Lady A’s Spell of the Day for June 27th – Candle Flame Scrying

dark witch Candle Flame Scrying


On a Full Moon, prepare your altar with black cloth. Set upon it a purple, blue, or white candle. It is best to use either a votive or a pillar. Around this, lay oak leaves in a circle and place clusters of quartz and/or amethyst around or on top of the oak leaves. Ground and Center and Cast your Circle.
Light the candle and say:
Candle of Power
Vision and light
Open my eyes
to the future this night.
Gaze into the flame and empty your mind of extraneous thought. Be patient and the future shall be seen. Don’t stare into the flame, for this causes the eyes to become strained and may give you a headache…just gaze and they shall appear. Good Luck!

2 thoughts on “Lady A’s Spell of the Day for June 27th – Candle Flame Scrying

  1. I have been scrying this way for many years and for me it works better than any other method I have tried.


  2. Reblogged this on Coven Life and commented:
    I have been scrying this way for many years and for me it works better than any other method I have tried.


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