Astronomy Picture of the Day – The Brightest Spot on Ceres

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2015 December 11

The Brightest Spot on Ceres
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, UCLA, MPS/DLR/IDA


Explanation: Dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the Solar System’s main asteroid belt with a diameter of about 950 kilometers. Exploring Ceres from orbit since March, the Dawn spacecraft’s camera has revealed about 130 or so mysterious bright spots, mostly associated with impact craters scattered around the small world’s otherwise dark surface. The brightest one is near the center of the 90 kilometer wide Occator Crater, seen in this dramatic false color view combining near-infrared and visible light image data. A study now finds the bright spot’s reflected light properties are probably most consistent with a type of magnesium sulfate called hexahydrite. Of course, magnesium sulfate is also known to Earth dwellers as epsom salt. Haze reported inside Occator also suggests the salty material could be left over as a mix of salt and water-ice sublimates on the surface. Since impacts would have exposed the material, Ceres’ numerous and widely scattered bright spots may indicate the presence of a subsurface shell of ice-salt mix. In mid-December, Dawn will begin taking observations from its closest Ceres mapping orbit.

Earth Sky News for Dec. 11: Geminid meteors this weekend

Geminid meteors this weekend

Tonight, look for meteors! The 2015 Geminid meteor shower will be building towards its peak over this weekend. The peak comes Sunday night – the night of December 13, 2015 – but Friday and Saturday nights are good times to watch, too. Just know that the best viewing hours are typically in the wee hours after midnight, no matter where you are on Earth. In the Northern Hemisphere, this meteor shower often rates as one of the best – if not the best – shower of the year on a dark, moonless night. The shower’s zenithal hourly rate – maximum number of meteors seen – is up to 120/hour now, after some good displays in recent years. The moon turns new on December 11, 2015, guaranteeing dark skies for this year’s Geminid meteor shower.

For the Southern Hemisphere. At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, the meteor count will tend to be lower. The Geminids do favor the Northern Hemisphere, where the radiant is higher in the sky. However, this shower is also visible from the tropical and subtropical parts of the Southern Hemisphere. Watch for it this weekend!

What time should I watch? The best time to watch is after midnight, when the radiant point is high in the sky. Watching from midnight until dawn is probably optimum.

If you’re not one to stay up late, watch during the evening hours. Although the meteors are few and far between at early-to-mid evening, you might – if you’re really lucky – catch an earthgrazer – a slow-moving and long-lasting meteor that shoots horizontally across the sky.

At northerly latitudes, the shower radiant point – near the bright star Castor in the constellation Gemini – stays out from early evening until dawn. When the radiant point is near the horizon, the number of meteors that you see are few. The radiant climbs highest up around 2 a.m. and that’s why you see the highest numbers of Geminid meteors around that time.

How many meteors will I see? The Geminids are a consistent and prolific shower. You’ll see the most meteors in a dark sky, unspoiled by light pollution. Meteors often come in spurts and are interspersed by lulls, so give yourself at least an hour of observing time. Simply sprawl out on a reclining lawn chair, look upward and enjoy the show. Often, in the wee hours after midnight, you can see 50 or more meteors per hour.

Why are they called the Geminids? The Geminid meteors are named for the constellation Gemini the Twins, because the radiant point of this shower lies in front Gemini, closely aligning with the bright star Castor. If you trace all the Geminid meteors backward, they all appear to originated from this constellation.

But you don’t need to know the constellation Gemini to see the meteor shower. The Geminid meteors will streak across all parts of the heavens from late night until dawn.

Where do the meteors come from? Although meteors are sometimes called ‘shooting stars,’ they have nothing to do with stars. Instead, they are strictly a solar system phenomenon. Around this time every year, our planet Earth crosses the orbital path of a mysterious object called 3200 Phaethon, which might be an asteroid or a burnt-out comet orbiting our sun. Debris from this object burns up in the Earth’s upper atmosphere to give us the annual Geminid meteor shower. The moderately fast Geminids slice through the Earth’s atmosphere at some 35 kilometers – or 22 miles – per second.

What else should I look for? After a night of meteor watching, look for the morning planets. Jupiter, Mars and Venus are all in the east before dawn.

Bottom line: Find a dark sky to watch a seasonal attraction, the Geminid shower. It peaks on the night of December 13, 2015 (morning of December 14), but the nights before and after will be good as well. With no moon to ruin the show, 2015 promises to be a great year for the Geminids. Some are predicting it might be the best shower of the year!



Your Daily Influences for December 11, 2015

Your Daily Influences
December 11, 2015 


Four of Swords Reversed
Activity begins again. Success will be realized. Move with caution and wisdom as your guides.










Thurisaz reversed often represents your inability to come to terms with repressed issues. It is a warning that if you do not purge past demons they may return to harm you. This Rune is also indicative of a time when you should not act on impulse.




Aries the Ram
This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is selfish, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, foolhardy and a bit of a daredevil. Be careful this person keeps your best interest at heart and not their own. This person is probably someone you already know. Do not allow yourself to get caught up in their impulsiveness.






Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Your Daily Charm for December 11 is The Tusk

Your Daily Charm for Today

Today’s Meaning:
There is a good vibration surrounding this aspect. It feels better than it has in quite some time. Maintain your faith in your deity of choice and this good vibration will remain. Waiver from your faith and this good vibration will dissipate.

General Description:
This Etruscan talisman – a tusk carved in basalt, and elaborately mounted in gold filigree work – was worn as a protector from danger and evil influences. The charm was supposed to attract good fortune and success. The Tusk represented one of the horns of the Crescent Moon, which was a symbol of the Egyptian goddess Isis, who, in the course of time, became the most universal and powerful of all the goddesses. The Estrucans, Greeks and Romans had great faith in the reputed virtues of amulets, a belief which was greatly influenced by the Egyptians.

Your Animal Spirit for December 11 is The Otter

Your Animal Spirit for Today
December 11, 2015


Otter represents one of the most playful feminine energies on earth—and she has swum over into your reading to bring a message of joyful play. If life has been difficult or challenges overwhelming, relax a little—Otter is here to remind you that play is just as important as work—and NOT competitive play, but rather the kind you loved as a child. Hopscotch anyone?

Your Ancient Symbol Card for December 11 is The Crow

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Crow

The Crow is the trusted messenger that alerts its allies to both danger and opportunity. Although they may appear playful and too opportunistic to be trusted, Crows are in fact powerful and trustworthy. The Crow sees and hears all. When The Crow reports it is best to listen as their news is always important and presented accurately.

As a daily card, The Crow indicates that you will soon receive news that will either protect you from loss or lead you too opportunities doorstep. To fully realize the advantage the information will soon receive carries with it you will need to react to it quickly and with sureness.

The Daily Witches Rune for December 11th is The Wave

Daily Witches Rune

The Wave

Meaning: This rune symbolizes your friends and family and their influence upon you. Its meaning is usually derived from the other stones closest to it. This rune is also associated with travel. A journey abroad is indicated especially if the Sun rune is nearby, but a journey for someone close to you if the Moon stone is closest. If it is near to the Rings it foretells a holiday or long distance relationship.

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for December 11th is The Tower

Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today

The Tower

The Tower is perfect card for the revolutionary or iconoclast or anyone who flourishes in rapidly changing environments. What The Tower brings to the mix is sudden, usually unexpected change. With that change there will be a period of disorder, and there may be loss. However, the loss is probably not yours, since you may well be the agent that created the change to begin with. Many positive things can occur from the change The Tower indicates: Truths will be laid bare, revelations and breakthroughs are not just possible but likely, and nothing spurs creativity like a good dose of chaos and confusion. In the end it is likely that what replaces what was lost in the fall of The Tower will be worth the loss.

Your Daily Rune for December 11th is Thurisaz


bw-thurisazYour Rune For Today

Thurisaz embodies the polarity of life and death and the struggle to keep them in balance. Expect conflict, hardship and obstacles, but be assured that remaining focused and in touch with your inner strengths will see you through whatever comes your way. This Rune may also represent protection from your enemies, which is never a bad thing.

Additional information about Today’s Rune, Thurisaz

þurisaz : giant

Phonetic equivalent: th (as in ‘thing’)

DIVINATORY MEANINGS: hardship, painful event, discipline, knowledge, introspection, focus

MAGICAL USES: aid in study and meditation, self-discipline, clearing out a bad situation

ASSOCIATED MYTHS & DEITIES: the Frost Giants, Loki

ANALYSIS: þurisaz is the first of the ‘obstacle’ runes. These obstacles are not necessarily destructive things, but are placed in our path to strengthen and teach us. After all, you can’t have a mythic hero without dragons to slay or giants to fight!

The lesson of this rune is ‘to learn you must suffer’, meaning not only literal suffering, but also in the biblical sense of ‘allowing’ – allowing one’s destiny to unfold as it should, and allowing one’s self to experience all that life offers us. What may at first appear to be a negative, destructive event may well turn out to contain an important lesson. The Giants may seem to be evil and destructive to the Aesir, but they bring about change, and eventually clear the way for a new age.


The Runic Journey (PDF)

by Jennifer Smith

Your Tarot Desire Cards for the Weekend of December 11

Your Tarot Desire Cards

The reading focuses on your ambitions and dreams for the upcoming weekend.

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune represents that aspect of life that is directed by forces and events we may not understand or even be aware of. In short, The Wheel deals with chance—those occurrences that manage to alter even the most structured of lives, usurp man’s “best laid plans.” While the effects of The Wheel are unpredictable, the outcome is always change; sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Our path through life is never a ride down a perfectly straight highway. Sometimes we may even experience hairpin turns or complete reversals of direction. The Wheel of Fortune is strong reminder that despite our plans, the Universe has its own agenda from which we cannot escape participation.

When The World or The Fool are among your personal cards, the influence of The Wheel of Fortune may be increased. Having The Hierophant or The Emperor in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Wheel of Fortune.

The Magus

The Magus is the physical embodiment of decisive action based upon knowledge and aimed squarely at specific goals. While firmly set in the material world, he none-the-less has a powerful spiritual connection as well. His knowledge, wisdom and skill are all encompassing. He is complete. His power as a creator is unmatched on our earthly plane. He is self-aware and unafraid to act. His enormous strength gives him the freedom to act as he chooses. However, responsibility comes with that freedom. Because he is not bound to the restraints of others he must choose how to act. The question that always lies before him is should he act morally, or forsake ethics for personal gain.

When The Chariot is among your personal cards, the influence of The Magus may be increased. Having The Empress or Hanged Man in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Magus.

Your Daily Tarot Card for December 11 is The Lovers

Your Personal Daily Tarot Card

The Lovers

The Lovers indicates both the most powerful of unions and the most of challenging conflicts humans must face. On one side The Lovers’ embodies love and union on a cosmic scale—a love so strong, so inherently good that it actually makes the lovers better, more than they really are. All of the elements are there for the perfect union. The Lovers represent all powerful unions in general, and the elements that create/sustain them. The problem The Lovers face is temptation and the decision to act morally or abandon their ethics to take advantage of other opportunities that would be defined as transgressions.

Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Saturday, December 12th





Get A Jump On Tomorrow….

Your Horoscopes for Saturday, December 12th



Aries Horoscope

With the Moon’s move to the top of your solar chart early into the day, dear Aries, your attention turns to your responsibilities, image, and larger life goals. However, you’re not feeling the typical pressure in this respect, and instead you tend to feel connected and relatively content about your general direction right now. There is compassion and patience in your approach to others today. One-to-one interactions can thrive. Conversations can be lively and stimulating, as well as refreshingly open. You can quite successfully draw on past experience, wisdom, and intuition in order to further your goals.



With the Moon’s move into harmony with your sign early into the day, dear Taurus, you can feel emotionally lifted up and out of slumber, ready to take on new challenges and open to new experiences. There is a stronger focus on forward movement now. Gently stimulating energy is with you for social and romantic connections. You are especially companionable and easy to talk to today. Conversations about intimate or personal matters tend to flow naturally, and it can be natural to clear the air without too much in the way of drama. There can be a chance to learn from past mistakes or to put a problem behind you.



The day favors contemplation and observation, dear Gemini, and you might choose to lay low in some way or pull yourself out of regular activities in order to connect with your deeper needs and desires. You could be involved in some level of research now, or you may be throwing yourself into something that requires more deep thought or concentration, and thoroughly enjoying every minute of it! While you are inclined to be a little introspective, the day is nevertheless good for communication. Whether you’re looking within for answers or if others are offering their perspectives, it’s a strong time for seeing something more clearly or for finding resolutions to the more complex problems in your life.



This can be a good day for some validation from people in your life, dear Cancer, and for finding ways to gain a stronger feeling of balance. Socially, this can be a strong day. Your own natural gentleness draws others to you, and you could find that people are naturally opening up to you, or that conversations naturally flow in a productive, healing, healthy direction. It’s a good time to talk through difficulties without having to force issues, and for repairing relationships if needed – or simply improving a bond. Another person’s perspective, even if it diverges from yours significantly, tends to enhance your own.



Good energy is with you today for work and health pursuits, dear Leo, as well as conversations about and with family. It’s rather easy now to put two and two together when it comes to recent family and work events. You might find research and analysis quite absorbing and successful. The desire to improve basic habits and daily routines is with you, minus the pressure that is often behind this, and leading to happier productivity. Open communication with a relative or intimate partner can help center you and relieve your mind regarding some of your troubles or concerns, especially related to health and work.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

This is a strong day for exploring creative avenues of expression, dear Virgo, for expressing your feelings and affections, and for finding good outlets for enjoying yourself, perhaps related to hobbies or creative works. There can be especially open, healthy, and supportive conversations in/about your meaningful relationships. If you need to patch up differences, particularly with a lover, partner, or child, this is a good time to do so – not necessarily in a confrontational way, but simply through gentle conversation and gestures of reaching out. Look for ways to relieve recent stress now, and pay close attention to news and conversations that might point you in the right direction towards healing.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

This can be a good day for taking a break from a quick pace in your life, dear Libra, and for attention to home, family, and matters of comfort and security. It can be quite healing to unwind or simply take a break from mental busy-ness now by concentrating on self-nurture, comforting or familiar activities, and attending to root matters or your home or base of operations. There can be satisfying conversations that focus on solutions or wisdom rather than only venting or gossip, which can be soothing. You have a tendency to want to get at the heart of an issue rather than skim its surface now.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

The more likable, charming qualities of your personality are subtly enhanced today, dear Scorpio, although this is generally true of most of Venus’ transit of your sign already underway (from December 4-30). Today, your charm tends to especially shine through your communications and gestures. Especially attractive, and also very soothing, is your current ability to express contentment in the moment, patience, and optimism. You might share a cherished belief, or arrive at a new one, through your conversations with others or your own musings. There can be relief about sharing a particular topic now, or you could be a go-between helping others to come to a compromise or state of peace.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

With the Moon moving out of your sign where it’s spent the last few days, dear Sagittarius, you’re likely to feel increasingly more content and happy to build upon what you have rather than urgently seek out a connection to the world. You are seeing and enjoying your connections now, and especially drawn to the pleasures and comforts of the physical world. There is good energy for bringing out matters into the open with someone you trust, however, so don’t miss that opportunity. You’re more likely to seek out and find the resources to solve recent dilemmas and problems now, particularly as your patience is improved.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

The Moon moves into your sign very early into the day, dear Capricorn, adding more color to your emotional world. Your feelings and emotional needs tend to surface now, and this can seem sudden and slightly overwhelming if they involve buried emotions. However, you could find it rather easy and natural to find channels for expressing your feelings today, and in fact you could enjoy a wonderful sense of relief to talk about certain issues that have been on your mind. If you need to repair relationships with relatives or friends, this can be a good time to do so. Your own good humor and wisdom can be an important resource today.



The Moon moves into your privacy sector this morning, dear Aquarius, signalling a time for behind the scenes activities, extra rest, and reprieve from recent demands or competitive situations. It’s an ideal couple of days to take extra time for yourself, look within for answers, and tap into your dreams, inner world, and intuition. With increasing activity in this sector of your chart in the coming weeks, you’re in a great position to better understand yourself and to connect with your spiritual needs and wishes. Today, there can also be new insight into business and financial matters, and conversations can be healing.



If you need to unwind after busy days, dear Pisces, you’re in a good position to do so now. The Moon moves into your pressure-free solar eleventh house shortly into the day, and your focus tends to shift away from responsibilities and towards those things, ideas, and people who make you feel good or that you belong. Easy energy is with you for socializing and for experiencing new situations. An appreciation for things that are ever so slightly exotic is stimulated today. Compassion and acceptance are in large supply today. Romantic feelings are abundant, and your powers of attraction are in good form.







If You Were Born Today, December 11


If You Were Born Today, December 11

You are an ardent and determined person, yet sensitive and even nervous at times. While you may appear confident, you are more of an introspective and sometimes even cynical character. Both freedom and security are equally important to you, which is often a conflict in your life and can lead to some indecisiveness. Always searching for truths, and instinctively knowing that there is not only one, you possess considerable strength of character once you grow out of your youthful uncertainty.

Famous people born today: Brenda Lee, Teri Garr, Tom Hayden, Jermaine Jackson, Nikki Sixx, Christina Onassis, Rita Moreno.

Courtesy of Cafe Astrology

Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, December 11th





Your Daily Horoscopes for Friday, December 11th



Aries Horoscope

The New Moon occurring this morning serves to break you free from negative elements of your life, dear Aries, so that you can focus on improvement, progress, and vision. It’s an optimistic, spirited time when you have a chance to change the pace of your life if it’s been wearing you down or if you’ve felt in a frump or rut. There is strong energy now and in the coming weeks for those of you embarking on travel or higher educational paths, and also for branching out, whether it’s about learning or experiencing new things. Expressing your individuality and honoring special people in your life are also in focus. For some, this can be the start of a new publishing or learning effort. Becoming more active, asserting yourself, expressing your individuality, and going after what you want with more confidence figure strongly now.



The New Moon occurring this morning energizes your intimacy sector, dear Taurus, and stimulates a real desire to make deep, lasting, and transformational changes in your life, yourself, and your most intimate of relationships. The weeks ahead are powerful for making important and empowering lifestyle changes. For some, there can be opportunities to focus on issues of intimacy and sharing, as well as power dynamics in relationships. You may be examining just how much you depend on others for support, as well as your material debts. You might also learn important things about others’ motivations, as well as your own inner workings. It is also a favorable time to start a financial or savings plan, take out a loan or consolidate, and do work in accounting. The day of a New Moon is always powerful but also more emotional than logical, so observe and listen to your intuition now, and then begin work on the details of your plans going forward.



The New Moon that occurs this morning energizes your partnership sector, dear Gemini, occurring in your opposite sign. This puts your relationships with others in strong focus, and can also act to clear the path for a new beginning, whether this is about a new or improved relationship occurring in the coming weeks, a new commitment, the opening of negotiations, a counseling or business partnership, or a new attitude towards partnering. Negotiations and one-to-one relationships are highlighted over the coming weeks, as it is a favorable time to begin new relationships or to redefine or re-energize existing ones. Your social life is in strong focus with the New Moon’s connections to Mars and Uranus, and issues surrounding independence, self-assertion, and individuality are especially important as you go forward and make changes.



The New Moon this morning energizes your work and health sector, dear Cancer, and a sense of beginning fresh or turning over a new leaf when it comes to your daily routines, habits, work and self-care programs is now with you. New plans and projects are on the horizon, and you are in the position of taking charge of your life in important ways. New diet regimes, healthy routines, and work projects can be successfully initiated in the coming week. You’ll be more strongly motivated to take care of business, handle details, improve your skills, and increase your efficiency. Getting a handle on these things will help you to better manage your career and home life as well. You have truly unique ideas about managing and working, or business possibilities, and now you get the chance to focus on the important skills and organization required to realize your ideas or put them into action.



The New Moon that occurs this morning can really get you going on a creative project in the coming weeks, dear Leo. Romantic and recreational activities may also be in strong focus. If you’re in need of a chance to express your talents, your sense of fun, or your feelings, this is a strong time for doing so. Celebratory, playful, and just-for-fun endeavors are favored. Motivation to pursue your heart’s desire is strong now, and you can feel large and in charge. For some, expressing your ideas, learning, communicating, promoting, and publishing can be part of the package now as you aim to express your individuality through various mediums and seek to be heard. There can be some issues with financing your projects and a need to better attend to money matters, and you may want to watch for going over the top on financial levels now. Otherwise, this is a strong time for finding new or improved ways of expressing yourself.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

The New Moon occurring this morning launches a cycle of re-organization of your priorities, dear Virgo. It stimulates a strong desire to get your life into order from the roots up. This is an excellent time for getting in touch with your feelings and needs, for nurturing yourself and people you love, and for strengthening your ties with family. It’s time to examine your own support system and the ways that you support others, and determining which areas need attention. The coming weeks are ideal for making long-range plans for the future, for any type of reorganizing or even remodeling of the home or home environment, and for family-related activities. If relationships with family have been challenging or wanting, this is the time for effecting important changes. Problems in the home or domestic routine can also be handled or better managed.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

The New Moon this morning energizes your communications sector, dear Libra. This can point to new beginnings with communications, learning, and transportation as you find new or improved ways to connect with others, learn new things, and move about. The coming weeks are powerful for developing new interests or exploring recent projects more fully, making new contacts, and finding new channels for expressing yourself. Tied up with this is a stronger need for independence. You might decide to keep yourself busy and connected in order to avoid the pitfalls of depending on a partner or others to make you happy. There can be more mental rapport with others, and you might focusing on developing this further. Watch that you’re not misunderstood, however, especially about issues from the past.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

The New Moon occurring this morning energizes your resources sector, dear Scorpio, and stimulates a stronger need or desire to take care of business. You may be especially motivated to make or save money, to build upon an important project, to pursue a money-making idea, or to improve your sense of security and comfort or feeling of abundance. Your personal resources, including your natural talents, money matters, and your valuables can be in stronger focus. This is a good time for setting financial goals, and the weeks ahead may be strong for increasing your income or focusing on improving your earning potential. Making more of what you have should be a goal now. You may be aiming to be more productive, concerned about the future, and patient when it comes to long-term planning and reaching important goals.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

The New Moon occurring today energizes your sign, dear Sagittarius, making it a great time for reinvent yourself in some personal way. A new look or manner of expressing and presenting yourself might be appropriate now, and re-energizing as well. Friendships and romantic matters might also be in focus now, and supportive. This is a personally busy time of year, when you may be feeling especially enthusiastic and when others take note of you. The focus now may be on how you’re presenting yourself and how this affects your life, and on changing personal habits. The weeks ahead are for being brave and enjoying new experiences, particularly socially and creatively.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

The New Moon that occurs today can stimulate you to take charge of a past or spiritual matter, dear Capricorn. This is a strong time for putting something behind you that no longer serves you well (or perhaps never did). There can be a few unknowns at this point, but it’s important to surrender yourself to this idea rather than attempt to micromanage your life, and in the process, to build your faith in yourself and the world. Some kind of soul-searching is in order, and the urge to find emotional peace of mind will be apparent now and in the coming weeks. There can be an increased need to help or support others, for behind the scenes or private activities, for making personal sacrifices, and for emotional renewal in general. Allow yourself to dream of something better, but don’t fall into the trap of deferring your happiness to a later date when you might achieve a goal.



With this morning’s New Moon, dear Aquarius, you’re moving in a new direction, and it’s more about your social life and happiness than it has been about your position, status, and professional life. This lunation puts a spotlight on friendships, group connections, networking, long-term dreams and hopes, ideals, communications, and learning. There can be a new beginning or new/revised initiatives now, and making contact or teaming up can be in strong focus. You are discovering things that truly make you happy, and things that have you feeling included and involved. If you’ve been unhappy with particular friends or group associations, or find yourself lacking in this area of life, the coming weeks are the time to take charge and make changes. It’s also a powerful time for new dreams and initiatives – the seeds of new projects or long-term goals may be planted now.



The New Moon that occurs this morning energizes the top of your solar chart, dear Pisces, and points you in the direction of structuring your life in important ways. This lunation clears the path for new beginnings on professional fronts, and gives you the confidence and motivation to take charge of issues surrounding career and life path goals, reputation, public image, and social standing. You may be developing new or improved business goals and plans, or focusing on the bigger picture of your life and considering ways to better organize your life in order to achieve what you want to achieve. The desire to handle and manage your responsibilities can be strong now. Focus on improving the elements of your personality that you are projecting to society and as a professional, and formulate goals for self-mastery and self-discipline – this is an excellent time for taking charge of your life direction.

New Moon in Sagittarius Horoscopes





New Moon in Sagittarius Horoscopes

The final New Moon of the year is a lightning bolt of inspiration

Rick Levine is a Daily Insight Group Site