I Promise, Till Tomorrow, my sweets…..

Circle Is Open Pictures

I hate for us to cut and run but everything closes early today. And as usual, I have some stuff I forgot at the store the other day. But I will be back later on, I have some up-dating to do on the site and also tell you what we been up too.

So till then, my sweets….

Love ya,

Lady A

A Little Humor for Your Day – The Night Before Crisis

The Night Before Crisis

‘Twas the night before crisis, and all through the house,
Not a program was working, not even a browse.

The programmers were wrung out, too mindless to care,
knowing chances of cutover hadn’t a prayer.

The users were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of inquiries danced in their heads.

When out in the lobby there arose such a clatter,
that I sprang from my tube to see what was the matter.

And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a Super Programmer, oblivious to fear.

More rapid than eagles, his programs they came,
and he whistled and shouted and called them by name.

On Update! On Add! On Inquiry! On Delete!
On Batch Jobs! On Closing! On Functions Complete!

His eyes were glazed over, his fingers were lean,
from weekends and nights in front of a screen.

A wink of his eye, and a twist of his head,
soon let me know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
turning specs into code, then turned with a jerk.

And laying his finger on the ENTER key,
the system came up and worked perfectly.

The system was finished, the tests were concluded.
The client’s last changes were even included!

And the client exclaimed with a snarl and a taunt,
“It’s just what I asked for, but not what I want.”

Astronomy Picture of the Day – Star Colors and Pinyon Pine

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 December 24

Star Colors and Pinyon Pine
Image Credit & Copyright: Stan Honda


Explanation: Beautiful, luminous decorations on this pinyon pine tree are actually bright stars in the constellation Scorpius and the faint glow of the central Milky Way. Captured in June from the north rim of the Grand Canyon of planet Earth, the shallow, close focus image has rendered pine needles on the tree branch sharp, but blurred the distant stars, their light smeared into remarkably colorful disks. Of course, temperature determines the color of a star. Most of the out-of-focus bright stars of Scorpius show a predominately blue hue, their surface temperatures much hotter than the Sun’s. Cooler and larger than the Sun, and noticeably redder on the scene, is giant star Antares at the heart of the scorpion. In focused, telescopic views the whitish disk at the upper right would be immediately recognizable though, reflecting the Sun’s light as ringed gas giant Saturn.

Earth Sky News for Dec. 24 – Latest images of Christmas Eve asteroid

Latest images of Christmas Eve asteroid

Near-Earth asteroid 2003 SD220 will pass safely, at more than 28 times the moon’s distance, on Christmas Eve. Will it cause earthquakes? Of course not.

This month, astronomers have been observing a large asteroid approaching the Earth-moon system. Near-Earth asteroid 163899 – also known as 2003 SD220 – will come closest to Earth on Christmas Eve (December 24, 2015). At that time, it’ll be about 28 times the distance to Earth’s moon; in other words, it’s not coming particularly close. Don’t believe any media suggesting that this space rock may cause earthquakes. Those assertions are misleading and incorrect. Even if 2003 SD220 were passing closer, it’s doubtful earthquakes would result. There’s no scientific evidence that an asteroid’s flyby can cause seismic activity, unless the asteroid collides with Earth. In this case, that clearly will not happen.

Asteroid 2003 SD220 closest pass on December 24 will occur at around 8:08 am ET (13:08 UTC). Translate to your time zone here.

This asteroid isn’t a newly discovered object. Its name – 2003 SD220 – indicates its discovery year. The Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search (LONEOS) program in Flagstaff, Arizona discovered the asteroid on September 29, 2003.

Scientists have been watching this asteroid this month because they knew about its Christmas Eve closest approach well in advance. Thus the asteroid was included in observing schedules for various observatories. The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Goldstone Solar System Radar and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s Green Bank Telescope and Very Long Baseline Array conducted observations of 2003 SD220, as did the NASA-funded planetary radar system at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

A notable feature of this asteroid is its elongated shape and large size. Astronomer Edgar Rivera-Valentin from Arecibo Observatory – the largest and most sensitive single dish radio telescope in the world – told EarthSky:

We were able to observe this asteroid (with radar) for more days from Arecibo and we still estimate SD220 is about 1.25 miles (2 km) long.

Radar images obtained from Arecibo show some details including small craters on the irregularly shaped space rock.

The asteroid is now also known to rotate very slowly, taking more than 11 days to complete one full rotation.

Patrick Taylor, Group Lead for USRA for Planetary Radar at Arecibo Observatory, said:

Because it comes close to Earth, it is of interest to NASA as a possible future robotic or human mission target.

Data from all of the various observations are used to determine the asteroid’s shape, rotation, and surface properties as well as allow for refinement of the asteroid’s orbit, which can be used to better assess its future impact hazard. A December 23 statement from Arecibo pointed out:

This year’s close approach is the first of five predicted encounters between Earth and 2003 SD220 in the next 12 years. High-precision measurements now will help better prepare for future passes.

At the 2015 pass – at its closest – asteroid 2003 SD220 will be some 6,787,600 miles (11 million km) from our planet’s surface. That’s more than 28 times the Earth-moon distance. It’s so far away that only professional and advanced amateur astronomers are likely to capture optical images of this space rock.

That is unlike some other asteroids such as 2015 TB145 (the Halloween asteroid) and 2004 BL86 (January, 2015). Those asteroids were visible using 8″ telescopes.

The Christmas Eve asteroid will be much more difficult to see because of its distance.

This space rock – whose shape can be compared to a chicken tender – will make its approach to Earth on December 24, 2015 but will return again next in 2018.

NASA has verified that the space rock will not pass at any dangerous distance during the next two centuries.

By the way, asteroid 2003 SD220 is not the only big asteroid passing by Earth on this month. Asteroid 2008 CM, a space rock with a diameter of 1.5 km, will safely pass our planet on December 29 at more than 22 times the Earth-moon distance.

Bottom line: Asteroid 163899 – aka 2003 SD220 – will pass safely, at more than 28 times the Earth-moon distance, on December 24, 2015. This Christmas Eve asteroid will pass too far away to be visible in small amateur telescopes. Media reports suggesting that this space rock may cause earthquakes are misleading and incorrect.



There are numerous photos of this asteroid, if you would like to view them, just follow this link, EarthSky

Your Daily Influences for December 24th

Your Daily Influences
December 24th, 2015


Ace of Pentacles
Prosperity, pleasure and beauty can be realized.











Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.




Scorpio the Scorpion
This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic. This person is probably an acquaintance you made at work.






Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Your Charm for December 24th is The Hei Tiki

Your Charm for Today

Today’s Meaning:
Now is an ideal time to learn. Your mind is particularly keen at this time for the study of witchcraft, divination and esoteric subjects. Knowledge affects this aspect.

General Description:
The Hei Tiki amulet is used by the Maoris of New Zealand. It is carved in jade, the sacred stone of the natives. Worn as a neck ornament for good luck, and to protect from witchcraft and evil spirits. These charms are regarded as valuable heirlooms, and are carefully handed down from father to son, as the talisman was believed to possess all the good qualities and virtues of their forefathers. The Hei Tiki is a curious and distorted representation of the human figure in the attitude of listening, the head leaning on the shoulder.


Consulting The Ancient Symbol Cards for What The Past, Present & Future Hold

Consulting The Ancient Symbol Cards for What The Past, Present & Future Hold


Past Influence whose impact on your life is waning.

The Believer

The Believer represents Faith and the realization that you have an important place in the workings of the Universe. Although The Believer may not always understand why things are the way they are, they none-the-less feel an underlying cosmic rhythm which is moving events in a direction that is good. The Believer rejoices in their celestial role, because they realize their life has purpose on a grand scale.



Present Influence whose impact on your life is very strong.


Altruism denotes the noble act of giving to those in need without the expectation of a return. The act of giving has been seen as one of humankind’s greatest attributes throughout history. It is honored in nearly every culture. To give is a gift to both those who receive and those who give. Giving is usually associated with addressing the material needs of others, but the gift given can take many forms such as wisdom or protection or simply a shoulder to cry on.




Future influence whose impact on your life is growing and will be very strong in the future.


Solitude is represented by a single person standing at the end of a boardwalk staring out at a vast, empty panorama. They are truly alone, but may not feel loneliness. They are at a place in their life where the need to withdraw from the our secular world is strong, because their focus should be on their inner self, their morality, and their dreams. The view before them is empty, but it is a canvas on which they may paint their future–a future restricted only by the size of their imagination and courage. For them Solitude is a choice. They chose to take the walkway that distances them from the rest of us. It is also a choice that can be undone. Just as they chose to take a path that leads them away from us, they may choose to turn around and come back at anytime.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for December 24th is Wisdom

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


A very very few of us are fortunate to be born wise. For most of us our Wisdom evolves, grows as we move through life gathering experience and knowledge. Wisdom denotes your thoughts and feelings derived from the melding of your life experiences with all that you have learned. Our Wisdom can get us through the difficult moments in our lives as well as provide the mental and spiritual tools we need to succeed.

As a daily card, Wisdom indicates a time when you should rely heavily on past experiences and knowledge attained to make important decisions in your life. This is a time where reflection and planning should guide your actions. To act rashly, on impulse at this time may well cost you in the future. Go slow, think things out, weigh all of your options carefully and then proceed.

Your Daily Witches Rune for December 24th is The Blank Rune

Witches Rune for the Day

The Blank Rune

Meaning: This is a rune of difficulty and negative influences will rule your life for a time, but as all difficulties are a learning experience it will lead to improved personal perspective and progress on your life’s path. Always consult the surrounding runes with this stone. If it lies with a positive stone, it indicates that the pain of this experience will lead to a beneficial change in circumstances

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Dec. 24th is The Lovers

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today

The Lovers

The Lovers indicates both the most powerful of unions and the most of challenging conflicts humans must face. On one side The Lover’s embodies love and union on a cosmic scale—a love so strong, so inherently good that it actually makes the lovers better, more than they really are. All of the elements are there for the perfect union. The Lovers represent all powerful unions in general, and the elements that create/sustain them. The problem The Lovers face is temptation and the decision to act morally or abandon their ethics to take advantage of other opportunities that would be defined as transgressions.

Your Rune For Thursday, December 24th is Raidho


bw-raidhoYour Rune For Today

Raidho may mark the coming of a physical or spiritual journey. Whichever the case, changes in your life are soon to come. Spiritual or material goals may be attained.



Additional information about Today’s Rune, Raidho


raiðo : journey

Phonetic equivalent: r

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: journey, pilgrimage, change, destiny, quest, progress, life lessons

MAGICAL USES: protection for travellers, to ease or bring about change, to reconnect

ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES: the Norns, Sigurd’s journey

ANALYSIS: Raiðo represents the path of a person’s life and how it intersects and interacts with other paths. In Norse mythology, these paths are seen as threads of fate, and are regulated by the Norns. The Norns are three sisters who live near the first root of Yggdrasil, which they tend with the water from the well of Wyrd. They also spin the fates of Gods and men, which is important when understanding the mechanism of runic divination and magic.

The complex network of relationships formed by these threads of fate can be thought of as a web. Every chance encounter forms another connection in the web, and by tugging on one thread you affect everything else in the system. Most people do this completely unconsciously, but by becoming aware of the pattern of the threads surrounding you, it becomes possible to recognize and follow up on the kind of catalytic events that seemed to happen to us randomly back at fehu. In this way, we can find our way more easily along the path of our own journey, thus deriving the greatest benefit from its lessons. Otherwise we tend to get distracted and end up on detours and dead ends.

Raiðo reminds us that, although it may seem that we have accomplished our goals at ansuz, life and change continue and we must always go on. We will eventually end up where we began, but on a higher level and with a better perspective. The journey never really ends.


The Runic Journey
By Jennifer Smith

Let’s See What Your Lucky Tarot Cards Are For The Holidays, Care to Take A Look?

Your Lucky Cards

This reading represents elements that favor you.

The Hierophant

The Hierophant represents the protector of a culture’s heritage and traditions. His purpose is to defend and teach the established ways and beliefs a group embraces. He is inherently conventional and a true believer in the power of the group. He loves the structure of the group and its values. It is the task of The Hierophant to bring new members into the group—to prepare the uninitiated to take their rightful place in his culture. In this sense he is very much like a teacher or a priest. He also acts as the repository of his group’s history. The Hierophant is certainly not one to buck proper authority. However, he is staunch and worthy defender of the tried and true. He represents the positive aspects of conformity.

When The Emperor is among your personal cards, the influence of The Hierophant may be increased. Having The Fool or The Lovers in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Hierophant.

The Lovers

The Lovers indicates both the most powerful of unions and the most of challenging conflicts humans must face. On one side The Lover’s embodies love and union on a cosmic scale—a love so strong, so inherently good that it actually makes the lovers better, more than they really are. All of the elements are there for the perfect union. The Lovers represent all powerful unions in general, and the elements that create/sustain them. The problem The Lovers face is temptation and the decision to act morally or abandon their ethics to take advantage of other opportunities that would be defined as transgressions.

The Lovers’ influence is increased when The Empress is among your personal cards. Having The Hierophant or The Hermit in your personal cards may diminish the influence of the Lovers.

Your Daily Tarot Card for Thursday, Dec. 24th is The Sun





Tarot Card of the Day

The Sun

December 24th, 2015
What has traditionally been known as the Sun card is about the self — who you are and how you cultivate your personality and character. The earth revolves around the sun to make up one year of a person’s life, a fact we celebrate on our birthday. The Sun card could also be titled “Back to Eden.” The Sun’s radiance is where one’s original nature or unconditioned Being can be encountered in health and safety. The limitations of time and space are stripped away; the soul is refreshed and temporarily protected from the chaos outside the garden walls. Under the light of the Sun, Life reclaims its primordial goodness, truth and beauty. If one person is shown on this card, it is usually signifying a human incarnation of the Divine. When two humans are shown, the image is portraying a resolution of the tension between opposites at all levels. It’s as if this card is saying “You can do no wrong — it’s all to the good!”

Holiday Traditions Through the Zodiac






Holiday Traditions Through the Zodiac

Use Astrology to find your perfect yearly ritual

Sally Philips

Tarot.com is a Daily Insight Group Site

Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, December 25th






Get A Jump On Tomorrow….

Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, December 25th



Aries Horoscope

A Full Moon occurs in your family and home sector this morning, dear Aries, and can stimulate deep feelings, new awareness, and appreciation for your personal life, loved ones, and home life. It might also bring a problem area to light so that you can handle it. There can be an epiphany about security, family, and how to manage your personal life now. Today is strong for practical thinking, even though emotions are highlighted. There can be exciting plans or a more positive attitude towards a work or health matter. Making plans for finances, business deals, and problem solving are all favored now.



The Full Moon occurring this morning illuminates your communications sector, dear Taurus. While this might prompt a rush of activity, it can also be a time of important news or recognition of a need surrounding educational, legal, or travel matters. Whatever does emerge now, it’s meant to push you forward, even if at first it slows you down! Watch out for processing too much information or for sensory overload now – be discriminating with what you take in. Today is strong for presenting your sharing ideas, expressing yourself, and having a good sense of future trends, such that making long-term plans can be successful and enjoyable now.



A Full Moon happens this morning, dear Gemini, illuminating your sector of values, resources, and finances. A financial matter may come to light, or an issue revolving around sharing, support, values, or possessions can figure strongly now. Full Moons sometimes bring on a little bit of chaos or heightened feelings, but in the long run, this one is about bringing more predictability to key areas of your life. A favorable Mercury-Jupiter connection points to a nice flow of thoughts and ideas. You might also find it especially easy to agree and cooperate with a partner or friend, and they with you. Support tends to be there.



The Moon enters your sign early into the day, dear Cancer, and then a Full Moon occurs in Cancer this morning. This can bring a personal matter to a head, perhaps in the form of an epiphany or other form of revelation, perhaps surrounding a relationship. There has been more attention to your relationships recently, and if this has been to a point of imbalance, circumstances are such that you’re reminded to take care of your own emotional needs. Today is very strong for conversations about a relationship or with a partner. There is willingness to entertain new ideas and others’ perspectives. You are not caught up in petty matters now, and more interested in cooperating and sharing common goals.



The Moon reaches Full this morning, dear Leo, marking a culmination, possibly of a work, service, or health matter. A reminder to attend to your spiritual, emotional, and mental health needs can arrive now, or an epiphany that propels you forward. You might discover that you have support available from behind the scenes or an unexpected source, and even if you don’t take it, it’s good to know you have some backup. There can be the opportunity to share a bit of your private self, or to help guide others towards better living. Today’s energies are good for sharing ideas and problem solving. You might thoroughly benefit from, and enjoy, making plans related to money, work, and health.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

The Full Moon this morning lights up your sector of aspirations, ideals, community, and friendships, dear Virgo. There can be a sudden need for your help or support, or a culmination of a friendship matter, group project, or romantic relationship. Whatever comes to light now provides you with important insight into a brewing problem, and you are likely to feel purged and empowered as a result. A partner could be supportive, or the matter can strongly relate to close relationships. Good energy is with you for feeling valuable and valued as Mercury and Jupiter connect to one another, and in good relation to your sign. It’s a fine day for personal influence and creative self-expression. It’s also a time for rising above small problems and seeing life for its positive points.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

A Full Moon occurs in your sector of career, reputation, and public standing this morning, dear Libra, bringing a project to a culmination, new light to a matter, and emotions to the surface. You may be in the position to show off your professional and responsible side, and possibly even thrust into the spotlight or into a leadership role. There can be revelations about your career and responsibilities. Watch for displays or outbursts, as they can be more impactful now than usual. There is good energy for discussions about personal or family matters, as people are especially reasonable, fair, and thinking in positive ways. An attitude that any problem can be resolved with willingness and effort can boost your spirits and relationships.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

Full Moon occurs this morning and illuminates a matter of spirit, adventure, or learning, dear Scorpio. For some of you, a project turns a corner or you are ready to publish or announce an endeavor. An idea that you’ve been working on might blossom now. Wise counsel figures strongly today, even if emotions are running high. There can be breakthrough, positive thinking, particularly with or about friends and groups, as well as long-term plans that put a spring in your step. This is an excellent time for writing, particularly about your feelings toward someone or for professional aims, such as promotion or publicity work.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

A Full Moon occurs this morning, dear Sagittarius, and this can bring a revelation or illumination of a matter surrounding intimate or financial matters. This is a good time for rediscovering your roots and for getting in touch with your innermost wants and needs. With Mercury and your ruler, Jupiter, in positive aspect, problem solving is enhanced, particularly with regards to work, financial, and other practical or mechanical matters. Your vision of an issue is large, and with a broader perspective, the details of any plan seem to fall into place. With more faith in your abilities and in your worth now, it could be a good time to attract positive experiences.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

A Full Moon occurs this morning, dear Capricorn, bringing a relationship matter to light or a personal epiphany. Something that’s been brewing inside of you, perhaps left unacknowledged, reaches a head. Some of you could be moved to make an announcement, and in fact, you have quite a bit of impact now. If your close relationships have been lacking your attention lately, this is a time when you’ll be called upon to balance things out. It’s another day for being generous and forthcoming. This is a strong day for communicating, sharing, and expressing your ideas and beliefs. Learning, publishing, and transportation are favorable. There can be a new look at an old problem.



There is a Full Moon occurring this morning, dear Aquarius, and it can stimulate or bring to light a service-related or spiritual matter. Information surfacing or feelings stimulated now help to push your life forward, towards making important improvements and adjustments. This can be a time when you feel motivated to change your lifestyle for the better or to improve your work and daily life. This is also a good idea day in general, particularly related to matters of the past and how to learn from and move past them. You may be turned to for advice. While private time is desired and beneficial today, you can also feel some need to connect with others, so that you may end up playing a supportive, helpful role.



There is a Full Moon this morning, dear Pisces, and this lunation can act to pull out personal revelations or new awareness of an old matter, likely revolving around romance, personal goals, friendships, or creative matters. You might become aware of your feelings for or about someone. There can be a strong urge to create, share, and express yourself now. It’s a strong time for celebrating, creating, and sharing your feelings. There can be quite a focus on the exchange of ideas.  A rewarding conversation can happen now, and you may be mapping out a long-term plan that is motivating and exciting.

If You Were Born Today, December 24


If You Were Born Today, December 24

You are extremely caring and responsible with those you love. You are determined and stubborn at times, sometimes struggling with worries and insecurities. You have true respect for anything that has withstood the test of time, and for (most of) those older than you. You are excellent with design and anything that requires order and balance, as you have an eye for these things. You have all of the ingredients for attracting financial success.

Famous people born today: Ava Gardner, Ricky Martin, Stephenie Meyer, Mary Higgins Clark.

Courtesy of Cafe Astrology