Ah, It Is A Glorious Morning On This Thursday! Blessings To All, Dear Friends!

Yes, yes, yes, I am in a fabulous mood this morning. Guess why? I actually got to sleep in a bed last night, lol! The simple things we take for granted until we are forced to sleep on top of a desk. Well not all of us would be that silly now would we? The first night we tried sleeping on the floor, good grief, I didn’t think we would ever get to sleep. Every time we would get laid down, one of the babies would dart out. Then when we went to chase that one, the others would run like wild critters, lol! We were up all night. The next night, we got the bright idea to go in the office. At least there if they got loose there wasn’t that much room for them to run around. Then when we put the sleeping bags on the desk, we thought what if one falls off. So we ended up practically duck taping the top of the sleeping bags shut. Someone needed a camera during all of this! But once they all got in the bags and got warm, they went to sleep. Rested assured they weren’t going anywhere, we could then go to sleep. All in all it was adventure, I wouldn’t soon forget. I did learn one thing, the coyotes and wild dogs that use to come and terrorize the refuge. They sort of don’t do that anymore. When they get too close the cougar lets out one of her huge growls and off they run. Perhaps I need to tape record that and just play it continuously all night long, lol!

Since I didn’t smell like a skunk today, they actually let me stay in the office. So I quickly checked the email. By the way, Bobbi and Peter, I will email you later on today, my dear friends. Then I have read some of the comments in the back also. One subject that keeps coming up is Practitioner that charge for their services. One lady in the comments, I felt totally sorry for her. I don’t remember the particulars of her problem but she needed a witch. She found this one so called “Witch” and told her the situation. Well that “Witch” had the perfect spell for her. This “Witch” would cast this spell for her for just $700.00. I believe I remember the lady’s problem, she was having money problems. Now if you are having money problems, how on this Earth are you going to come up with $700.00. The lady said she got upset because of the cost. She did a search for witchcraft groups, I guess. She found us. She searched through our spells and lo’ and behold there was the same spell that the “Witch” was trying to sell her for $700.00. She said that our spell was easily understandable and more in-depth than the costly one. So the lady decided to cast the spell for herself.

The above story is becoming all to familiar especially with the economy in the shape it’s in. There has been along standing debate in The Craft community in regards to Practitioners selling their skills. Some say it is perfectly fine, others like myself say no it isn’t. I know with this next statement, I might make some of you mad but it is what I have always said. To my students and anyone seeking my advice, I say, “If you run into a Practitioner that wants to charge you for her/his services, RUN!” Stay away from them. I am a Practitioner of the Ancients and this is the way I believe. We have to go back to the beginning and see what is said about our talents. Our talents are given to us to use for the benefit of mankind. The Ordains (you can do a search for them here, they are listed) even states, “You are to never charge for your services. If you can help, it is your duty to help.” I don’t know what to think about people that charge for the Goddess’ given talents. Are they not familiar with the Ways of Our Ancestors? Have they not read our Laws and The Ordains? Are they Witches at all? Perhaps they have just run across sites like this and say a way to make a quick buck?

I know there are individuals that are in desperate shape. They are looking for help in any form they can get it. But Magick is not a quick fix for anything. You can read the spells here, you can use the spells here. But there is much more to Magick than just doing spells. I should add before I go any further, spells don’t always work even for us seasoned Practitioners. Magick is a Religion like no other. You have to come to know the Goddess, Her Beauty and Her Love. You have to learn what our Religion is truly about. Witchcraft has been stereotyped for so many years. We have a black mark on our name. But we are gradually changing that. We want people to come to our Religion, commit to it and become fine Practitioners. You see you have the magick within yourself. Learn to harness it and control it. Magick is driven by your intent. Your intent is your passion about your problem, situation or whatever is bothering you. Stop to think about it. You tell me about your problem. I agree to do a spell for you. Do you think I will have as much passion about your problem as you would? NO! You are the one that has that red-hot, passion about your problem. You put that passion (intent) into your spell, all of it. You see most people don’t know that. There is a lot most people don’t know about our Religion, Witchcraft.

In closing, if you are in need of assistance and hunting for a Practitioner. Don’t waste your time, please. Instead come and learn about Witchcraft. When you are through you will not only be able to solve this problem, but all that follow. To be called a Witch is a honor and a blessing. Our gifts and talents are given to us from our Great Lady. We are not to use them for personal gain. We are to take our talents and use them to benefit mankind. Learn the truth about Witchcraft, learn our beliefs and ways of living. When it is all said and done you will be so glad you did.

May the Goddess Bless Each of Her Children,,


Lady A

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One thought on “Ah, It Is A Glorious Morning On This Thursday! Blessings To All, Dear Friends!

  1. Good morning, Lady A! A real bed in a heated home can really brighten up one’s day. 🙂 Welcome back to the modern conveniences. I’ll tell you, though, that one growl from Momma Cougar and I’d have been out of there like greased lightning.


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