June 27 and 28, 2024 Current Moon Phase for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

Source: nineplanets.org

Northern Hemisphere

June 27, 2024

The current moon phase for today is the Waning Gibbous phase.

On this day, the moon is 20.61 days old and 71.02% illuminated with a tilt of -71.073°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 369,362.14 km and the moon sign is Pisces.

The Moon phase for today is a Waning Gibbous phase. This is the first phase after the Full Moon where the illumination of the moon decreases each day until it reaches 50% (the Last Quarter phase).

The waning (shrinking) gibbous Moon will rise after sunset in the east, transit the meridian after midnight, before setting after sunrise in the west.

During this phase, the illumination of the moon will go down from 99.% to 50.1%. Technically, the phase starts as soon as the Full Moon has passed, but it can be difficult to calculate and differentiate the first stage of a Waning Gibbous Moon from a Full Moon when 98-99% of the Moon’s surface is illuminated.

Fun fact: the word Gibbous was first used in the 14th century and comes from the latin word gibbosus which means humpbacked.

Phase Details

Phase: Waning Gibbous

Moon age: 20.61 days

Moon illumination: 71.02%

Moon tilt: -71.073°

Moon angle: 0.54

Moon distance: 369,362.14 km

Moon sign: Pisces

Southern Hemisphere

28 June 2024

The current moon phase for June 28th, 2024 is the Last Quarter phase.

On this day, the moon is 21.64 days old and 59.76% illuminated with a tilt of -71.356°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 369,402.12 km and the moon sign is Pisces.

The Moon phase for June 28th, 2024 is the Last Quarter phase, which is also sometimes known as the Third Quarter. In this phase, the moon has completed three quarters of it’s orbit around the earth and exactly half of the moon is illuminated and half is in darkness.

The Last Quarter phase comes roughly 3 weeks after the New Moon and this is when the moon has completed three quarters of its orbit around the Earth (hence the name, Last Quarter). The moon will rise around midnight on the eastern horizon, transits the meridian at sunrise, before setting at noon in the west.

The Last Quarter of the moon phase cycle happens on one day. It’s followed by the intermediate phase, Waning Crescent, and will become less illuminated every day until it reaches the New Moon phase.

Fun fact: if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, the left side of the moon will be illuminated during the Last Quarter. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, the right side is illuminated.

Phase Details

Phase: Last Quarter

Moon age: 21.64 days

Moon illumination: 59.76%

Moon tilt: -71.356°

Moon angle: 0.54

Moon distance: 369,402.12 km

Moon sign: Pisces

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