To Stop Harm From Coming

To Stop Harm From Coming

You need 1 brown or maroon candle
2 blue candles
2 white candles
1 black candle
athame (or other ritual knife)
sage for smudging (optional)
Your brown or maroon candle should be towards the back of the altar, but close to the middle. your black candle should be immediately in front of it (in the center of the altar), your blue candles on the sides of the black candle (one on each side next to it, but about 3 to 6 inches spread apart), and your white candles should be directly in front of your blue candles (also about 3 to 6 inches in front of them). So you have your basic star pattern.

Cast your circle. Light the candles

Now you have cast the circle, place the blade of your athame into the fire of the black candle and chant:

“Hail to the gods and the goddesses of the earth, Please help stop physical harm from coming to (name).

I Thank thee.”

Do this to the black, then the maroon or brown, then the left blue, left white, right white, then right blue. THEN, hold your athame straight up and say it again. As if you were pointing at the sky.

Now, do the whole chant again just like before, but replace “physical with emotional,then with mental, and so on…Then point your tool in front of you, say “blessed be”, point to the left, behind you (turn around), and to the right, then point it up.
You are done


Thor's Hammer

Thor’s Hammer

This spell should be cast on Thors day (Thursday). You will need a Thors hammer pendant and 2 red candles. In the hour after sunrise light the candles and place the pendant between them. In a strong and commanding voice say

In your hour on your day
Hear me as I stand and pray
God of thunder
God of might
Lend your power
With this light
In your symbol
Store your strength
Pour it out to me at length.

Wear this pendant whenever you need a power or strength boost.

Pagan Magic

Conjuring By Colors & The Serenity Spectrum

Conjuring By Colors

Color Magick is a basic tenet for working spells. The properties of each color determine how it impacts your mood, frame of mind, and the potency of your spell casting.

Be mindful of the color of the candle, gemstone, and flower you choose; carefully pick the hues of your clothing, furniture, and even the paint on the walls.

For example, if you are given to moodiness or anger, remove all RED from your home décor. If you are predisposed to melancholia, a VIOLET scheme may depress you.


The Serenity Spectrum

For a Peaceful Home

Burn blue candles on Thursday

To Overcome Fear

Burn red candles on Sunday

For Inner Peace

Burn silver candles on Monday

For Self-Confidence

Burn red candles on Sunday

For Physical Wellbeing

Burn green candles on Friday

To Overcome Regret or Guilt
Burn white candles on Wednesday

For Mental Clarity

Burn yellow candles on Wednesday

To Let Go Of Anger

Burn orange candles on Monday

For Success at Work

Burn green candles on Friday


The Witches Magick for Nov. 17th: Spell To Find A Lost Object

Gypsy Comments & Graphics
The Witches Magick for November 17th

Spell To Find A Lost Object



Orange candle

Black candle

Small Magnet



Cast your circle and invoke the Elemental Guardians. Light the black candle (for solving mysteries, and drawing away the negativeness of the loss), and then the orange candle (for luck and precious objects). Visualize the lost object(s) in the mirror as already being found. Place the magnet between the two candles and stroke it towards you as you say the following three times, substituting the name of the lost object for “(lost object)”:

By the wavering flame of this black light,
Grant to me of my (lost object) a sight.
By the power of this orange flame,
Give me luck to find the same.
In this mirror the (lost object) I see
Make the magnet draw them to me.

Close the circle, but leave the candles burning with the magnet between them until the candles burn down.

~Magickal Graphics~



When candles are molded into shapes, it is called sympathetic magic.

To assist in finding a familiar, burn a candle in the shape of the animal you desire

Fertility spells can be cast with a phallus-shaped or womb-shaped candle. Healing uses human-shaped candles or skull candles. White ones are for healing, black ones for reversing spells and warding off negativity. Different animal-shaped candles can be used for a specific purpose. Some examples are: dog – loyalty, cat – cleanliness, wolf – wisdom, bear – motherhood, rabbit – fertility.

Another type of candle magic uses pins. Stick a pin in as close to the top as you can without breaking the wax. As you insert it, say:
“When this candle burns to the pin,
The process of (name the desire) will begin.”
Insert a secont pin close to the first and say:
“When this candles burns to this pin
The process of (name the desire) will come to a successful completion and end.”
-This idea came from Silver RavenWolf

You can use birthday candles or very small candles for a spell that needs to be done quickly. You can also put drops of colored oil or food coloring into small tealite candles which also burn quickly.

The Witches Spell for October 11: Candle Spell Against Psychic Attack


–white candle

–red candle

–black candle

Imagine a blue ball of energy inside the candles. Caress the candles as you chant:

Goddess of Three, I call upon thee,
To protect from those who wish to harm me
Keep them from using the gift from thee
Keep them from using thy gift to harm me

When you finish chanting, imagine the blue ball exploding into lines of blue.
Imagine the lines surrounding you and wrapping you in warm blue energy.

See the blue light as a shield. Know that it is unbreakable.
Think about how it is the Goddess’ Light protecting you.
Then put the candles someplace where they can burn undisturbed and let them burn themselves out, sending all the energy into your shield. This spell is best performed during the full moon.
For longer effects you can make it a seven-day spell.

The Shadow Spell

The Shadow Spell

Items You Will Need:

  • Small, smooth stone
  • Two Candles

The Spell:

This spell is used to allow one to move or travel about relatively unnoticed. Care should of course be taken not to unnecessarily draw attention to ones self and thereby break the spell.  This spell need be prepared in advance. A small, smooth stone should be acquired. The stone should be of minimal size so as to be easily carried on one’s person without toil.  The spell must be worked in the dark and two candles need be lighted and placed on a flat surface such as a tabletop. The stone should be placed on the surface between them.  Repeat this incantation:

”Stone cold, without light  Hold the shadow of the night  Carry it through light of day  Out of sight and out of way”

Extinguish the candle on your left. Repeat this incantation:

”Stone of earth, stone of shade  Into thee this spell be made  That no eye may notice me  Whilst traveling to wander free”

Extinguish the candle on your right. You should now be in total darkness. Pick up the stone and whilst holding it in both your hands, repeat the following invocation:

”Spirits of the night  Lords of the shadows  Guide my path  Envelope me in thine cloak of darkness  And let this spell be done.”

Free of Past Pain Spell

Free of Past Pain Spell

Items You Will Need:

  • 1 green candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 white candle
  • Paper
  • Pen/pencil
  • 1 black ribbon

The Spell:

Light the candles and write on the paper all the pains of your past that still bother you. Roll up the paper and tie it off with the black ribbon. Chant;

”The past has no power over me. I release the pain, I am free.”

Burn the paper and the ribbon over the flames of all three candles and before the fire reaches your hand cast the paper onto the ground. The moment you feel heat the paper should be cast down. Let the fire burn out on it’s own, but keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t spread to other things.   I suggest casting this spell on dirt or gravel so as not to start a wild fire.

Calendar of the Sun for July 10

Calendar of the Sun

10 Haymonath

Hela’s Day

Colors: Black and White
Elements: Earth and Air
Altar: Upon black cloth to the right place four black candles, a skull, bones, a pot of earth, a pile of withered leaves, and a gravestone. Upon white cloth to the left place four white candles, incense, an ivory chalice of mead, a crystal sphere, and a bunch of dried roses. Veil the windows.
Offerings: Blood. Pain. Difficulty. Toil. An arduous task that will take all you have to give, and will benefit the generations yet to come.
Daily Meal: Meat stew and bread.

Invocation to Hela

Hail to Hel
Queen of Helheim
Wisest of Wights
Keeper of Secrets
Keeper of the hopes for tomorrow
Guardian of Souls
Implacable one of the frozen realm
Half the face of beauty
Half the face of Death.
You who feed the dead
At your meager table
Where everyone gets their fair share,
You who care not
About wealth or status,
About fame or fortune,
Who cares for the peasant
Equally with the ruler,
Teach us that Death is the great leveller
And that we need have no pride
When we reach your halls.
Lady who takes away
Yet holds always promise,
Teach us to praise loss and death
And the passing of all things,
For from this flux
We know your blessings flow.

(Blow out the candles, bow to the altar, and pour out the libation of mead. The roses should be placed outside to rot in the garden.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Candles As Tools of Magick


Select four candles in colors representing the four elements.  Try using red for

Fire, green for Earth, blue for Water and yellow for Air. Anoint the candles

with oil.  Decide on your goal or request and which candle is best for

represents the need.  (ie money, business, material objects, grounding matters

would be Earth.  Matters of sex, breaking habits, purification, protection,

strength would be Fire.  Matters of love, psychic awareness, healing,

friendships, beauty, spirituality, meditation would be Water.  Matters of

movement, travel, communication, teachings would be Air.)  Place three candles

in a triangle and put the assigned candle in the center.

Meditate on your desire as you light all four candles.  Visualize the outcome,

concentrating carefully on that which you wish to happen. Let all candles burn

go out by themselves.

For best results, do this candle burning during the hour of the day that will

aide you and during the correct Moon phases.  The Waning Moon is good for

banishing, the Waxing will help things grow.

Above all use extreme care when doing ANY form of Magick that entails the use of Fire.

For Prosperity

For Prosperity
Rowan Moonstone

The following is a quarterly prosperity spell given to me by Angel and
Gracie, my first two FamTrad teachers. I have no idea where they got
it, but I can tell you that it DOES work. I”ve used it for years and
it never fails to bring me some unlooked for money. I find that I’ve
overpaid a bill, or an old debt which I had written off as uncollec-
tible gets repaid, I find a $20 on the sidewalk, etc. Try it, it

The spell is to begin at one minute past midnight SUN TIME (I HATE
daylight savings time when I do this. Means 1AM!) on the night of
April 30 (May 1), July 31 (Aug 1), Oct 31 (Nov. 1) and Jan 31 (Feb 1)
In other words, on the first minute of the cross quarter day.

You will need the following:

  • 1 gold candle
  • 6 green candles
  • 9 white candles
  • Pine oil for anointing candles
  • salt

All candles must be dressed with pine oil and then arranged as fol-

Gold candle in the center
Green candles in a circle around gold candle
White candles in a circle around green candles.

At one minute past midnight on the appointed day, trace a salt circle
around the outermost circle of candles, light the gold candle first,
then the green candles, moving deosil, then the white candles, moving
deosil. Circle the altar three times, chanting “Orbiting Jupiter
trine the sun, bring money on the run.” Do the chant 3 times also.
Sit quietly for a few minutes and visualize your monetary NEEDS.
(needs, not desires). Then SNUFF (do not blow or pinch) the candles in
reverse order.

That’s it. That’s all there is to it and it works beautifully.

Lady A’s Spell of the Day for Mar. 29th – Candle Spell Against Psychic Attack


–white candle red candle black candle
Imagine a blue ball of energy inside the candles. Caress the candles as you chant:
Goddess of Three, I call upon thee,
To protect from those who wish to harm me
Keep them from using the gift from thee
Keep them from using thy gift to harm me
When you finish chanting, imagine the blue ball exploding into lines of blue.
Imagine the lines surrounding you and wrapping you in warm blue energy.
See the blue light as a shield. Know that it is unbreakable.
Think about how it is the Goddess’ Light protecting you.
Then put the candles someplace where they can burn undisturbed and let them burn themselves
out, sending all the energy into your shield. This spell is best performed during the full moon.
For longer effects you can make it a seven-day spell.



Do this 5 nights in a row, at dusk – as the sun dies and darkness descends.
Light 2 Black candles and as they burn, speak this invocation:
In the name of the Gods and all ye spirits,
In the name of Kernunnos, and the light and the dark
and the Gods of the Netherworld,
Remove thy curse and sting from my heart and mine.
And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me,
Let he or she suffer their own curse.
Let these candles be their candles,
This burning be their burning,
This curse be their curse.
Let the pain they have caused me and mine
Fall upon themselves.
The two candles are completely burned each night.

Lady A’s Spell for June 27: Candle Spell Against Psychic Attack


–white candle red candle black candle
Imagine a blue ball of energy inside the candles. Caress the candles as you chant:
Goddess of Three, I call upon thee,
To protect from those who wish to harm me
Keep them from using the gift from thee
Keep them from using thy gift to harm me
When you finish chanting, imagine the blue ball exploding into lines of blue.
Imagine the lines surrounding you and wrapping you in warm blue energy.
See the blue light as a shield. Know that it is unbreakable.
Think about how it is the Goddess’ Light protecting you.
Then put the candles someplace where they can burn undisturbed and let them burn themselves
out, sending all the energy into your shield. This spell is best performed during the full moon.
For longer effects you can make it a seven-day spell.