


A Spell to Inspire You

A Spell to Inspire You

This spell uses candles anointed with peppermint essential oil to lift you when you need inspiration to meet an oncoming challenge.


You will need:
Two teaspoons of almond oil (or any suitable carrier oil)
Peppermint essential oil
A mixing bottle
An indigo candle
A white candle


Pour the almond oil into the mixing bottle and add three drops of the peppermint oil. Light the white candle and meditate on the purpose of the spell for a minute or two. Now roll the bottle between hands held prayer-style and when you feel it has been charged with gratitude, return it to the altar. Inscribe the indigo candle with the number ‘1’ before anointing it with the charged oil. Return it to its holder and light it. Hold your hands towards the flame and say:


I ask of you, Oh Powers that be,
To send inspiration down to me.
To fill my mind with ideas clear,
And remove from me all trace of fear.
And let it be done, that it harm no one.


Visualize the candle flame filling you with inspiration until it burns
down and you leave your sacred space bathed in inspiration that will
remain with you


The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Spells

Your Daily Rune for July 31st is Kenaz


bw-kenazYour Rune For Today

Kenaz foretells the coming of clarity and knowledge. It is time for you to grow by exchanging knowledge with others. Opportunities are upon you.

Additional information about Today’s Rune, Kenaz

kenaz : torch


Phonetic equivalent: k (can also be used as a hard ‘c’)


wisdom, insight, solution to a problem, creativity, inspiration, enlightenment


for creative inspiration, aid in study, fertility, dispelling anxiety and fear


Mimir, the Dwarfs, Muspellheim


In modern usage, the Scottish ‘ken’ means to know or understand, and this is the sense in which the rune should interpreted. Today, light, inspiration and knowledge are often associated, as in ‘gaining enlightenment’ and ‘shedding light on the problem’, and even in the image of a lightbulb going on over someone’s head when they get an idea. To bring light is to make the invisible visible.Unlike the wisdom gained at þurisaz, kenaz only allows us to take bits and pieces of this knowledge away with us as we need it, usually at the discretion of the Gods. This knowledge will generally come in the form of a sudden inspiration, and we will be able to see clearly the answer that was once hidden from us. This form of wisdom is more closely associated with the right half of the brain than the left, since it does not come through conscious effort but rather through passively opening one’s self to it. Thus, a more feminine element is added to our journeyer’s experience.

The act of bringing light into the darkness is also a creative one. Again consider the image of the person carrying a torch , representing the masculine elements of fire and air, entering the cave and penetrating the feminine realm of earth and water. This joining of masculine and feminine elements results in the creation of new ideas. In physical terms, this can be correlated to the application of fire to mold and shape matter – the art of the smith.


Your Daily Rune for Tuesday, July 14th is Kenaz


bw-kenazYour Rune For Today

Kenaz foretells the coming of clarity and knowledge. It is time for you to grow by exchanging knowledge with others. Opportunities are upon you.

Additional information about Today’s Rune, Kenaz

kenaz : torch


Phonetic equivalent: k (can also be used as a hard ‘c’)


wisdom, insight, solution to a problem, creativity, inspiration, enlightenment


for creative inspiration, aid in study, fertility, dispelling anxiety and fear


Mimir, the Dwarfs, Muspellheim


In modern usage, the Scottish ‘ken’ means to know or understand, and this is the sense in which the rune should interpreted. Today, light, inspiration and knowledge are often associated, as in ‘gaining enlightenment’ and ‘shedding light on the problem’, and even in the image of a lightbulb going on over someone’s head when they get an idea. To bring light is to make the invisible visible.Unlike the wisdom gained at þurisaz, kenaz only allows us to take bits and pieces of this knowledge away with us as we need it, usually at the discretion of the Gods. This knowledge will generally come in the form of a sudden inspiration, and we will be able to see clearly the answer that was once hidden from us. This form of wisdom is more closely associated with the right half of the brain than the left, since it does not come through conscious effort but rather through passively opening one’s self to it. Thus, a more feminine element is added to our journeyer’s experience.

The act of bringing light into the darkness is also a creative one. Again consider the image of the person carrying a torch , representing the masculine elements of fire and air, entering the cave and penetrating the feminine realm of earth and water. This joining of masculine and feminine elements results in the creation of new ideas. In physical terms, this can be correlated to the application of fire to mold and shape matter – the art of the smith.


Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, June 8th



Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, June 8th


Aries Horoscope

You have forward-looking, enthusiastic energy with you today, Aries. You may be putting more than usual energy and effort into your friendships, creative projects, new learning endeavors and interests, romantic affairs, as well as inspiration for ideas and goals. Creative ideas can emerge now that can be very beneficial. You can feel quite inspired to pursue a learning or mental challenge/goal. You’re receiving an extra boost of energy and motivation. The desire to do things in your special, unique way and to get things done is strong, and you may receive positive word about projects or endeavors. There is more spontaneity now, or circumstances encourage you to feel freer and more open. The coming weeks are important for liberating yourself from previous inhibitions, communicating in unique ways, and reaching beyond your usual bounds.

Taurus Horoscope

Today there can be a nice, enthusiastic feeling about a person, an idea, or an intuition – whatever it is, you can feel especially alive and motivated, dear Taurus. While nurturing your need for peace, quiet, and familiarity is just fine and quite natural and beneficial at the moment, if you overdo this, you may be missing out on opportunities to better your position in life. This can be a good day for money matters and for taking special care of prized possessions. You can feel a sense of accomplishment or hopefulness in business, and in your personal life, a stronger feeling of security and connectedness. There can be good news about the past that leaves you feeling confident about the future!

Gemini Horoscope

There is warm and friendly energy to the day, dear Gemini, and you’re at the heart of much of it! The enthusiasm you are expressing now is infectious. People may tag along or respond positively to you as you seem to be where the action and energy are at. You are getting support from your sectors of friends and communications, making it a favorable time for many things, including networking, creative writing, applying yourself to a personal interest, studying, trips, errands, computers, and more. If you need to resolve an old problem, this can be a good time to talk things through with Mercury retrograde turning our attention to the past. Keep in mind, though, that what appear to be small problems could in fact mean a lot more. Of course, with Mars in your sign, there can be the feeling that you can do almost anything. You certainly can do more than usual, but you need to pace yourself.

Cancer Horoscope

There is a lot of energy happening behind the scenes for you these days, dear Cancer, with a concentration of planets in your privacy sector. Today, the Sun and Mars in this sector receive powerful help and support from planets in your sectors of career, reputation, resources, money, values, and personal possessions. Your practical world benefits from your intuition and past experience. More meaningful conversations can emerge. There can be a reveal of important information or resources. There can be a stronger feeling of inner power and waiting is an important strategy now. Support might come from unexpected places or on the fly.

Leo Horoscope

This is a good day for sorting things out, taking positive action, and making important connections, dear Leo. Take the time to think about problems that have, to date, been difficult to solve, as it’s a strong time for finding effective solutions. A partner or special someone can provide you with a sounding board or simply a bit of feedback that helps you to come to important conclusions. Showing others what you are capable of doing is indicated today. Your enthusiastic presentation is hard not to like or turn down. Today is excellent for showing your more unique qualities, without even trying. Your sense of timing is strong. You are feeling sociable and supported, and this is a good time for getting a broader or higher perspective.

Virgo Horoscope

Jupiter in your privacy sector receives a boost from the Sun, dear Virgo, making it quite helpful for some time alone in order to draw upon your intuition. Even so, you may be playing a supportive role to someone now, and this can make you feel fulfilled and nicely needed. As well, business matters can really benefit from your attention. Moral issues may occupy your thoughts more than usual today. Problems suddenly seem a little easier to resolve. Your ideas are ambitious and you may be itching to put them into the action, but it’s important to feel the inspiration but make more plans and pace yourself. What you come up with now may do better after the Mercury retrograde and after the upcoming New Moon on the 16th. Things will come together naturally, and possibly more quickly than you think!

Libra Horoscope

There is a nice feeling of progress today, dear Libra, but it’s not about resting on your laurels. Instead, this feeling motivates you to do more or to reach further. There can be a resolution to a problem, particularly related to friends, networks, happiness goals and wishes, educational matters, travel, legal affairs, and publishing. In fact, any of these areas of life have the potential to benefit now, or could be a source of joy and inspiration. Others may bring surprises or can catch you off guard, but in a positive, stimulating way. Next week, news about or progress with a publishing, travel, or educational matter is likely to occur, and today, events may be such that the ball is rolling in that direction. Be positive and open for best results now.

Scorpio Horoscope

This can be a wonderful day for coming to important discoveries or eurekas of sorts, dear Scorpio. Your intuition is strong as it is, and today it’s backed up by research and effort. You can have great insight into work and health matters, and conversations happening now tend to give you a new perspective on people in your life. You might find yourself happily absorbed in a project today, and drawn to mysteries, investigations, and research. Chances are good that this will result in something valuable. There can be the support of higher-ups or a form of advancement enjoyed today. Even so, this is a week of transition, so it’s best to work further on projects and plans before making things official or making an important launch. It’s a day for feeling empowered!

Sagittarius Horoscope

Progress and self-improvement are in focus today with your ruler, lucky Jupiter, in harmony with the Sun, dear Sagittarius. Close relationships and partnerships benefit greatly from sharing ideas, plans, and visions. Others tend to listen to what you have to say now, and yet you also have much to pick up from others. People seek you out for support, comfort, and advice. Focus on eliminating those things that have been weighing you down. The weeks ahead are strong for personal liberation, and today, you’re catching the scent of this. There is a spontaneous feel to the day, which suits you very well! It’s also a feel-good day for relationships.

Capricorn Horoscope

This is an important day for ideas and inspiration, dear Capricorn, although it’s also strong for practical problem solving. You are more willing to make changes and improvements, and this is a major key to success right now, and to some extent, all month! There can be truly useful feedback and valuable information incoming. You might find yourself in the zone, and this allows you to focus on what truly means something to you. Work and health matters can especially prosper now, but it’s also a favorable time for family and home-related matters, finances, support, and backing. New approaches are key now.

Aquarius Horoscope

Put progress, growth, and improvement at the top of your list today, dear Aquarius. You are a progressive person by nature, and this trait is especially emphasized today with energies opening up minds to different ideas. There could be progress. new ideas, and benefits associated with partnership, negotiations, romance, communications, studies, creative projects, and transportation. Your energy levels are elevated, and you can be itching to move forward on a particular goal or dream, although you will likely do much better if you feel the inspiration now and work further before launching an all-new project or endeavor. (After the 16th is most favorable). This is a time for immersing yourself in what you truly love, if at all possible, and rewards will come, perhaps when you least anticipate them. This is a time for attracting positive people and circumstances into your life.

Pisces Horoscope

This can be a day for feeling particularly comforted, but also hopeful, about home, family, and work or finances, dear Pisces. You can be helping out or servicing others today, and quite enjoying being of help. This is a great day for letting go of resentments in order to free yourself. You are especially able, and also willing, to focus on what may need changing within. Your focus should be on making improvements in your home base, but also getting more comfortable in your own skin. Be sure to follow your instincts when it comes to your projects and endeavors, but save important launches for after the New Moon on the 16th, when things will be clearer.

The Daily OM for April 29th – Information and Inspiration

Information and Inspiration
Roadmaps of Life

by Madisyn Taylor

When we learn to attune ourselves to our inner compass we follow a map that only we can see, our own path.

All the major spiritual traditions serve the purpose of offering us a roadmap to guide us on our individual journeys to enlightenment. These roadmaps are made up of moral codes, parables, and, in some cases, detailed descriptions of mystical states. We often study the fine points of a particular ascended master’s narrative in order to better understand our own and to seek inspiration and guidance on our path. In the same way, when we plan a road trip, we carry maps and guidebooks in an effort to understand where we are going. In both cases, though, the journey has a life of its own and maps, while helpful, can only take us so far. There is just no comparison between looking at a line on a piece of paper and driving your own car down the road that line represents.

Some people seem well-suited to following maps, while others are always looking for new ways to get where they’re going. In the end, the only reliable compass is within, as every great spiritual guide will tell you. The maps and travelogues left behind by others are great blessings, full of useful information and inspiration, but they cannot take the journey for us. When it is time to merge onto the highway or pull up anchor, we are ostensibly on our own. Strange weather patterns, closed roads, and traffic jams arise in the moment, out of nowhere, and our maps cannot tell us what to do. Whether we take refuge in a motel by the side of the road, persevere and continue forward, or turn back altogether is entirely up to us.

Maps are based on observations from the past and we are living in the present, so we are the only true experts on our journey to enlightenment. We may find that the road traveled by our predecessors is now closed. We may feel called to change direction entirely so that the maps we have been carrying really no longer apply. These are the moments when we learn to attune ourselves to our inner compass, following a map that only we can see, as we make our way into the unknown territory of our own enlightenment.


The Daily OM

The Daily Motivator for March 17th: Be truly inspired

Be truly inspired

Be inspired by life, and yet go beyond being merely inspired. Act on your  inspirations.

Let life stir your passion, and let that passion push you into action. Let  the outstanding, meaningful ideas flow, then do something real and useful with  them.

Each time life makes a profound impression upon your heart, resolve anew to  make a difference. Take the real goodness you see, and be the living instrument  through which it is amplified and expanded.

There is so very much that can inspire you, in the ordinary moments as well  as in the extraordinary experiences. Consider each inspiration as a starting  point from which you can do truly amazing things.

There is a reason why you feel that warm, right and wonderful sense of  inspiration. It resonates so well with you in order to give power and authentic  purpose to your actions.

Follow that purpose, and make the most of that power. Be truly inspired to  act on your inspirations, and lift all of life to inspiring new heights.

— Ralph Marston


Straight from

The Daily Motivator

Feng Shui News for August 31 – 'Love Litigating Lawyers Day'

I’m guessing that it was a lawyer who first declared this ‘Love Litigating Lawyers Day’ because I don’t know many people who feel that same way, myself included. But, just in case you’re involved in a legal affair and could use a cosmic assist in the courtroom, you can say this affirmation both silently and aloud in order to sway the outcome your way. Say this at least nine times throughout any day: ‘The inspiration of the Almighty shall be my defense and I shall have plenty of silver.’

By Ellen Whitehurst for

Your Horoscope Holiday Heads-Up

Your Horoscope Holiday Heads-Up


Each sign of the zodiac embodies certain challenges and qualities. When we  know what these are, our horoscope sun sign can give us such a useful heads-up  on some things to watch out for in this sometimes-stressful holiday season! For  instance, is your sign prone to over-socializing? You may want to rethink going  to that thirteenth party. Does your sign need to run the show? You might  delegate some of the responsibility before you burn right out.

Find out what your horoscope can tell you about the best way to have truly  happy holidays. We even include a helpful holiday affirmation for each sun sign,  right here:

Aries, March 21-April 19:  Watch out for your tendency to think that only you  can do everything: avoid holiday burn-out by delegating responsibilities  whenever you can. And be sure to get plenty of outdoor exercise to help keep  your fiery nature on an even keel: you don’t want an angry remark of yours to  cause any rifts this holiday season. The holidays will still be beautiful  even if everything doesn’t get done.

Taurus, April 20-May 21:  Be aware that you can get just a little set in your  ways around seasonal traditions. This year, try something new! Even if it only  involves buying a tree you can plant after the holidays rather than a cut tree,  or using your grandmother’s tablecloth on the festive table rather than the one  you’ve used for years, remember: Change is good: embrace it.

Gemini, May 22-June 20:  Be sure to take time as often as possible to ground  and center yourself so that you can be deeply present in the moment rather than  flitting from thing to thing. The deepest and most meaningful experiences are  often found in stillness.

Cancer, June 21-July 22:  This year, do what you can to accept and love your  sensitive self as fully as possible; cultivate a positive relationship with the  image in your mirror no matter how many cups of eggnog or slices of mince pie  you consume. Remember, the body is the home and sanctuary of the soul. And  there‘s no place like home.

Leo, July 23- Aug 22:  This year, you may want to try creating opportunities  for others to shine as brightly as you do: try coaching a children’s choir, or  getting a group together to put on a benefit performance for a worthy cause.  When we encourage others to glow, the whole world grows a little  brighter.

Virgo, Aug 23-Sept 22:  Your attention to detail could get compulsive unless  you take some time to deeply enjoy the pleasures of the season. You might want  to read up on essential oils or herbs that are seasonal allies. The earth and  all her gifts are sacred and give me comfort.

Libra, Sept 23-Oct 22:  Wanting to be all things to all people could lead you  into an exhausting round of social obligations unless you set time aside for  your own peace of mind. Maintaining a personal sense of balance is my most  important task. It is not my sole responsibility to create harmony in every  social situation.

Scorpio, Oct 23-Nov 21:  Your easily-offended nature will have many  opportunities to take umbrage unless you detach and try not to take things so  personally during the festive season. Find heart’s ease in the deeper  spiritual meaning of the holidays.

Sagittarius, Nov 22-Dec 21:  Be wary of spreading yourself so thin and being  the sparkling light in so many people’s lives that you neglect your own fire.  Rekindle your spirit’s flame in the soothing dark and silence.

Capricorn, Dec 22-Jan 19:  If you feel you must work hard and harder during  the holidays, please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and take a break.  Simply being, not producing or doing, is my first priority.

Aquarius, Jan 20-Feb 18:  Be sure to set aside enough quiet time with your  nearest and dearest; use your imagination to invent meaningful activities to  share with those you love. I can use my creativity in the service of deeper  connection with my loved ones.

Pisces, Feb 19-March 20:  Your empathy with the sufferings of others will  simply bring everyone around you down unless you find ways to channel it  helpfully. Find something you can do on a local level to reach out and be of  service. I can share in human joys as well as human suffering.