Your Weekly Astrology Report: April 11-17, 2016






Weekly Astrology: April 11-17, 2016

A screeching halt

Communication shines this week so be sure to use that cosmic edge to your full advantage! But there’s a cloud looming over everything as Mars slows down to turn retrograde this weekend…

Tuesday, April 12: Mercury sextile Neptune; Venus trine Mars

On Tuesday, Mercury will sextile Neptune and Venus will trine Mars — so you can also anticipate plenty of yummy, sexy action.

Thursday, April 14: Mercury trine Jupiter
Sunday, April 17: Mars Retrograde; Mercury trine Pluto

On Thursday, Mercury will trine Jupiter, then on Sunday Mercury will trine Pluto. This week serves as the perfect blend of inspiration, wisdom and power in communication. You can (and should) move forward in any contract, negotiation or meeting. Pitch an idea! Expect splendid progress in any writing project.

The problems begin on Sunday when Mars comes to a screeching halt. During his retrograde (lasting until June 29), mighty Mars will lose his pep. You will need to spend time cultivating inner resolve and re-strategizing your goals. This won’t be a good time to push new projects that you need incredible stamina or entrepreneurial power to see succeed.


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