Purification Soak

Purification Soak

This infusion should be added to your cleansing bath when preparing for a ritual. Mediate on purifying your thoughts and opening your mind to prepare for your ritual.

You can also use this infusion for cleaning or purifying rooms or objects. Simply set the items in the infusion or use a sponge soaked in the infusion to wipe areas down.

2 cups chamomile flowers

1 cup clover flowers

¼ cup pansy flowers

2 cups lavender flowers

¼ cup hyssop leaves

¼ cup thyme leaves

1 tsp. anise

¼ cup lemon peel

Healing Sachet

Healing Sachet

2 parts Cinnamon

2 parts Sandalwood

1 part Rose petals

1 part Cayenne

1 part Ginger

1 part Rue

Mix and tie up in a blue or purple cloth. Anoint with Eucalyptus oil and wear or place near the bed at night. Some herbs that are good for pain relief and magickally good for healing that you can all also are Chamomile, White Willow bark and Wood Betony.

Crone’s Corner – Winter Afternoon Tea

Crone’s Corner – Winter Afternoon Tea
1 tsp. dried chamomile
1 tsp. dried mint
1 tsp. dried lavender

Combine the herbs in your warmed tea pot and add 2 cups boiling water. Steep for 5 minutes and strain. Add 1 tsp. of honey to each cup of tea. Notes: I put together this simple mellow tea one winter afternoon. I like it with the honey, but lemon would be fine too. This makes 2 cups of tea, but it can easily be doubled and tripled.

Courtesy of Brenda Hyde of OldFashionedLiving.com



I’ve compiled a short list of some very beneficial herbs to keep in your Witches’ Cupboard if you have one, or if you want to start one.

I’ve also listed “The Witches’ 3 X 3” – a list of nine healing herbs, indicated by an (***) sign.


Pain reliever, heals skin – lips, nose, burns. Sacred to the Godess, used in full moon rituals as an offering to the Goddess, purification, promotes celibacy, heightens physical energy.


treats colds, reduces fever, aids indigestion, curbs flatulence. Strengthens the psychic bond between humans and animals; for courage, true love, lasting happiness.


Very important first aid herb. Does not burn the skin or inner tissues, but feels hot. Helps coagulate blood, internally and externally. Can be sprinkled directly onto a bleeding cut. Good for heart disease.


Soothing to the body & mind, sedative before bed as a tea, mind pain reliever as a compress/ For good luck or changing your luck, prevents lightning strikes to your house or person, prosperity, meditation aid.


Eases toothache pain, calms stomach pain, relieves gas. Banishes hostility or negative energy, increases personal gain, clears a cloudy mind, increases friendship or love.


Pain relief, allergy & cough suppressant. Used in spells for wealth, prosperity & love.


Very nutritious. Sooths the stomach, heals sprains, strains, fractures, sores, arthritis. Used in protection spells and safety when travelling.


Aphrodisiac, improves digestion, relieves cough. Use in sex magick spells, for clairvoyance, divination.


Protection, luck, for a raise or new job; invisibility.


Aids digestion, can be chewed or brewed to tea for weight loss, gas relief, halitosis. Imparts strength & sexual virility. Prevents curses.


Cleanses system internaly. Take at the onset of colds or flu. Doubles money in gambling, use to win in court. Sex magick, hex breaking, aids psychic powers.


Good for hair, skin, digestion, lungs, blood health. Lowers cholesterol & blood pressure. Good for ear infections. Heals colds, flu. Tincture by steeping in olive oil. Use for magickal healing, protection, exorcism.


Relaxing stimulant! Use after large meals to settle stomach, induces perspiration while sweating out a fever, aids the liver. Powerful aphrodisiac when sprinkled in steeping raspberry leaf tea.


Rejuvenates & promotes longevity. Andi-depressant. Use with St. John’s Wort. Equalizes blood pressure & digestion. For use in love spells, beauty & healing spells.


All purpose healing. Gargle with cold brew for a sore throat, use as a poultice for cuts, abrasions, minor contusions. Use in spells for success in gambling.


Anti-spasmodic. Remedy for itchy-skin or mild hives. Apply fresh brew or tonic to skin. Sweetens breath. Attracts love. Use for dream work or divination.


To conquer any situation. To win at gambling, in court. For good luck, money, love, health, protection. To find lost items.


Calmes nervous tic, use as a poultice for snakebite. Attracts money & love. For use in divination, charging crystals, moon magick.


Powerful when used as an aphrodisiac. Potion to induce visions, use in astral travel work, for protection in travelling.


ALL PURPOSE. Stomach problems, nausea & vomiting (used as a tonic) healing, inner peace, peace of mind, anti-stress, finding love, money, protection, attracting good spirits & faeries, purification, peaceful sleep, headache relief, menstrual cramp relief (when inhaled).



Anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsive for epileptic seizures or temper tantrums. Calms pain in small doses, muscle spasms, tension headaches, menstrual cramps. Helps to end addictions & sooth withdrawls symptons.


Appetite stimulant, digestive aid. Visions, dreams, clairvoyance, protection, strength in travelling. To consecrate divination tools, to add or boost power in tools of scrying.


Reverses spells, peacefully gets rid of trouble makers. Use in clairvoyance, divination, sex magick. Use to manifest & draw money.



Repels insects, calms skin itch or nervous itch. Treats & soothes nausea, treats colds & flu. Use in consecration rituals, exorcism.


Soothes nausea & upset stomach, heartburn, colds, flu. Calming, good for motion sickness. Promotes peaceful sleep, visionary dreams. Boosts psychic abilities.


Blood detoxifier for treatment of poison ivy, snakebite, bee stings, mosquito bites, etc. Apply juice of crushed leaves to bites & stings. Reapply often, drink brew of leaves made into tea, eat & chew on fresh leaves.


for kidney strength, infections. Diarreah, nausea, colds and flu. Calming to the nerves as a tonic. Promotes peaceful sleep. Use for visionary work, protection, love spells.


Nerve stimulant, digestive aid. Aids memory, soothes headache, eases depression when inhaled. Use for protection, exorcisms, purification, healing, stimulate lust. Powerful fumitory.


Very nutritious, high in Vitamin C. Take for colds or flu, reduces fever. Mild laxative, good for acne. For spells concerning good luck, use to summon good spirits.


Use as an antiperspirant, healing to wounds. Aids digestion, relieves muscle and joint pain. Gargle to heal sores of the mouth & gums. Healing to colds & flu, reduces fever, preservative. For use in spells for wisdom, healing, money, protection, longevity, powerful fumitory for ritual.


Use a poultice for bruises & minor contusions, reduces fever. For use in clairvoyance & protection spells, purification, meditation. Burned in rituals, aids in magickal work, stimulates sexual urges, aids in healing spells.


Tranquilizer & anti-insomniatic. Sedative (mild to moderate) Eases nervous tension, drug & alcohol withdrawl symptoms, eases menstrual symdrome. Use for fidelity, commitment. Relieves anxiety. Promotes relaxation & peaceful feeling.


Wound healing, immune system booster. Anti-insomniatic, headache relief, eases menstrual cramps. Powerful anti-depressant. Use for protection, exorcism, courage, divination rituals.



For guud luck, draws money, attracts material desires. Wish magick.


Calms nerves, sleep aid. Treats nervous conditions. Antispasmodic. Reduces blood pressure. Use in love magick, purification, divination, black magick.


For minor pains and headache, tooth ache, arthritis, other inflammations. For restful sleep, calming nerves. For protection, purification, consecration, potions for love, creativity.



Because so many herbs are potentially poisonous in various amounts, take extreme caution when dealing with a plant or herb you’re unsure of. Consult a physician, pharmacist or horticulturist before ingesting anything you are uncertain of!

Crone’s Corner – Chamomile Shampoo


Crone’s Corner – Chamomile Shampoo

You will need:
2 tsp… dried chamomile
1/4 cup boiling water
1/4 cup baby shampoo (or another mild variety)

Pour the boiling water over the chamomile and steep for 30 minutes, strain, then mix into the shampoo and use as usual.

Courtesy of Brenda Hyde of OldFashionedLiving.com


The Herban Corner – For Your Health

The Herban Corner – For Your Health

Insomnia – Chamomile is a very soothing tea to put you to sleep if you’re having trouble in that area. And a magickal remedy is to take garden violet, put it in a silver bag under your pillow, and then lay back and wait for the desired effect: sleep. Dill and dandelion also work on insomnia. Orange and passion flower are other plants that take away the sleeplessness you experience. Primrose and rosemary also may be used in a tea to take away your insomnia but I prefer that you put shavings from a white birch into a white muslin bag and wear it around your neck, or place it under your pilow. You should doze off almost immediately. Wild morjoram and sweet marjoram may be made into teas, too, and you may wish to make a poultice of lettuce and hops and mother of thyme to cover your eyes. Sleep should be induced soon after applying it.
Relieving Facial Tension – Every night before you go to sleep, sit in your bed and start making faces — just as small children enjoy doing, make all kinds of faces, good, bad, ugly, beautiful, so the whole face and the musculature start moving. Make sounds — nonsense sounds will do — and sway, just for ten to fifteen minutes and then go to sleep.
In the morning, before you take your bath, again stand before the mirror and for ten minutes make faces. Standing before the mirror will help: you will be able to see and you will be able to respond
Excerpted From Elizabeth Pepper, The Witches’ Almanac, Ltd.

Feng Shui Tip of the Day for January 3rd

You snooze, you lose, especially on this ‘Festival of Sleep Day,’ a time for sharing tips on getting good slumber! First, be sure that the walls of your bedroom are painted in a soft and quiet color so that your sleep can be the same. As well, it’s believed that if you sleep only on all natural cotton sheets you won’t need to count sheep. Some say that polycotton blends are coated with formaldehyde, a known insomnia inducing substance. This next tip is fairly easy to swallow. Drink a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime and add a little honey to ensure sweet, sweet dreams!

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com



 Love – gardenia, jasmine, lavender, rose.

Lust – basil, cinnamon, ginger, neroli, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

Prosperity – almond, bergamot, honeysuckle, mint, peony.

Healing – carnation, mimosa, rosemary, sandalwood.

Protection – basil, frankincense, lavender, myrrh.

Luck – all spice, nutmeg, orange, violet.

Business/Money – benzoin, cinnamon, mint, peony.

Success – bergamot, clove, ginger, lemon balm.

Happiness – lavender, Lily of the valley, marjoram.

Sleep – chamomile, lavender, peppermint, tyme.

Vitality – bay, carnation, pennyroyal, St. John’s Wart.

Peace – lavender, gardenia, passion flower, skullcap.

Blessings – benzoin, cumin, rue. Chamomile may trigger asthma attacks in some people. St. John’s Wort, not in the oil form, but in the edible form, will negate the effect of birth control pills.

A Pioneer’s Apothecary

TO RELIEVE A COLD,  slice open a fresh onion and allow it to sit overnight near the “sick bed.”

Boil one quart of water, add one tablespoon each of sage, thyme, and chamomile flowers, fresh or dried. Allow the steam to rise and inhale the vapors.

Steam one tablespoon of freshly grated ginger root in one cup of boiled water for fifteen minutes. Strain and add one tablespoon of filtered honey.

Herbal Mask

Apply the following herbal mask and allow it to set for 10 minutes.

1     tablespoon comfrey leaves, chopped

1      tablespoon chamomile, chopped

1/2  cup boiled water

3     tablespoons yogurt or powdered oatmeal (grind in a blender or coffee grinder).

Infuse comfrey leaves and chamomile in boiled water. Cover and steep 10 minutes before straining. Add to yogurt  or oatmeal and apply liberally on your face and neck. Lie down and cover your eyes with a cotton ball dipped in the leftover infusion (put on relaxing, soft music as you wait for it to set). Rinse and apply an herbal toner.