WOTC Extra – Gods and Their Attributes

The SupernaturalGods and Their Attributes


Since the beginning of time, cultures around the world have honored a masculine force. The yang energy of the universe has been depicted in various guises and personalities, as individual deities with specific natures, powers, and responsibilities. The many faces of the God express qualities associated with the male archetype: strength, virility, daring, leadership skills, logic, protection, knowledge, and courage.

Archetypes transcend nationalities and religions, appearing in various yet similar forms in many different cultures. For example, the Greek god Zeus corresponds to the Roman god Jupiter. You can see overlaps between the Egyptian god Thoth and the Greeks’ Hermes. Mars and Mithras, both gods of war, were worshiped by soldiers in Rome and Persia, respectively.

On days when a witch wishes to identify with certain god-like qualities, she can ask for help from a deity who embodies those attributes. If you want to ace an exam, you could call on Mercury, Thoth, or Hermes to assist you. If you hope to overcome a formidable challenge or adversary, Ganesh is the god with whom to ally yourself. Regardless of your goal or concern, you’ll find a deity who can provide the help you need.
The Everything Wicca and Witchcraft Book: Rituals, spells, and sacred objects for everyday magick (Everything®)
Skye Alexander