Your Daily Rune for August 31 is Elhaz



Also known as: Algiz, Eoih, Elgr

Pronunciation: el-hahz

Letter sound: Z

Translation: protection, elk, sedge plant

Keywords: protection, defense, opportunity

Primary Themes Elhaz is the rune of defense and protection. Its shape is said to represent both the elk, with its imposing antlers, and the sedge plant, whose sharp leaves act as natural protection from would-be predators. Both images illustrate the power represented by this rune— a built-in protective force that discourages negative influences from affecting your personal experience.

Drawing Elhaz indicates that you are safe from danger and that there is no need to fear. However, don’t take the protective energy for granted by being reckless with your actions, as this rune does not mean that there is no danger present whatsoever. It simply means that as long as you remain alert and clear-minded and in touch with your intuition, you are headed for a positive outcome. Elhaz has also been interpreted as a symbol of reaching up to connect with the divine for support. By listening to your higher guidance, you will know which moves to make to stay out of harm’s way.

Magical Uses: Protection from negative energy and people, protection of property, strengthen friendships, astral communication


Runes for Beginners: A Guide to Reading Runes in Divination, Rune Magic, and the Meaning of the Elder Futhark Runes

Lisa Chamberlain