Determination Charm

Determination Charm

This charm uses the power of the Elements to give yourself added energy to carry on in your quest for a better life. Like four Goddesses, who are sisters, the Elements each have their own unique quality that is powerful by itself, but when combined, become even more divinely powerful.
You will need a piece of carnelian and a red candle.
Wash the carnelian in cool water for at least a minute before using it as a charm. Draw a circle of light and call in the Elements. Light the red pillar candle, and dedicate it to the four sisters:
“Sisters of the Earth, Wind, Fire and Water
Let your light shine bright tonight.”
With the piece of carnelian in your power hand, move to the north point of the circle, and call out:
“Divine Sister of Earth
Give me strength.”
Moving to the east point, call out:
“Divine Sister of Air
Give me hope.”
Moving to the south point, call out:

Divine Sister of Fire

Give me creativity.”
Moving to the west point, call out:
“Divine Sister of Water
Give me love.”
Now that the piece of carnelian has been programmed with the power of the four sisters and their corresponding Element, keep it near you as a reminder of your internal strength and determination. When you are done, bid farewell to the elements and pull up the circle. Allow the candle to safely burn down.