I owe you an apology…..

I sincerely apologize for our hick-a-billy Internet service. Our internet service has been coming and going all morning long. I guess a bird took a poop on the lines, seriously. I have never seen anything like this bunch in my life. But every time you talk to them, they are correcting a problem or upgrading their system, HA! I talked to the man who was suppose to be their supervisor. I asked him if they were having problems with their server. “What? What’s a server? was his reply. I just hung the phone up. We would do better with tin cans and fishing line strung from house to house.


We had a fantastic morning program laid out this morning but we couldn’t get on the net. You see when we run late it is not always our fault. Seriously, it isn’t. So we had to pause and wait for about 20 minutes for the internet to come back on. While we were sitting around talking, they threatened to tie me to the chair. I wanted to throw the mouse through the computer screen. I know, I would have only been hurting us, wouldn’t have effected the hicks none. It is just pathetic.


To cool off and mellow out, we are going to goof off for now. Pull some info from here and there, look at the pretty pictures and hopefully forget what a lousy ISP we have. I hope you enjoy the information and I am sorry that we could not do our regular daily posts. There is always tomorrow (oh, brother!).


Now we are off again, hopefully the internet will cooperate now. I hope you have a much better day than we are having.


Love ya,

Lady A

Get A Jump on Tomorrow, Your Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, April 26th






Get A Jump on Tomorrow….
Your Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, April 26th

by Rick Levine


General Horoscope

We want to whistle a happy tune and walk on the sunny side of the street while the Moon flies through cheerful Sagittarius. We’re adept at avoiding the shadows today and will go out of our way to take the positive side of nearly any issue. But the good times won’t last once the Moon shifts into industrious Capricorn at 7:54 pm EDT. Although communicator Mercury and fantasy-prone Neptune are both in the mix, reality ultimately trumps imagination.

Aries Horoscope Mar 21 – Apr 19

You may be feeling gleefully optimistic today, but reality will surely show its true colors sooner than you prefer. In the meantime, enjoy the opportunities for fun and games that come your way. You have a lot of leeway with respect to your schedule now as long as you don’t sidestep your commitments. But you can’t ignore your mortal limits and squeeze in too much activity or you will exhaust yourself in the process. Make sure to get plenty of sleep so you are ready to jump at a moment’s notice when duty calls.

Taurus Horoscope Apr 20 – May 20

Sharing your feelings with your peers sounds like a good idea today, but your current work environment might not be as supportive as you wish. Instead of pursuing your personal interests now, draw out the strengths of others by asking the right questions. Remember, your success partly depends on the emotional well-being of those around you. Creating a friendly atmosphere enables everyone to have more fun while being more productive in the process.

Gemini Horoscope May 21 – Jun 20

Beware of people sharing pie-in-the-sky ideas today because they could distract you from your work in the real world. You won’t be content in the long run if you drop everything you are doing now just to dive into someone else’s project. Don’t expect anyone else to satisfy your need for diversion. Instead, do something on your own that allows you to experience the adrenaline rush you crave without straying too far from your prior commitments.

Cancer Horoscope Jun 21 – Jul 22

You wake up enthused by all the potential in your life, but you could slowly approach the edge of self-doubt as the day unfolds. You’re probably optimistic through the afternoon, yet grow more somber later in the evening when the Moon takes up residence in pragmatic Capricorn. In the meantime, utilize your current confidence to tackle unfinished business while you still have a positive outlook. Ultimately, your accomplishments will speak for themselves.

Leo Horoscope Jul 23 – Aug 22

You could experience a fascinating attraction to someone special today and yearn to demonstrate your feelings with a dramatic gesture. But it might be difficult to act on your desires because you are concerned about breaking the rules of social etiquette. Although doing something adventurous with a romantic companion sounds wonderful, you may have to proceed slower than you prefer. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on the situation; paradoxically, you’ll make more progress as you let go of your expectations.

Virgo Horoscope Aug 23 – Sep 22

You might try a more direct approach when communicating your needs today, since you intuitively know you achieve better results when you let others know what you want. However, you could be overbearing if you’re so enthusiastic about your goals that you forget about everyone else. Staying aware of your impact on others now helps you avoid the rough spots. Knowing when to change the topic is key to your relationship success.

Libra Horoscope Sep 23 – Oct 22

Too much action may have you running around in search of a quiet place to hide today, but you probably won’t find much peace wherever you go. Unfortunately, the more you withdraw, the harder it is to escape from it all. But instead of working yourself up into a state of frustration, it’s simpler to just accept the temporary chaos and save your retreat for another time. Changing your attitude magically improves your day.

Scorpio Horoscope Oct 23 – Nov 21

Your self-esteem is on the rise, but you must be careful not to let casual criticism send you into an emotional tailspin. You’re willing to work hard for whatever you want, yet you may be more sensitive to other people’s feedback now than you realize. In the final analysis, your obsession with excellence speaks louder than someone else’s unconscious words. Keep your eye on your goal; believing in yourself is your secret to success.

Sagittarius Horoscope Nov 22 – Dec 21

Although your temperament may be a bit erratic today, your energy will settle down later in the evening. However, trying to control your changing moods might be nearly impossible because the Moon in your sign can overpower your most convincing logic. Your best strategy is to just let your emotions run their course before assuming that you really know what’s going on in your heart. The truth is worth the wait even if it takes a while to arrive.

Capricorn Horoscope Dec 22 – Jan 19

You’re entertaining a flood of cosmic ideas today, but they may be so grandiose that they don’t make sense within the current situation. As sound as your strategy seems on the surface, your timing might be off. You could exhaust your energy trying to push a river up a hill. Take a few steps back and let events flow on their own until you can develop a new plan that works with the power of nature and not against it.

Aquarius Horoscope Jan 20 – Feb 18

Your friends are the source of lighthearted fun today, but their plans can be so enticing that you’re distracted from your work. If you choose to go along with the group, remember that you still must meet your previous obligations. Even if you think you can get away with avoiding responsibility now, it’s not in your best interest to simply run off in pursuit of pleasure. Luckily, you should be able to balance work and play if you don’t go overboard on either end.

Pisces Horoscope Feb 19 – Mar 20

It’s challenging to follow through on anything you start today because you tend to be so idealistic when you dream about the potential of your career objectives. However, you may feel quite constrained by the present circumstances once you start progressing toward your destination. Thankfully, you can make the most of any obstacles that appear in your path by using your frustration to fuel your drive. As Zig Zigler wrote, “Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful.”


Part of the Daily Insight Group

If Today is Your Birthday: April 25


If Today is Your Birthday: April 25

ou are a sensual, intuitive, and emotional person who is sometimes misunderstood, generally because you don’t easily let others in on your deepest thoughts and feelings! However, you are very much respected. You tend to think before you speak or write. A calm exterior can hide some nervousness and worry, as well as an intensely emotional nature. In your work, you are a perfectionist. Famous people born today: Ella Fitzgerald, Renee Zellweger, Al Pacino, Jason Lee.

Your Birthday Year Forecast:

Your birthday falls shortly after a Full Moon this year, suggesting a period ahead of communication and teaching. You may be turned to for advice more frequently, and you are very willing to offer your help. This is a strong year for publicity and any other endeavors that involve spreading the word. As well, your ability to be objective–or to see the “big picture”–can be especially pronounced and rewarding this year.

This is an excellent year in which to advance projects revolving around communications – writing, speaking, selling, and so forth. Your reputation may be enhanced through word of mouth. Making new contacts through learning and mental pursuits figures strongly as well.

It’s a good period in your life for taking necessary steps towards making yourself feel more secure and safe, and for family or domestic activities. This is also a period when you more readily support or defend others.

This is an excellent period for opening up communications with others, as you are more sensitive than usual and more willing to listen. Getting your point across is easier, as it’s not only about what specific words you choose to communicate, you intuitively express the meaning and intention behind the words. You can effectively use words to soothe, heal, and teach this year. You are also especially open to new ways of looking at problems, thus it’s considerably easier to find solutions. You may be gaining respect for your ideas and intelligence.

However, you need to be aware of a tendency to be attracted to impractical ventures at times this year. As well, your energy can vary greatly from one period to the next, so take advantage of the “high” periods in order to offset the possible loss in productivity during the low-energy stages.

Changes in your love life and/or financial state are likely this year with Venus conjunct Uranus in your Solar Return chart. It may be that you experience sudden changes or breakups with a friend or lover. However, the chance of a sudden new friendship is just as likely.

This is a potentially excellent year for communications, learning, and connecting. You may be making good contacts with others, particularly through shared interests or schooling. Positive plans and lifestyle changes can be made at this time in your life. There will be times when you battle with varying energy levels, so take advantage of the periods of high motivation. There’s likely to be excitement in your social or love life.

2016 is a Number Two year for you. Ruled by the Moon. This is a year of potential companionship. It is a quiet, gentle, and mostly harmonious year that is less active than other years. Instead, you are more responsive to the needs of others. If you are patient and open yourself up in a gentle manner, you will attract both things and people. This is an excellent year in which to build and develop for the future. Advice – be patient, be receptive, enjoy the peace, collect.

2017 will be a Number Three year for you. Ruled by Jupiter. This is a year of sociability. It is a friendly time, when it is easy to enjoy life and other people. Focus is on personal freedom, reaching out to others, making new friends, and exploration. You are more enthusiastic and ready for adventure. It is likely to be a rather lighthearted year, when opportunities for “play” time are greater than usual. It’s also a good year for expressing your creativity. Advice – reach out, but avoid scattering your energies.

Courtesy of Cafe Astrology