Spell For Friday – Honey Sweetening Jar Spell Made Easy: MAGIC for Kindness


Honey Sweetening Jar Spell Made Easy: MAGIC for Kindness

Sweetening spells use the power of Kitchen Magic to transform the qualities of certain ingredients 🍯 into a matching frequency.Sugar, honey, candy and chocolates are all good sweetening agents and powerful ingredients in this type of spells.

This is a sweetening jar with honey that will help you improve the relationship with your boss, a coworker, or someone in your family, in an easy and effective way.

A sweetening ritual is a spiritual exercise that may involve manipulating someone else’s behavior. Playing with other people’s free will is not always acceptable for Wiccans and other types of Witches.

Learn how to make a honey jar spell with easy ingredients. This witch bottle can act like a boss fix and improve a relationship.

What you’ll need

  • 1 jar with lid

  • 1 pink candle

  • Honey (if you don’t have honey, use sugar instead)

  • Paper

  • Pen or pencil

  • One of these herbs (fresh or dried): Bay leaf, Lavender, Cinnamon.

How to make a honey jar spell

  • The jar you use must have a lid. You can use any type of jar, even a bottle, provided it has a lid that seals well.
  • On the piece of paper, write the person’s full name.
  • Take a pinch of the herb you chose and sprinkle it on top of the paper. Bay leafLavender and Cinnamon all have purifying and protective qualities.
  • Fold the paper once towards you and put it inside the jar.
  • Take a spoonful of honey and add it to the jar. Add another spoonful until it covers the paper entirely. Say the following spell:Sweetening Magic Spell
  • Seal the jar tightly. Place the pink candle on top of the lid and light it.
  • Meditate upon the candle flame, visualizing the person sweetening their attitude toward you. Picture this person smiling, being kind, and paying attention to you.
  • Never let candles burn unattended. If you leave the room, put out the candle and keep burning it once a week or whenever you feel like it. Once the candle is totally out, toss the remains of wax and keep the jar closed, stored in a dark place where nobody will touch it.

In a few days or weeks, you will notice the person is nicer to you. Once the results have manifested, the jar can be opened, the ingredients safely removed and disposed of.

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