Let’s Talk Witch – Household Purifications

Cat Magick

Household Purifications


No matter how carefully you clean your home, no matter how often you vacuum, mop, shine, dust and polish, there may be “dirt” that your brushes and cloths won’t remove.

Every house is subject to negative energies-angry thoughts, fear, chaos-that seep in through the cracks in the walls, are broadcast via satellite to our television sets and radios and are stirred wherever humans live.

But don’t get paranoid about this; no nasty creatures are going to pop out from your toaster to terrorize you in the dark. The negativity is just that-negative vibrations that are without form but that are very real on other levels of existence and can affect our lives on this one.

Negativity weighing down on any house can strain relationships, create tension, increase arguments and accidents and ruin a good party. It may also prevent sleep and cause the whole house to assume a heavy, malignant atmosphere. When this happens, purify the home of the negativity that is unavoidably attracted to it.

Monthly household purifications will drastically reduce the negativity in your home. If you live far from an urban area, you might perform household purifications every three months or so, or when tempers seem to flare. It’s best to perform form these purifications during the waning Moon (when the Moon shrivels from a glowing white orb to an invisible globe). If the need arises, however, don’t wait for the proper Moon phase-just do it. Rituals, after all, aren’t holy writ.

Purifications drive away general negativity, the kind that abounds in cities and apartment buildings. However, a purification  is not an exorcism; it won’t rid a place of troublesome spirits. Likewise, though purifications are generally successful, they are no defense against a conscious direction of negative energy toward you. Protective magic and rituals designed to direct the energy back to the sender-utilizing candles, mirrors, iron, salt, herbs, quartz crystals, baths, incenses and a pantry-full of other tools-perform this function, as do exorcisms. Several of the protective spells and rites mentioned in this book will help you defend yourself self in such situations, as will any personal-protection spells, amulets and talismans in your possession.

O.K., let’s get to the point here. We mentioned a “conscious cious direction of negative energy” above. This means a curse or hex. Just the mention of these is usually enough to convince some people that they’ve been subjected to one. After all, it’s easier to blame our life problems on outside influences, thereby releasing ourselves of responsibility for our progress or guilt about our mistakes.

If the idea of curses and hexes upsets you, relax. They are rare. Most people who believe that something like this has happened to them have been “cursed” with a vivid but untrained imagination. Even when harmful spells are cast, they aren’t usually effective. Because they are performed without our consent, they must get through our natural psychic armor before they can affect us.

So, what can we do to keep our magical self-defense systems fully operational? Stay healthy. Exercise moderately. Maintain a positive attitude toward life and believe in your own powers and abilities. Take full responsibility for your past and future actions. Perform regular self-protection magic and back this up with concentration and visualization.



The Magical Household: Spells & Rituals for the Home

Scott Cunningham; David Harrington