Silly New Year’s Resolution #3

Silly New Year’s Resolution #3

Cut down on exercise. Too much is bad for your health, it can even kill you.

If Our Pets Made Our New Year’s Resolutions

If Our Pets Made Our New Year’s Resolutions


While people have been making their own new year’s resolutions, I decided to  let my dogs, Sanchez and Gina, make mine for me. Here’s what they had to say:

  • Take more walks (with us)
  • Spend more time at the piano (We love sleeping under it while you  play.)
  • Take more breaks from the computer
  • Remember to play (especially with us)
  • Make  more dog treats for us
  • Brag  about us every day
  • Perform more concerts for dogs
  • Be patient with me in my senior years (from Sanchez). I’m giving you an opportunity  to slow down and remember that every moment in life is a gift.
  • More agility training PLEASE (from Gina)
  • Help more homeless dogs

If your pets made your new year’s resolutions, what would they say?


HELLO WORLD!!!! A Glorious & Blessed Friday To All My Dear Family & Friends!

Gothic Comments
 Oh, what a beautiful, beautiful day it is here? The sun is shining brightly, not a cloudy in the sky, looks like a perfect day to go run in the field. Till you look at the temperature gauge out the window, it is just 22 degrees out there, golly gee! I had some errands to run yesterday that is why the Countess filled in. It was suppose to be about 28 degrees yesterday. I had on a tee shirt and a sweater and it felt fine to me. I know Kiki loved it to pieces. She has her own little bed in the truck (not spoiled at all). When she gets in the first thing she does is rut around in the bed like a little baby pig. I guess she thinks there has been somebody sleeping in her bed!

Well can you believe it, the first week of the New Year is almost over. Before you know it, we will be saying goodbye to 2013 and hello to 2014. Really I hope not. I have made one New Year’s Resolution this year, it is to stop and smell the Roses. I mean really smell them. You know sniff in all the pollen and everything, lol! I guess I took something away from last year, never, ever take any minute we have in life for granted. Every little second is precious, oh, so precious. I have learned the meaning of “I’m going to seize the day!” I use to scratch my head at that one. Now I know, get up in the morning and live the day like it was your last one. I also learned something else, cherish your memories and hold your loved ones in your heart always. For as long as they live in your heart, they are never truly gone.

Before I take down the New Year graphics, I have one last blessing for the New Year. I wish everyone of you a very Happy & Blessed New Year. A New Year full of love, family, joy, comfort and most of all peace. Peace to you my family and Peace to the entire World.

Goddess Bless You,

Lady A

Oh, Great & Glorious Mother,

At the start

Of this New Year

When thoughts turn again

To beginnings

Starting afresh

New leave

And turning skeletons

Free from cupboards

Be with us

As we gaze into the distance

Of fresh mission grounds

Of hopes and dreams

Opportunities for service


And uncertainties

Take our fears

And turn them into strengths

Take our lack of faith

And empower us

Though thy very Spirit

Who breathes life into this world

Whose presence is reflected

In the icy chill

Of winter’s breath

As well as the comforting warmth

Of a summer breeze.

Walk with us into this New Year

Of opportunity and growth.

So Mote It Be!

Your Horoscope New Year’s Resolutions

Your Horoscope New Year’s Resolutions


‘Tis the season to make New Year resolutions–and to break them just as  quickly, at least partly because the very language of most resolutions (“I will  lose weight! I will stop smoking!”) is punitive and belittling to the soul. But  our horoscope sun-sign can point the way to a life-affirming resolution your  spirit can really get behind.

These resolutions speak a powerful, positive language that our spiritual  selves respond to, in accordance with what is best in us, and working hand in  hand with our deeper purpose in life. Find out the affirming resolution for your  sun-sign, here:

Aries, March 21-April 19: I will allow my courage to blaze new trails in my  life.

Taurus, April 20-May 21: I will focus on my inner garden, growing what I  truly need.

Gemini, May 22-June 20: I will share my ideas with ease, finding playmates of  the spirit with every word I speak.

Cancer, June 21-July 22: I will trust that my sensitive heart is continually  nourished by pleasant memories and creativity.

Leo, July 23- Aug 22: I will know that my vital imagination is the fiery  force that can change my life for the better.

Virgo, Aug 23-Sept 22: I will give thought to the messages of healing my body  is sending me, and the ways I can give my body what it needs.

Libra, Sept 23-Oct 22: I will create something beautiful today out of my deep  love for Beauty.

Scorpio, Oct 23-Nov 21: I will rise up again and again, filled with the power  of renewal.

Sagittarius, Nov 22-Dec 21: I will speak the ideals of my heart clearly and  with compassion for my self and others.


Capricorn, Dec 22-Jan 19: I will begin behaving as if my most important  responsibility is to express my true nature.


Aquarius, Jan 20-Feb 18: I will be open to fresh new ideas that help me  strengthen the bonds of community.


Pisces, Feb 19-March 20: I will believe that my deep intuition is a benefit  to all my relations.