Today is Tuesday, August 7th

Summer sea..♥♥♥.Original by Oº°‘¨ ዠippվርዠiርk33 ¨‘°ºO...,

Today is Tuesday, August 7th

Tuesday is dedicated to the powers of the planet Mars, personified in Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw, Tuisco and Tyr. Tuesday rules controlled power, energy and endurance.

Deity: Tiwaz

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Planet: Mars

Tree: Holly

Herb: Plantain

Stone: Agate

Animal: Crab

Element: Fire

Color: White

Number: 2

Rune: Tyr (T)


Celtic Tree Month of Coll (Hazel) ( August 5 – September 1)


The Runic Half Month of Thorn (July 29 – August 12)


Goddess of the Month of Kerea (July 11 -August 8)



The Pagan Book of Days
Nigel Pennick