“Shed The Shame: A Ritual for LILITH’s Daughters”


“Shed The Shame: A Ritual for LILITH’s Daughters”

Lilith was the counterpart to Adam, before Eve. She left Adam because she did not want to be
subservient to him. She was demonized by Judeo-Christian Doctrine. But today she is a symbol of Women claiming their sovereignty.

The Ritual:
Result of performing this ritual: Releasing Shame. Feeling Empowered.


A Red Tent ritual for LILITH’s DAUGHTERS!

Dearest Sisters,
Let me help you SHED the shame.
I will cleanse you with sage.
And wipe your body with salt water.
Let me put my hand on your heart.
You can put your own hand, on your belly.

Let’s wash away the SHAME.

Together, We:
* Wash away the SHAME because you menstruate.
* Wash away the SHAME because you breasts.
* Wash away the SHAME for your sex.
* Wash away the SHAME because you grow older.
* Wash away the SHAME for not being attractive enough.
* Wash away the SHAME for gaining weight.
* Wash away the shame for having opinions that differ from other’s.
* Wash away the shame for living for yourself.


I wash away the SHAME for being a WOMB*man.
I wash away the SHAME for having a BODY,
that functions just as a body should.


Write down everything you feel SHAME for, and RIP IT UP!

Burn IT in the fire.

Aurora Rae is the FoundHer of Our Red Tent.com. She is a women’s mysteries educator and Our Red Tent sisterhood circle facilitator. Aurora travels the world speaking on the wild feminine archetype, celebrating our shadow selves. She offers retreats and training programs help women facilitate their own Red Tent support group circles and be educated in the Priestess Arts.

The Sisters Circle