Your Ancient Symbol Card for March 13th is The Sun

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

The Sun

The Sun is our Cosmic Nurturer. Life flourishes under its radiant beams. It provides the illumination to find Truths and lights one’s path so we do not get lost. To stand in the rays of The Sun is to shine. To absorb its energy promotes growth, exceptional physical and mental health, and good fortune. The Sun is empowering, elevating and fills those who bask in it with confidence and sense of self-worth. While The Sun certainly doesn’t promise a life’s path without some bumps in the road, The Sun indicates all will be well.

As a daily card, The Sun indicates a time when you should be at your zenith. At moments like this all should be very clear to you. Solutions to dilemmas that have confounded you will become obvious. The opportunity to take giant steps towards attaining your goals is upon you.