Up-date for Monday, April 23

Good Monday morning. I wanted to give you a quick up-date on our current situation. Lady A has a doctor’s appointment today with her heart doctor. After she is given the all’s clear sign, she will be back tomorrow. Yes, you heard right, the heart and soul of the WOTC will be back tomorrow. We have had several write us wondering what happened to that fantastic, dedicated lady who devotedly posted The Craft’s information daily. Not to worry, she is stronger than ever and ready to get back to work. We all appreciate your love, prayers and support for her during this time.

Lynette and I have found out one thing, we can’t do what she does. How she does it, I don’t know. We do not even come close to her, there is no comparsion whatsoever. I know each of you will be glad to have her back. I know we will be glad to have her back in the office. We have missed her just as much as you have. We have found out that she is our driving force. The office doesn’t seem the same without her. I thought I could fly in and do her job because it is so easy, ha. There is nothing easy about what she does on a daily basis for you and for us.

I know the ladies as well as I will be glad to see her walk through the door tomorrow. You have been patient and stayed with us this long. Give us one more day and the heart and soul of this family will be back tomorrow.



I am sure you know we decided not to close the store after all. It seems at times events happen that changes your plans. And that is what happened with the store, we are keeping it open to offset some of the cost of Lady A’s new medicine and also its’ operating cost. I wanted to plug the store because we finally got in an item I have been wanting for a while. We know have some salt lamps in stock. These are all the rage right now and are expensive to purchase. The prices of these lamps start at $12.00 and run up to $24.00. Those are the specially priced ones. We did add some expensive ones on the page also. You can find these gorgeous, must have lamps under the “Hot, Hot, Hot” section. I have been wanting one for a while and couldn’t afford it, but at these prices, I have grabbed me one. If you were like me and they were just to expensive, get yours now while we have them in stock.


Magickal Necessities