Spell For Wednesday – Spell to Get Rid of Bad Luck


Spell to Get Rid of Bad Luck

Spell Ingredients

10” square piece of paper

Black Pen

Cauldron, or a fireproof container

White candle

Spell Instructions

Create your sacred space in your favorite way.

Write the word “BAD LUCK” on the white square sheet of paper.

Under that, think about and write write all of the ways that the bad luck has manifested in your life. If you’re just keeping yourself safe, you can simply keep it as “BAD LUCK”.

Draw a large X over each of the things you’ve written, marking them out of your life. Visualize them never happening again or visualize yourself being safe from that harm.

Draw a large X over the words “BAD LUCK”, knowing that your streak of bad luck is over.

Consecrate the candle for beneficial energies. Light the candle. Burn the paper and drop it into your cauldron.

Fire: As it burns, say, Dark night, blazing fire My luck gets better by the hour. I know that this burden is fading By now, my life has begun straightening.

Water: When your container is cool enough, take a third of the ash and sprinkle it into running water (yes, your toilet will work just fine!) Say: Pure water, running free Take bad luck away from me. Take my bad luck with the flow Take my sorrows to where you go.

Air: Take another third of the ash and throw it into the breeze. Say: Winds of change on this dark night Take this luck and make it right. In his power, the air dissipates To me bad luck can no longer relate.

Earth: Bury the remaining ash in your garden or in a potted plant. Say: Earth transforms and Earth negates Remove my bad luck, and do not hesitate. Take this luck and transform it to its best The bad luck streak is now at rest.

Feel your new good luck as you say “An it harm none, so mote it be” or “Amen”, whichever you prefer!

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