Daily Horoscopes for Saturday, September 17th

We long for a bit of peace today, but the simplistic Taurus Moon isn’t enough to resolve the cosmic tension that is currently pulling on us. Friendly Venus in relationship-oriented Libra opposes irrepressible Uranus in impulsive Aries, encouraging wild behavior that can appear reckless even if it’s fun. But we may be confused about what to do and what to say because assertive Mars forms stressful aspects with talkative Mercury and foggy Neptune.


Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You know what you agreed to do today, but you have a twinkle in your eye and may not be able to resist creating a bit of mischief, instead. You’re eager to take a risk and break out of your regular routine, even if you know it’s not the smartest course of action. Although your judgment isn’t very clear now, you still might try to justify your behavior. Ask someone you trust for another perspective before doing something you regret.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Your ruling planet Venus opposes electric Uranus today, wiring you for pleasure. But your intense desires can create an emotional short circuit when you realize that satisfaction is just out of reach. Your daydreams may be unrealistic, but it really doesn’t matter if you make your fantasy real or not. What’s important now is to give yourself permission to imagine what would bring you happiness if anything was possible.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

You might try to float through the day on a cloud of illusions, but an unexpected turn of events can shock you out of your dream state. Even if you’re able to field a curve ball at work or at home, you still might miss the significance of what is happening. Although you may be surprised by what happens, take the time to contemplate what the cosmos is attempting to tell you.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

Although someone’s reaction to your request may not be what you expect, you should be able to take it in stride. You might be concerned at first because you don’t particularly like confronting the unknown, but even if you’re caught off guard today, you’re relieved to know the truth. Don’t let subconscious motivations trick you into pushing away the new information; integrate what you learn and change your plans before moving on.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You might be very excited about someone or something new in your life now, but you have a sneaking suspicion that your high level of interest won’t last. You may be cautious about letting go and enjoying yourself because it’s obvious that your sense of freedom will quickly run into limiting circumstances. Change is inevitable, but worrying about future responsibilities doesn’t need to interfere with today’s pleasures.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You may be put off by someone’s selfish behavior today and you could even be offended by other people’s lack of compassion. Unfortunately, you won’t likely be able to understand their actions because logic is not the motivating factor now. Unexplainable changes are to be expected if tension is stressing a relationship. Don’t overanalyze things; just respond with kindness and honesty. The storm will pass quickly if you remain flexible in your thinking.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Your key planet Venus is visiting your 1st House of Self and her opposition to radical Uranus in your 7th House of Relationships can awaken previously hidden desires or uncover something about your partner that you didn’t know. Instead of waiting for a friend to shock you with an unexpected revelation, take the initiative and be an agent of change. You will be happier now if you embrace the shift instead of resisting it.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You might wish that you could release your old expectations and express your feelings today as unconventional Uranus in your 5th House of Romance opposes loving Venus. But you may not know what you want; your emotions are slippery now, making it tough to choose a direct course of action. Nevertheless, you have a perfect opportunity to learn something important about yourself if you’re willing to relinquish control and go with the flow.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Although you wish a friend or partner would make a straightforward decision today, clarity may continue to be elusive. You won’t likely receive a yes or no answer now, requiring you to be satisfied with someone’s uncertainty. Don’t push for resolution because it may take time for the facts to emerge. It’s possible that other people’s ambivalence might be a reflection of your own, even though you believe that you have already made your choice.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You could mistakenly believe that the solution to your current dilemma is in having all the facts, prompting you to gather as much useful information as you can. Unfortunately, you are not very cautious now, so you could jump to an incorrect conclusion that’s based on your desires instead of what is practical. Be smart and postpone any major decision until your energy settles down; your path should begin to clear in a few days.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your desire for an emotional connection pulls you one way while your need for independence pulls another as your key planet Uranus stands off in a tense tug-of-war with sensual Venus. You may wish for more intimacy in your everyday life, but might keep others at a distance if you’re afraid of losing autonomy. Fortunately, a sudden breakthrough in your awareness can open your heart and change the dynamics of a relationship. Set aside practicalities and be flexible enough to respond to the magic of the moment.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You may be weary of the tension you feel in a close relationship if your perspective is challenged again today. You don’t like the idea of arguing with your partner; nor do you want to waste energy justifying your desires. Your needs are simple; you just want your heartfelt expression to be heard and acknowledged. This isn’t a time for ultimatums; just let others know what you need in a gentle manner and remain patient while waiting to see the results. The dynamics are shifting quickly and you just may receive what you want.