And the rest of Your Divination for Tuesday, May 30th

In this episodes, you will find…..

Your Daily Tarot Card

Your Love Tarot Card

Your Erotic Tarot Card

Your Weekly Influences

Your Lucky Tarot Card

Your Witches Rune

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today

Your Animal Spirit for Today

Your Charm for Today

Thought from the Buddha

A Little Thought from me to you….



Wishing You & Yours A Very Beautiful & Blessed Tuesday Morn’!

Welcoming the Dawn


In many spiritual traditions dawn – when the world is at its most peaceful –  is regarded as an ideal time for meditation. Just before dawn go outside and find a place to sit and watch the sunrise. As the sun emerges above the horizon, fill your awareness with the brightening hues of the sky and rejoice in the beauty of the new day. Feel the golden rays of the sun warm your face and allow hope to fill your heart and refresh your spirit. You have started the day well, my friend.

1001 Meditation

Mike George


Also included in this podcast, you will find…

Your Weekly Karmic Forecast by Kelly Beard

Your Weekly Love Horoscopes

Your Horoscopes for the Week of May 29th

Coming Up…

Your Daily Horoscopes

Your Birthday Horoscopes

Get a Jump on Tomorrow, Your Horoscopes for Wed., May 31st