Ophiuchus- 13th Zodiac Sign

Ophiuchus- 13th Zodiac Sign

The shocking news announced by  the Minnesota Planetarium Society  introduces our new planetary constellation, Ophiuchus, which has Sagittarians and Capricorns scattering to learn about their new place in the charts and their new sign.  Although the constellation has been around since ancient times, it has not been included as a zodiac sign. Ophiuchus is a large constellation that is located around the celestial equator and is represented as a man that is grasping a snake which is divided into two parts that is represented by the constellation Serpens.

Ophiuchus is located between Serpens, Aquila and Hercules, and northwest of the center of the Milky Way. And is best known as Serpentariaus.  Our new sign is the only sign in the Zodiac that is associated with a  pre-existing man.  The man, Imhotep was a man of the  27th century and considered to have great accomplishments in life, including the knowledge and use of medicine.

Ophiuchus traits:

–  Receives the favor of those in authority

– Likes to wear  plaid clothing and  bright and vibrant colors

–  Emotions of intelligence, granular and genius mentality

– Expected to succeed and obtain a high position in life

– Apple of father’s eye when young, notable father to children

–  Envy of many people

–  Has secret enemies in family or close associations

– Foresight and good fortune to benefit from hard times

– The number 12 hold great significance

– Indication of large family but likely to separate from them at a young age

– Astrological talents and intuitive

– Tax assessor or levys taxes

– Architect, builder, reaches for the stars figuratively and literally

–  Longevity, aspirations of healing the ills of man- Fame

– either grand or completely misunderstood

– Overseer, supervisor of work- Seeks higher education and wisdom

– Poetical, inventive nature, expanding qualities

– Adds, increases, joins or gathers together

– Doctor of medicine or science , natural pathic

– A seeker of peace and harmony

– Serpent holder, lofty ideas

– Attracts good luck and fruitful blessings

– Interpreter of dreams and vivid premonitions For those born between  November 30 the and December 17th they are finding a bit more about their personalities according to the stars.  A very nice sign to be included in the zodiac.

Actual True Zodiac Signs Dates:

Pisces:  March 12 to April 18
Aquarius:  February 16 to March 11
Capricorn:  January 19 to February 15
Sagittarius:  December 18 to January 18
Ophiuchus:  November 23 to December 17
Scorpio:  November 23 to November 29
Libra:  October 31 to November 22
Virgo:  September 16 to October 30
Leo:  August 10 to September 15
Cancer:  July 21 to August 9
Gemini:  June 20 to July 20
Taurus:  May 14 to June 19
Aries:  April 19 to May 13



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