A Little Humor for Your Day – Circle Etiquette

Circle Etiquette

(varied sources)

  • Never summon Anything you can’t banish.
  • Never put asafoetida on the rocks in the sweat lodge.
  • Do not attempt to walk more than 10 paces while wearing all of your ritual jewelry, dream bags and crystals at the same time.
  • When proposing to initiate someone, do not mention the Great Rite, leer, and say, “Hey, your trad or mine?”
  • Never laugh at someone who is skyclad. They can see you, too.
  • Never, *ever* set the Witch on fire.
  • Looking at nifty pictures is not a valid path to mastering the ancient grimoires. Please read thoroughly and carefully from beginning to end so that your madness and gibberings will at least make some sense.
  • A good grasp of ritual and ritual techniques are essential! In the event of a random impaling, or other accidental death amongst the participants, (see next rule) a quick thinker can improvise to ensure successful completion of the Rite. Make them another sacrifice, Demons really love those those.
  • Watch where you wave the sharp pointy items.
  • Avoid walking through disembodied spirits.
  • Carry an all-purpose translator’s dictionary in case the ritual leader begins talking in some strange and unknown language.
  • Avoid joining your life force to anything with glowing red eyes.
  • If asked to sign a contract or pact and you are experiencing doubts or reservations, sign your neighbor’s name. Malevolent entities rarely ask for photo ID.
  • Blood IS thicker than water. Soak ritual garments an extra 30-45 minutes.
  • While drunken weaving may be mistaken for ecstatic dancing, slurring the names of Deities is generally considered bad form.
  • If the ritual leader should ask for a volunteer, resist the urge to raise your hand! While it is true that volunteering will most likely gain you stature and prestige amongst the group, thereby allowing you to advance quickly through the ranks, it is equally likely to get you strapped to a table and eaten alive by a drooling demonic horde.


—Original Authors Unknown

Your Daily Planet Tracker: Moon in Sagittarius, Apr 24, 2016 to Apr 26, 2016







Moon in Sagittarius

Apr 24, 2016 to Apr 26, 2016


Think of a horse running free. An archer’s eye trained on a distant target. A monk’s heart and mind expanding to the heavens. The Moon encourages you to reach beyond a limit today. Pick one thing (however small) that you can do in the next hour to renew your sense of adventure and love for the world. The energy of Sagittarius is expansive, free, optimistic, generous, philosophical and visionary. Quick-jot down five things you’re grateful for. Next, write down your current salary and add a couple zeros. And that fabulous thing you haven’t accomplished yet? See yourself having done it. In this expansive frame of mind, hug a know-it-all. Forgive anyone who sticks their foot in their mouth. But avoid the mall, you’ll overspend. In body matters, take a loofa to your cellulite thighs. If you go to the gym this Moontime, be cautious of upper leg strain.


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The Wisdom of Buddha

The Wisdom of Buddha

There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.

Your Daily Charm for April 24th is Abracadabra

Your Daily Charm for Today

Today’s Meaning:
The most powerful of all talisman indicating you or someone close to you will recover from an infection.

General Description:
One of the most famous of all talismans, and used as a magical formula by the Gnostics in Rome for invoking the aid of beneficent spirits against disease, misfortune and death. Sammonieus, the celebrated Gnostic physician; instructed that the letters of this magical triangle which he used for curing agues and fevers, were to be written on paper, folded into the shape of a cross, worn for nine days suspended from the neck, and, before sunrise, cast behind the patient into a stream running eastward. It was also a most popular charm in the middle ages. During the Great Plague, 1665, great numbers of these amulets were worn as supposed safeguards against infection.



Your Ancient Symbol Card for April 24th is The Open Door

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Open Door

The Open Door signifies the presence of new opportunities. However, to reap the benefits of these prospects you will have to move beyond where you are now–forsake the comforts and safety of your current life and head out in new directions. Moves like those symbolized by The Open Door require courage, because fresh opportunities signify the chance of gain, but do not guarantee they will be realized. Regardless of the benefits that may be reaped, with the transitions like those required to explore these new found opportunities, something is always lost. Before launching on a voyage down new paths it is a good idea to objectively assess your current state of being and decide whether what you have now is worth jeopardizing.

As a daily card, The Open Door indicates a time that is primed for you to pursue new goals and dreams. For you opportunity exists, but there are no assurances that they will lead to a richer life. Weigh your current circumstances carefully, and if you feel there is a more fulfilling path for you, then this is the moment for you to begin your walk down that path–the moment for you to walk through The Open Door before you.

Your Witches Rune for April 24th is Harvest

Today’s Witches Rune


Meaning: This is a very positive rune, related to abundance, rewards, growth and benefits. But it’s important to not mistake this rune for mere luck… while luck may help, the Harvest rune is usually related to the blessings that you have brought to yourself and to others, through your actions and investments.

“Reaping what you sow” is the message of the Harvest rune, but with a positive connotation. All that you worked and fought so hard to get will finally come to you, and you’ll be able to enjoy a time of tranquility, optimism and expansion. As the obstacles that were (or still are) in the way become smaller, you have a solid ground to reach out for your dreams.

Thus, the Harvest rune is a positive sign, telling you that you are in right path. However, it’s important to know that this symbol is always attached to personal responsibility… it’s what you do with your tools (whether they be mental, emotional or physical) that determines what you’ll get back in the end. Use them wisely, and luck will serve you well.

On a more negative side, this rune can make one sleep on their laurels and cling to past victories. One can become too reliant on “what works” and refuse to try new things (specially if the Crossroads rune is near). The Harvest runes should inspire you to take some risks and keep evolving, and not to crystalize yourself in one position because it proved to be successful.

In relationship readings, this symbol is connected to more practical aspects than emotional ones. Usually it represents couples who grow together, financially, socially and/or professionally. Security becomes an important factor when the Harvest appears. It represents the moment in which the couple begins to build their nest together, and think about starting a family. This rune tends to be very positive for all relationships, but doesn’t always inspire much passion.

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for April 24th is The Hierophant

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today

The Hierophant

The Hierophant represents the protector of a culture’s heritage and traditions. His purpose is to defend and teach the established ways and beliefs a group embraces. He is inherently conventional and a true believer in the power of the group. He loves the structure of the group and its values. It is the task of The Hierophant to bring new members into the group—to prepare the uninitiated to take their rightful place in his culture. In this sense he is very much like a teacher or a priest. He also acts as the repository of his group’s history. The Hierophant is certainly not one to buck proper authority. However, he is staunch and worthy defender of the tried and true. He represents the positive aspects of tradition and conformity.

Summer Tarot Cards





Summer Tarot Cards

Which Tarot cards will bring you the most inspiration and opportunity in the summer season?

The Tarot is full of symbolism, associations, and deelpy rooted connections to our lives. In Astrology, Summer is associated with the Summer Solstice and the signs Cancer and Leo — but what Tarot cards are associated with this warm, sunny season?

There are actually three Tarot cards of the 78-card Tarot deck associated with Summer! Naturally, The Sun is one them. And the card associated with Cancer, The Chariot, is another. But did you know the real summer Tarot card is the Page of Wands?


Page of Wands IS the Summer Tarot card!

In a Tarot deck, the whole suit of Wands (sometimes called Rods or Staffs) is associated with the element of Fire, and therefore connected to the summer season. The Wands Tarot cards are all about action, energy, and movement — things we all seem to have a little more of when the sun is out…

Each Minor Arcana suit has four Court cards — the Page, Knight, Queen and King. As the first of these Court cards, the Pages represent youth and new beginnings. Think of the Pages like the Cardinal signs of Astrology — the four zodiac signs that start the seasons. Each Page represents the ushering in of a new season too, and the Page of Wands is the card that brings us summer.

The Page of Wands is full of inspiration, adventure, and possibility. You could be blessed with wonderful opportunities in the summer months!



Let’s check out some other cards deeply connected to the summer season…

The Sun…

It would be impossible to look at The Sun Tarot card and NOT think of summer. Usually featuring a bright yellow sun, this card represents life, vitality, energy, and joy. Most Sun Tarot cards also depict one or more small children, signifying youth and beginnings, just like the Pages.









The Chariot…

While The Chariot Tarot card doesn’t represent the entire summer season, it is very connected to the first month of summer! The Chariot is the Tarot card associated with the zodiac sign Cancer — the Cardinal, or first, sign of the summer season. While the Sun is in Cancer from June 21 (the Summer Solstice) to July 22, the tenacious and focused energy of The Chariot energy is strong.







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Your Daily Tarot Card for April 24th is Five of Wands






Tarot Card of the Day

Five of Wands

April 24th, 2016










This suit, most often called “Wands” and sometimes called “Rods” or “Staves,” represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.

The Five of this suit symbolizes struggles caused by ambitious maneuvering and a competitive urge. This could be about someone who is pushing his or her agenda forward at the expense of others.

There can be a fine line between demonstrating personal excellence and making others feel like losers. It may be necessary to ask yourself, who is it that really benefits when we all fight so hard for such small rewards? Am I serving a negative, manipulative agenda when I start applying battle metaphors to business?

Even when your only motive is to be the best you can be, it is understandable to want recognition for what is fine and unique about you. However, minimize the number of egos bruised in the process or your success will be celebrated alone.



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Get A Jump on Tomorrow, Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, April 25th






Get A Jump on Tomorrow….

Your Daily Horoscopes for Monday, April 25th

by Rick Levine


General Horoscope

Although the adventurous Sagittarius Moon usually encourages us to consider our options, we’re not so footloose and fancy free today. We’re motivated by an assertive Moon-Mars lineup early this morning. However, we’re confused by her squares to surreal Neptune and excessive Jupiter, as we attempt to push our way through any obstacles. Nevertheless, it’s as if someone slams on the brakes this afternoon when the Moon hooks up with strict Saturn.

Aries Horoscope MAR 21 – APR 19

You might be the leader of the watercooler squad at work today since you can enjoy wasting time as long as you’re having fun. But you are so quick to react now that you could say something that’s not meant to be shared. Words slip out of your mouth before you even consider their impact. However, taking several deep breaths before speaking up won’t negatively impact your popularity. In fact, pacing your delivery may even save you from an embarrassing blunder. If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.

Taurus Horoscope APR 20 – MAY 20

You appear to be putting in maximum effort on anything you take seriously today. However, you could simultaneously get lost in your daydreams, even if your double life isn’t noticed by anyone else. Although others can’t tell how far from reality your mind is meandering, they can see that your rich imagination adds something special to your practical ideas. Don’t hesitate to share your creative point of view now, even if it seems crazy to you at first. Magic starts in the mind before working its way into the real world.

Gemini Horoscope MAY 21 – JUN 20

You may be at a turning point in a relationship because you must decide if you’re going to take it to the next level or retreat to emotionally safer ground. Be careful because you could make a bad choice today if you let your hopes color your perceptions. Postpone any major decisions for a couple of days. Once your muddled thinking clears, you can choose your course of action with more confidence. Time has a wonderful way of showing you what really matters.

Cancer Horoscope JUN 21 – JUL 22

Comparing your idealistic dreams with where you currently are in your life can be quite the disconcerting exercise. The gap between your fantasies and reality may be so large now that you don’t even know where to begin. Instead of setting yourself up for failure by aiming too high, try a more modest approach. Focusing on your recent progress is better than tearing yourself down with self-criticism. Starting your day with a few simple affirmations gives you the positive boost you need to fulfill your destiny.

Leo Horoscope JUL 23 – AUG 22

Although you might be basking in the light of admiration today, you could fool yourself into thinking that everyone is your friend. It’s not that anyone is necessarily working against your efforts; it’s just that people have their unique agendas and it’s helpful to know where they diverge from yours. Nevertheless, don’t waste your breathe trying to convince anyone your way is the only way. You won’t set yourself up for disappointment if you can be open-minded to each person’s offerings. Everyone has a special gift; your job is to discover it.

Virgo Horoscope AUG 23 – SEP 22

Staying on track may be quite the struggle today because you can see intriguing possibilities everywhere you look. Your current optimism leads you to believe a task will be easier than it is, although you still accept the fact that hard work is key in reaching your goals. Nevertheless, you are at a fork in the road and you might not know which way to go. You’re probably missing some critical facts, making it wiser to pursue a more conservative route. Temporarily walking away from the fun and games leads you down the path to success.

Libra Horoscope SEP 23 – OCT 22

You’re living out the part of a social butterfly today, flying from one fascinating conversation to the next. However, you don’t have to avoid an awkward subject, even if it leads into unfamiliar territory. Although you might choose to circumvent the most passionate discussions for now, you can still clear the air by sharing what’s on your mind. Sometimes it’s the littlest things that get the conversation rolling. Start with something small and go from there.

Scorpio Horoscope OCT 23 – NOV 21

Although you might be sure of your current choices, it’s still not a good idea to trust your senses today because they can lure you into a sense of complacency. Don’t be lulled into a state of hypnotic acceptance. Even if you’re imagining smooth sailing ahead, there may be storm clouds on the horizon and you’re advised to batten down the hatches while the Sun is still shining. Ironically, a challenging patch of emotional weather might be enough of a wake-up call to act as a catalyst for positive change.

Sagittarius Horoscope NOV 22 – DEC 21

It isn’t prudent to believe all the stories you tell now because you might have inadvertently altered the facts to support your current position. In fact, your past continually changes as your present attitude contracts and expands. Nevertheless, it’s therapeutic to review your personal history as long as you understand you can’t live fully in the here and now if you’re clinging too tightly to memories. Letting go of the old makes room for the new.

Capricorn Horoscope DEC 22 – JAN 19

You may be intrigued by an unrealistic fantasy about a relationship now. However, your idealistic dreams can actually stand between you and happier days. Acknowledging your attachment to a particular outcome is necessary if you want to overcome your attraction to it. But there’s no need to go to extremes and deny your preferences if you can maintain a healthy perspective. Giving yourself a quick reality check is your current prescription to achieving emotional satisfaction.

Aquarius Horoscope JAN 20 – FEB 18

Perhaps you really believe you have everything under control, but you may miss an important piece of the puzzle today. Fortunately, there’s no need to fix anything yet if you make a wrong assumption. Don’t move too quickly or you could stir up a hornets’ nest that instigates an intense power struggle. Becoming aware of your mistakes is enough for now. Your relationships are in flux, so take time to see where things go before making your move. Sometimes there is more wisdom in waiting than in initiating action.

Pisces Horoscope FEB 19 – MAR 20

You are an avid dreamer by nature and today’s Moon-Neptune aspect magnifies your wishful thinking. You can journey so far into the depths of your imagination that you lose track of the real world. An unexpected event may shock you back into awareness now, waking you from your contemplative state and confronting you with the truth. This blast of reality is a buzzkill at first, but it could be a blessing in disguise if you seize the opportunity in the storm.


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If Today is Your Birthday: April 24


If Today is Your Birthday: April 24

You are a determined person and you intuitively know that with patience, you can accomplish anything you set out to do. You easily earn respect from others around you, due in part to your regal manner. Your family is extremely important to you, and many of your values are quite traditional, which keeps you grounded and responsible. However, you are unafraid of embracing the new, even if  you do so slowly.

Famous people born today: Shirley MacLaine, Barbara Streisand, Kelly Clarkson.

Your Birthday Year Forecast:

Your birthday falls shortly after a Full Moon this year, suggesting a period ahead of communication and teaching. You may be turned to for advice more frequently, and you are very willing to offer your help. This is a strong year for publicity and any other endeavors that involve spreading the word. As well, your ability to be objective–or to see the “big picture”–can be especially pronounced and rewarding this year.

This is an excellent year in which to advance projects revolving around communications – writing, speaking, selling, and so forth. Your reputation may be enhanced through word of mouth. Making new contacts through learning and mental pursuits figures strongly as well.

This is an excellent period for opening up communications with others, as you are more sensitive than usual and more willing to listen. Getting your point across is easier, as it’s not only about what specific words you choose to communicate, you intuitively express the meaning and intention behind the words. You can effectively use words to soothe, heal, and teach this year. You are also especially open to new ways of looking at problems, thus it’s considerably easier to find solutions. You may be gaining respect for your ideas and intelligence.

There may be a project, idea, or person that demands much of your attention or occupies much of your thoughts. It’s a strong time for any project or studies that require concentrated effort. You are especially resourceful.

You can be especially persuasive and convincing in your communications, whether written or oral, and your perceptions are especially acute. You are inclined to do a lot of “digging”, researching, analyzing, investigating, and getting to the bottom of things. Increased psychological awareness of yourself and others can benefit you greatly, and employing strategy in your decision making is easier than usual this year. Relationships with younger people may be especially rewarding and meaningful.

However, you need to be aware of a tendency to be attracted to impractical ventures at times this year. As well, your energy can vary greatly from one period to the next, so take advantage of the “high” periods in order to offset the possible loss in productivity during the low-energy stages.

Changes in your love life and/or financial state are likely this year with Venus conjunct Uranus in your Solar Return chart. It may be that you experience sudden changes or breakups with a friend or lover. However, the chance of a sudden new friendship is just as likely.

This is a potentially excellent year for communications, learning, and connecting. You may be making good contacts with others, particularly through shared interests or schooling. Positive plans and lifestyle changes can be made at this time in your life. There will be times when you battle with varying energy levels, so take advantage of the periods of high motivation. There’s likely to be excitement in your social or love life.

2016 is a Number One year for you. Ruled by the Sun. This is a year of action. The seeds you plant now, you will reap later. Others might find you less sociable, as you are busier than ever and you focus on your activities and your needs. Still, you are outgoing and your initiative is stronger than ever. Advice – Stand alone, take action, start fresh, express independence.

2017 will be a Number Two year for you. Ruled by the Moon. This is a year of potential companionship. It is a quiet, gentle, and mostly harmonious year that is less active than other years. Instead, you are more responsive to the needs of others. If you are patient and open yourself up in a gentle manner, you will attract both things and people. This is an excellent year in which to build and develop for the future. Advice – be patient, be receptive, enjoy the peace, collect.


Courtesy of Cafe Astrology

Your Daily Horoscopes for Sunday, April 24th







Your Daily Horoscopes for Sunday, April 24th



Aries Horoscope

You may not be seeing eye to eye with an important other person in your life today, dear Aries, and this can be irritating or stimulating, depending on how you look at it! Debates can easily turn into something else entirely, as there is a tendency to take differences of opinion in a personal way today. However, while there can be some tension or competitiveness today, it’s easier than usual to turn it into a positive or a launching board for making improvements to your life. The Moon moves into your adventure sector this morning, and you tend to set your sights high.



There can be a temptation to rush a decision just because you want to put something behind you, dear Taurus, when it may be better to keep your head now. Know your limits. Wait until you’re confident before reaching a conclusion. Ego conflicts or tensions occurring now can in fact bring you closer to areas that need improvement, and you may feel even more motivated to make improvements. Keeping your mind and body busy will do much to boost your mood. Express tolerance and generosity today for best results.



This is not a time to push others or situations, dear Gemini, but perhaps to push yourself to turn inner restlessness into positive action and improvements. Close partnerships can be a little temperamental right now, but the chance to clear the air is quite possible as well. Look forward and think in terms of growing and developing instead of saying whatever first comes to mind. The more tolerant and generous your approach today, the more rewards, because although there can be some difficulties discerning between want and need now, there is also strongly innovative, fresh energy with you that endows you with a wonderful feeling that you can make what you want out of circumstances.



Frustrations occur today as we may not easily distinguish wants from needs, dear Cancer, or our desires seem to sit uncomfortably within, and it’s difficult to know whether or how to pursue them. Tension can result, but it can also lead to making changes that are needed and useful. You may very well feel motivated to improve. If you aim to avoid taking differences of opinion to heart, conversations can be inspiring and helpful. New insights into a partner or significant person in your life can emerge now, and it can feel great to get to know this person better.



Your social life may be a little confusing today, dear Leo. Although you sense good energy in your interactions with others, a part of you could be questioning what you want or impatient to have your way. Even so, tension or frustration can stimulate a desire to make improvements. Competitiveness may in fact motivate you to step up your game. Look for opportunities to advance your goals, or simply to enjoy yourself and boost your confidence.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

Working at a project that requires patience may not be favored today, dear Virgo, but tension that generates now may very well lead to new ideas and methods or motivation to make important improvements. Watch for flaring tempers, particularly around the home, but aim to learn from hotspots that may be triggered today. There can be a new discovery about personal resources or a business matter that helps you out, and small nitpicks aside, this can be a strong time for feeling confident about what you’re producing. Tame impatience for best results.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

There can be some tension today revolving around a difference in values or opinion today, dear Libra, and some general impatience to contend with. This can be irritating, but it can also stimulate you to think a little differently, even if it’s just enough thinking to defend your position! You don’t have to agree – in fact, when you disagree, you tend to think a whole lot more. Treat differences encountered today as intellectual stimulation, and you’ll be in good shape. There is strong energy with you for breakthrough thinking, in fact, and possibly some clearing of the air that helps improve your bonds with others in the long run.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

There can be some tension swirling around matters of possessions, wants, money, and ownership today, dear Scorpio, with Venus in your partnership sector in challenging aspect with Mars in your resources sector. Differences in values with someone close to you can be in the spotlight. Keep in mind that minor issues can be the trigger, but major issues may be at the root. Consciously try to slow down and to tame your desires, which can seem very immediate and urgent now, but may not seem as important later on.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

You may be facing some childishness in others or impatience in yourself today, dear Sagittarius. A better bet for the day is to maintain some detachment on an emotional level. Try not to stir up trouble over tiny matters. You’ll feel better if you don’t rock the boat just for the time being. However, it’s a good time to make some waves on creative levels. Friction in relationships, particularly with people you spend your days with, is possible now, but it can also lead to some fresh thinking or clearing of the air. Expressing optimism, warmth, and tolerance can be rewarding now.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

You can be feeling a little restless today, dear Capricorn, but tension can lead to new ideas and solutions. Even so, this is an important time for taking a break and getting some extra time for rest, reflection, and processing recent events. Relationships may be running hot and cold. Stubbornness is likely but should be avoided, and bringing up the past can’t help matters either. Transcend impatient feelings. Teaching and learning are favored, and writing and studying flow quite naturally today.



Don’t push if you don’t have to today, dear Aquarius, as timing can be a little off and tension can be sparked a little too easily in your relationships. This is because people are focusing too much on what they want and neglecting to see the other side. Be patient with others, but don’t get pulled into game playing. It will sap you of energy that you can better use elsewhere. As well, treat others with care, while doing so with yourself. There is good energy for emotional and personal matters. Tension can lead to a commitment to take better care of yourself or quit a bad habit.



Disagreements with others are quite likely today, dear Pisces, although they may not be explicit or overt! There is a tendency to keep things to ourselves or to gloss over problem areas. It’s not the best day for making plans and expecting them to run along smoothly, so be as flexible in your attitude as possible. Helping out someone can very effectively give them a message that you care, and sometimes more so than other showy displays of affection.

Your Weekly Astrology Report: April 25 – May 1, 2016





Weekly Astrology: April 25 – May 1, 2016

A checkup from the neck up


Look out — Mercury Retrograde is at it again! But that’s not all … love and money are both up for review this week. See all that’s coming your way:

Thursday, April 28: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

This Thursday, Mercury will turn retrograde and will remain out of phase until May 22. This time around he’ll backtrack in the earthy sign of Taurus. As a result, it’ll be time for everyone to re-evaluate their mindset concerning all things physical and material. Finances, resources, personal worth — these are the areas where you may need a checkup from the neck up. Get to it!

Friday, April 29: Venus enters Taurus

On Friday, Venus will enter Taurus, remaining in her home sign until May 24. This will be an interesting situation. Venus in Taurus is a happy placement and is typically beaming, allowing you to enjoy all of her sensual delights.

This time will be no different, since she’ll be at a gorgeous angle to Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto during her stay. But with Mercury being retrograde in Taurus, at the same time you might notice that you’re revising your ideas around what gives you pleasure and how you make money. In the end however, it’ll all be positive changes.

Sunday, May 1: Sun sextile Neptune

Finally on Sunday, the Sun and Neptune will be at a friendly sextile. There will be plenty of cosmic support to dream big and keep the faith. Yes!



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Astrology of Today – April 24, 2016






Astrology of Today – April 24, 2016


  • The Moon is in Scorpio until 8:46 AM.
  • The Moon is void until 8:46 AM (since 5:45 PM yesterday).
  • The Moon is in Sagittarius from 8:46 AM forward (until Tuesday, April 26th, at 7:54 PM).
  • The Moon is in its Full Moon phase.
  • A Full Moon occurred yesterday, and a Last Quarter Moon occurs on April 29th.
  • Mercury is in its pre-retrograde shadow (Mercury will retrograde from April 28-May 22).
  • Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from April 17-June 29).