The Witches Magick for Feb. 21 – Salt and Water Clearing Spell

Salt and Water Clearing Spell

Cast this spell to rid yourself of pain, hurt and sadness.

After dark, draw a magick circle and call in the elements. Put three pinches of sea salt in a chalice of water. Stir the water counterclockwise with your athame. Sit quietly and turn you mind toward what you want to get rid of your worries, problems, disappointments, sadness, hurt feelings, and fears. Hold the cup in between your hands, and say three times:

Clear the pain. Clear the hurt. Clear the sadness.

Sip three sips of the water. Before each sip, repeat:

I rid myself of all negativity, right now.

Allow all of your negative feelings to be cleansed with the salt water. Imagine transforming any pain or sadness into positive change elements in your life. Feel yourself being cleansed of all that burdens you. When you are done, bid farewell to the elements and pull up the circle.

Empty the remaining water down the drain, and clean your chalice thoroughly with clear, cool water.

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